Dealing with trolls is one of the most frustrating parts of being online, especially when target the way you look.

Whether it’s a random stranger leaving a rude comment or someone making a passive-aggressive remark on your latest selfie, it can be hard not to take it personally. But trolls thrive on reactions, and the way you respond can make all the difference in whether they keep at it or just get bored and move on. Here are some ways to deal with it that will frustrate them (because they’re not getting a rise out of you) and restore your peace.
1. Ignore and move on.

Sometimes, the best response is no response at all. Trolls want attention, and when you don’t engage, you take away their power. If their goal is to get under your skin, showing that you’re unbothered is the ultimate win. Scrolling past or blocking them is an easy way to protect your peace. At the end of the day, their words say more about them than they do about you. Not giving them the reaction they want can be the most satisfying response.
2. Use humour to shut them down.

Nothing throws off a troll like an unexpected joke. Responding with something lighthearted or sarcastic can take the sting out of their insult and make them look ridiculous in the process. When you don’t take them seriously, it removes their ability to hurt you. A simple “Thanks for the feedback, fashion expert” or “Wow, I had no idea I was supposed to look like a magazine cover every day” can turn the insult back on them. When you can laugh at their attempt to bring you down, it takes away their power.
3. Call out their insecurity.

People who criticise other people’s appearances often have their own insecurities. Instead of taking their comment personally, flip the perspective — what kind of person feels the need to tear someone else down? Calling this out in a subtle way can make them rethink their actions. Responding with “You must be really confident to spend your time judging strangers online” puts the focus back on them. Trolls usually aren’t prepared to be questioned about their own issues, and sometimes, that’s enough to make them disappear.
4. Hit them with kindness.

Nothing confuses a troll more than responding with kindness. A simple “Hope you have a great day!” or “Wishing you happiness” can completely throw them off. They expect anger or sadness, but kindness gives them nowhere to go. Some trolls feed on negativity, so refusing to match their energy can make them lose interest. Sometimes, the most powerful thing you can do is show them that their cruelty doesn’t affect you.
5. Block and forget.

You don’t owe anyone access to your space, especially if they’re only there to be negative. Blocking a troll is a quick, effective way to cut off their ability to bother you. It’s not a sign of weakness — it’s protecting your mental space. There’s no reason to waste your energy on people who go out of their way to be cruel. A block button exists for a reason, and using it freely can save you unnecessary stress.
6. Remind yourself that their opinion doesn’t matter.

At the end of the day, a troll’s comment doesn’t define you. They don’t know you, your life, or anything about what makes you special. Their words are meaningless in the grand scheme of things. It’s easy to get caught up in negativity, but stepping back and remembering that their opinion holds no weight can help. If someone random on the internet thinks they have a say in your worth, that’s their problem—not yours.
7. Respond with brutal honesty.

Sometimes, the best response is to expose the ridiculousness of their comment. If someone criticises your appearance, hit them with something blunt, like “You really think I care what you think?” or “Imagine spending your time insulting strangers online.” When you make it clear that their words mean nothing, it forces them to rethink why they’re even doing it. Trolls usually expect people to be defensive—meeting them with direct honesty often leaves them speechless.
8. Flip it into a compliment.

One way to completely disarm a troll is to take their insult and turn it into something positive. If they call you “too pale,” you can say, “Thanks! I was going for a vampire aesthetic.” If they comment on your weight, you can respond with, “Good, I love food.” Turning negativity into something empowering takes away the sting. When you show that their words don’t bother you, it makes them feel powerless.
9. Recognise that their comment says more about them than you.

Happy, confident people don’t go around attacking other people. If someone takes the time to insult your appearance, they’re likely dealing with their own issues. Instead of taking it personally, recognise that their negativity is about them, not you. Once you realise that their words are just a reflection of their own struggles, it becomes easier to brush them off. A secure person has no need to tear anyone else down.
10. Challenge their logic.

If a troll makes a rude comment, respond with a simple, “And why does that matter?” or “Why are you so invested in my appearance?” Most of the time, they won’t have a real answer. Forcing them to justify their rudeness puts them on the spot. Trolls usually aren’t expecting to be questioned—they’re expecting an emotional reaction. Challenging them can make them rethink their behaviour.
11. Let other people handle it.

If a troll targets you in a public space, sometimes your friends or followers will step in before you even need to. Letting people shut them down can be just as satisfying as doing it yourself. A supportive community can remind you that one negative comment doesn’t define you. Surrounding yourself with people who lift you up makes it easier to ignore those who try to bring you down. When you have a strong support system, a troll’s opinion becomes irrelevant.
12. Screenshot and expose them.

If someone is being particularly vile, sometimes exposing their behaviour is a way to hold them accountable. Sharing their comment with the simple caption “Imagine being this miserable” can turn the tables. Nobody likes being called out for their bad behaviour. While this doesn’t work in every situation, sometimes shedding light on a troll’s actions can discourage them from doing it again. Many of them only act tough when they think no one’s watching.
13. Don’t give them free rent in your mind.

Trolls love knowing they’ve got to you. The best thing you can do is refuse to let their words live in your head. The quicker you move on, the less impact they have. Your energy is too valuable to waste on someone who doesn’t even know you. The sooner you let their words go, the sooner they lose any power over you.
14. Remember that you don’t owe anyone perfection.

The internet is full of unrealistic beauty standards, and trolls love pointing out anything that doesn’t fit them. But you don’t exist to meet anyone’s expectations. You are allowed to look like yourself, flaws and all. The right people will appreciate you for who you are, not for how well you fit into some stranger’s idea of beauty. The sooner you embrace that, the less any troll’s comment will matter.