Some people seem to have all the luck, while others feel like literally nothing ever goes their way.

But is luck really just random chance, or is there more to it? The truth is, it has nothing to do with fate or random chance. In fact, it’s usually a bit more concrete than that — it’s influenced by mindset, actions, and the opportunities you create for yourself. Here’s what you need to know about luck and how to make it work in your favour.
1. Luck isn’t down to chance — it’s about patterns.

It’s easy to think of luck as something random, but in reality, lucky people often follow patterns of behaviour that increase their chances of good things happening. They put themselves in situations where opportunities are more likely to arise, rather than waiting for luck to find them. If you want to feel luckier, start paying attention to patterns in your own life. The more you step outside your comfort zone, meet new people, and take risks, the more chances you give luck to work in your favour.
2. Your mindset plays a huge role in how lucky you feel.

People who believe they’re lucky tend to notice opportunities more often than those who think they’re unlucky. It’s not that lucky people are actually experiencing more good fortune — it’s that they recognise and act on opportunities when they appear. By changing your mindset and expecting good things to happen, you naturally become more open to spotting lucky breaks. Seeing yourself as lucky encourages you to take more positive action, which in turn leads to better results.
3. Luck often comes down to preparation.

One of the biggest truths about luck is that it usually favours those who are prepared. When opportunities pop up, lucky people are ready to grab them because they’ve put in the work beforehand. It’s not just about being in the right place at the right time; it’s about being ready when that moment comes. If you want to be luckier, focus on improving your skills, building connections, and staying open to new possibilities. The more prepared you are, the more often you’ll find yourself in situations where luck seems to be on your side.
4. Taking risks increases your chances of getting lucky.

People who never take risks often find themselves stuck in the same routines, with little room for luck to intervene. The more risks you take — whether it’s applying for a dream job, trying something new, or putting yourself out there — the more chances you create for good fortune. Of course, not every risk pays off, but every step outside your comfort zone increases the likelihood of something great happening. Luck doesn’t always knock on your door. You have to go out and meet it halfway.
5. Lucky people bounce back quickly from setbacks.

Everyone experiences bad luck at some point, but the way you respond to the tough stuff in life makes all the difference. People who see challenges as temporary and keep moving forward are far more likely to find new opportunities after a loss. If you dwell on bad luck or let failures define you, you’ll struggle to recognise lucky breaks when they come. Learning to see obstacles as part of the journey helps you stay open to unexpected opportunities that might follow.
6. Luck is often about who you know.

Many lucky breaks come through connections with other people, whether it’s a job opportunity, a chance meeting, or someone recommending you for something great. Building strong relationships increases the likelihood of being in the right place at the right time. Expanding your network and staying open to new connections can lead to unexpected opportunities. You never know who might introduce you to your next lucky break, so staying engaged with other people is key.
7. Paying attention to your intuition can lead to lucky decisions.

Sometimes, luck isn’t about external events; it’s about listening to that gut feeling that nudges you in a certain direction. Many lucky people credit their good fortune to instincts rather than logic alone. If something feels right, even if it doesn’t make perfect sense on paper, it might be worth exploring. Learning to trust your intuition can help you make decisions that lead to positive outcomes.
8. Being open-minded attracts more luck.

Lucky people tend to be flexible and open to new experiences, while unlucky people often resist change. When you’re too rigid in your thinking, you might miss out on opportunities because they don’t fit into your expectations. If you want to be luckier, start saying “yes” more often. Whether it’s a new project, a random invite, or a fresh idea, embracing the unknown can lead to unexpected and lucky opportunities.
9. Gratitude makes you feel luckier, even if nothing changes.

Sometimes, luck is less about what actually happens and more about how you perceive it. People who regularly feel grateful tend to feel luckier too because they focus on what’s going right rather than what’s going wrong. By focusing your attention on the positives in your life, you naturally start attracting more good things. When you appreciate what you already have, you’re more likely to notice new opportunities when they come.
10. Lucky people stay optimistic, even when things go wrong.

Optimistic people tend to see setbacks as temporary and believe that good things are just around the corner. That belief keeps them moving forward and ready to embrace new opportunities when they arise. If you want to feel luckier, train yourself to expect good things, even when life isn’t going perfectly. Thinking that way helps you stay motivated and prepared for the next lucky break.
11. Helping other people often brings luck in return.

Many successful and lucky people will tell you that giving to other people — whether it’s time, advice, or support — often leads to unexpected good fortune. The more you help those around you, the more goodwill and positive energy you put out into the world. Acts of kindness often come back in surprising ways. Whether it’s a job lead, a new friendship, or an unexpected opportunity, helping people creates a cycle of luck that benefits everyone involved.
12. Stepping outside your routine can invite unexpected luck.

Falling into the same patterns every day limits the chances of encountering something new. Lucky people often break routine, explore new places, and put themselves in unfamiliar situations where surprises can happen. If you always take the same route to work, shop at the same places, or socialise with the same people, try switching things up. Even small changes in your routine can lead to unexpected opportunities.
13. Luck isn’t always instant — it sometimes takes time to show up.

Many lucky breaks happen because of actions taken months or even years earlier. A job you applied for long ago, a person you met briefly, or a skill you learned long before might suddenly lead to an opportunity when you least expect it. If you feel unlucky right now, remember that the work you’re putting in today could lead to good fortune in the future. Trust that luck is sometimes just waiting for the right moment to appear.