14 Signs You’re About To Get Fired (And How To Save Your Job)

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That gut feeling at work isn’t just the dodgy meal deal you had for lunch.

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Something’s off  — maybe it’s the awkward silence when you join the tea round, or your manager suddenly becoming formal in Teams messages. Before you start panic-applying for every job in a 50-mile radius, take a breath. Spotting these warning signs early might just save your position, or at least give you time to update that CV you haven’t touched since 2019. Here’s what to watch for, and more importantly, how to turn things around before you’re clearing out your desk.

1. Meeting invites have dried up.

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You’ve gone from required attendee to “optional” faster than the office milk disappears on Monday morning. The weekly catch-up with your manager keeps getting “rescheduled” into oblivion. Important decisions are happening in meetings you didn’t even know existed. Fix it: Request a one-to-one with your manager to discuss your role in upcoming projects, and start documenting your contributions via email.

2. Your workload’s shrinking.

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The prime projects are going to your colleagues while you’re stuck updating spreadsheets from 2018. Your inbox is quieter than the office kitchen after someone’s burned their toast. Tasks that were “urgent” last month have mysteriously disappeared from your plate. Fix it: Take initiative by proposing new projects and volunteering for additional responsibilities, then document everything in writing.

3. Performance improvement plan appears.

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HR’s involved now, and suddenly, your job description has more specific targets than a Premier League striker. Every minor task requires documentation and sign-off from your manager. The informal feedback has turned into formal emails copying in people you’ve never met. Fix it: Treat the PIP as your personal roadmap, exceed every target, and keep a detailed log of your achievements.

4. Office equipment musical chairs.

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Your second monitor vanishes during that one sick day you took. The new laptop upgrades somehow skipped your desk entirely. Your office chair mysteriously gets “borrowed” while you’re at lunch and never returns. Fix it: Raise these issues professionally through proper channels, documenting each instance with IT support tickets.

5. Colleague communication changes.

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Your team’s WhatsApp group’s gone quieter than a library at closing time. People switch to Teams calls when you approach their desk. The Friday pub lunch invites have mysteriously stopped appearing in your calendar. Fix it: Maintain professionalism while actively engaging in group discussions and contributing valuable insights during meetings.

6. Management’s paper trail intensifies.

Milan Markovic

Every conversation with your manager ends with, “Could you just confirm that by email?” Your inbox is filled with more CYA emails than actual work. Simple requests now require formal documentation and multiple approvals. Fix it: Match their formality level while maintaining detailed records of all interactions and decisions.

7. Training opportunities vanish.

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Your request for that Excel course got rejected faster than a dodgy pound coin. The company’s suddenly “reviewing all training budgets” but only for your department. Your professional development meetings keep getting postponed indefinitely. Fix it: Create your own development plan, including free resources and internal knowledge sharing opportunities.

8. Micromanagement intensifies.

konstantin yuganov

Your manager’s suddenly interested in every tea break you take. Time sheets now require detailed descriptions of your bathroom visits. Every missed Teams call results in a formal email asking for explanation. Fix it: Over-communicate your daily activities and progress without being prompted.

9. Access restrictions appear.


Your login credentials start failing for systems you’ve used for months. Shared drives suddenly require new permissions you don’t have. Your security clearance needs “reviewing” for basic office areas. Fix it: Document these changes and enquire through proper IT channels while maintaining copies of important work files.

10. Client relationships shift.

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Key accounts are quietly moved to other team members without explanation. Your client emails need to be copied to three different managers. Long-standing relationships are suddenly “being restructured for efficiency.” Fix it: Document all client interactions and successes, while preparing detailed handover notes for each account.

11. Budget cuts target you.

Konstantin Postumitenko

Your office supplies requests get more scrutiny than a Bank of England audit. The company credit card limit’s been reduced just for your expenses. Your overtime suddenly requires director-level approval. Fix it: Maintain detailed records of all expenses and their business justification.

12. Redundancy rumours surface.

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Mysterious meetings appear in the calendar without agendas or attendee lists. The phrase “restructuring” starts appearing in company emails more often than “kind regards.” Senior managers from head office are touring your department with serious expressions. Fix it: Update your CV while documenting your current role’s unique value to the company.

13. Performance metrics change.

Liubomyr Vorona

Goals posts move more often than a Sunday league football match. New KPIs appear without warning or context. Targets change halfway through your review period. Fix it: Get all new metrics in writing and create an action plan showing how you’ll meet them.

14. Email traffic patterns shift.


You’re CC’d rather than TO’d on emails about your own projects. Important updates reach you through the grapevine instead of official channels. Your suggestions in group emails get ignored like a vegetarian at a BBQ. Fix it: Maintain visible email engagement while documenting all key communications and decisions.