Love makes you do crazy things, as they say, but some of those things aren’t ones anyone is necessarily proud of.

While we hopefully grow out of some of the more toxic behaviours of our youth, there are still things people do for love — or what they think is love — that are embarrassing, belittling, or just downright wrong. No one wants to ‘fess up to doing these things, but pretty much everyone has at some point.
1. They change their appearance to impress someone.

Whether it’s a new haircut or a whole wardrobe overhaul, people often tweak their looks to catch someone’s eye. It’s not always a conscious decision, but the influence of attraction on our style choices is undeniable.
2. They stalk their crush’s social media profiles.

Who hasn’t got caught up scrolling through years of posts and photos? It’s a bit embarrassing to admit, but it’s surprisingly common. People spend hours piecing together their crush’s life story from online breadcrumbs.
3. They pretend to like things they actually hate.

Suddenly, that awful reality TV show becomes ‘fascinating’ when your crush loves it. People often feign interest in activities or topics they couldn’t care less about, just to have something in common with their love interest.
4. They go out of their way to ‘accidentally’ bump into someone.

Taking the long route home or frequenting a certain café in hopes of running into a crush is more common than most would admit. These ‘chance’ encounters are often carefully orchestrated.
5. They practise what they’re going to say before a date.

Many people rehearse conversations in their head or even in front of a mirror before a date. It’s an attempt to appear smooth and witty, even if it rarely goes according to plan.
6. They endure physical discomfort to look good.

Squeezing into uncomfortable clothes or shoes, or sitting through painful beauty treatments — all in the name of love. People often put up with discomfort to present their ‘best’ selves.
7. They cyber-stalk their ex’s new partner.

Curiosity often gets the better of people, leading them to investigate their ex’s new flame online. It’s a habit many are ashamed to admit, but find hard to resist.
8. They pretend to be busier than they actually are.

Playing hard to get is an age-old tactic. People often create the illusion of a packed schedule to seem more desirable, even if they’re actually free as a bird.
9. They spend way too long crafting the perfect text message.

Agonising over every word, emoji, and punctuation mark in a text is surprisingly common. People want to come across as casual yet interesting, often spending far more time on messages than they’d like to admit.
10. They make up elaborate stories to cover their tracks.

Whether it’s hiding a surprise or concealing less-than-perfect behaviour, people sometimes concoct complex lies in the name of love. These tales can quickly spiral out of control, leading to even more fibbing.
11. They go to events they have no interest in.

From sports matches to art exhibitions, people often suffer through events they find mind-numbingly dull, all to spend time with someone they fancy. The things we do for love can test our patience.
12. They pretend to be more athletic or outdoorsy than they are.

Suddenly, couch potatoes become hiking enthusiasts when trying to impress an active love interest. This façade can lead to some uncomfortable (and potentially embarrassing) situations.
13. They ask friends to spy on their behalf.

Enlisting friends to gather intel on a crush or ex is more common than most would admit. It’s a way to satisfy curiosity without directly involving oneself, though it can backfire spectacularly.
14. They ignore red flags in a new relationship.

When infatuated, it’s easy to overlook warning signs. People often convince themselves that certain behaviours aren’t as bad as they seem, all in the hope of making the relationship work.
15. They become jealous of their partner’s friends.

Even the most secure individuals can feel a twinge of jealousy towards their partner’s close friends. It’s an uncomfortable feeling that many try to suppress or deny.
16. They Google their date before meeting.

Pre-date research is incredibly common in the digital age. People scour the internet for information on their date, trying to get a head start on conversation topics or potential red flags.
17. They try to make their ex jealous on social media.

Posting carefully curated photos or status updates to show an ex what they’re missing is a temptation many find hard to resist. It’s a digital-age way of saying, “Look how great I’m doing without you!”
18. They compromise their values or beliefs.

In the throes of a new relationship, people sometimes find themselves agreeing with opinions or participating in activities that go against their personal beliefs. It’s a slippery slope that many later regret.
19. They neglect other important relationships.

When caught up in romantic love, it’s easy to let friendships and family relationships slide. Many people later feel guilty about the times they prioritised a romantic partner over long-standing relationships.
20. They keep mementos from past relationships.

Despite claiming to be “totally over it”, many people secretly hold on to items from past loves. These keepsakes are often hidden away, serving as bittersweet reminders of former flames.
21. They fantasise about a future together far too soon.

Daydreaming about marriage and kids after just a few dates is more common than most would admit. These premature fantasies can lead to unrealistic expectations and disappointment.