Sometimes life throws such terrifying or horrible things at you, that even if you don’t believe in God, you start praying to Him to intervene and help you out.

Maybe it’s not a proper prayer, but a desperate plea for a higher power — if one exists, you’re quick to point out — to fix what’s wrong: to heal a sick loved one, to get you out of a serious bind, etc. No matter how staunchly you hold to your atheism, if you’re honest with yourself, you’ve probably called on God if you’ve been through these things, even if you didn’t have much faith that He’d answer.
1. During a health scare

When you’re sitting in a hospital room or waiting for test results, it’s impossible not to feel the weight of uncertainty pressing down on you. No matter how rational you are, in those moments, you might catch yourself thinking, “Please, let this be okay.” Health scares have a way of reminding us just how vulnerable we are, and when we can’t control the outcome, reaching out for some kind of divine help feels almost like a lifeline. It’s not about suddenly developing faith; it’s more about wanting comfort in a scary situation. Saying something, even just mentally, can provide a little hope when fear takes over.
2. Before a big exam or presentation

Whether it’s the night before an exam or the hours leading up to a major presentation, those last-minute nerves can feel almost unbearable. Even the most prepared person can suddenly start doubting themselves, and in those moments of anxiety, a quick “Please let this go well” might slip out without thinking. It’s not about thinking you’ll magically pass or impress everyone, but it’s about trying to calm those nerves and focus. A little silent wish or hope helps centre your thoughts, providing that tiny bit of reassurance that you can get through it, no matter what.
3. When turbulence hits mid-flight

There’s nothing quite like the sudden jolt of turbulence to make even the calmest passenger grip the armrest and think, “God, please keep us safe.” Flying can already be unnerving for some, but unexpected turbulence brings a whole new level of fear. In these moments, even people who don’t believe in a higher power find themselves whispering to the universe, asking for help. It’s a raw reaction to the fear of the unknown, something that feels completely out of your control. Calling out for help, even just for a brief moment, can bring a sense of security when everything else feels shaky.
4. During childbirth or watching someone give birth

Childbirth is a monumental experience, full of awe but also tons of uncertainty. Whether you’re the one giving birth or watching someone you love go through it, there’s this intense vulnerability that everyone feels. Even if you’re a complete sceptic, in those moments, you might silently hope for everything to go smoothly. It’s not so much about suddenly believing, but about needing every ounce of positive energy you can find. Asking for divine intervention in this moment is about wanting a little bit of protection in one of the most powerful experiences in life.
5. When a loved one is in danger

Watching someone you love in danger is one of the most gut-wrenching experiences you can go through. Whether they’re in the middle of an accident or facing a serious health crisis, those moments are filled with fear and helplessness. In desperation, even the most non-religious person might find themselves thinking, “Please let them be okay.” It’s a way of expressing that deep care and love, while also trying to hold onto some hope when things feel completely out of your hands.
6. Before making a life-changing decision

Making big decisions — like moving to a new country, switching careers, or committing to a long-term relationship — can be overwhelming. Even the most confident person might pause and think, “Let this be the right choice.” These moments come with a mix of excitement and doubt, and even if you don’t believe in God, it’s natural to look for some reassurance that you’re heading in the right direction. In these moments, you want something greater than yourself to give you some kind of clarity, even if it’s just a fleeting thought.
7. When faced with natural disasters

Nature has a way of reminding us of our own fragility. Hurricanes, wildfires, and earthquakes often leave us feeling tiny and powerless. In the midst of these natural disasters, even those who wouldn’t normally turn to prayer can find themselves calling out for help. Saying “God help us” becomes a universal plea that transcends beliefs. It’s not about expecting miracles, but rather finding a sense of connection during a time of total chaos. It’s about wanting strength to face the uncertainty, hoping for safety and resilience.
8. Driving through extreme weather

If you’ve ever had to drive through blinding snow, torrential rain, or thick fog, you know the kind of gut-wrenching fear that can come with it. The road feels uncertain, and in those moments, even the most logical person might find themselves muttering, “Please let me get through this safely.” It’s a reaction that mixes fear with a wish for safety, hoping that you can make it through without incident. Calling for help, even just internally, can offer a brief moment of calm when everything else feels out of control.
9. During heartbreak or grief

The emotional devastation of losing someone close to you, whether through death, a breakup, or estrangement, is one of the toughest experiences anyone can go through. In these raw, painful moments, even people who don’t believe in a higher power often find themselves whispering, “Please help me get through this.” It’s a cry for strength and healing, more than it is about religious faith. These moments are about looking for connection and comfort in the face of overwhelming sadness, and sometimes, reaching out, even in the quietest way, can help you cope.
10. When a pet goes missing

Losing a beloved pet is an emotional rollercoaster, and when they go missing, it’s easy to feel completely helpless. You love them like family, and the idea of them being lost or in danger is unbearable. In those frantic moments, you might find yourself asking, “Please let them come home.” Pets bring a special kind of comfort, and when they’re gone, it feels like something is missing from your life. Asking for help during these moments offers a bit of hope, even if you’re not sure where to turn.
11. In the middle of a serious argument

Arguments with loved ones can be emotionally draining, and when the tension runs high, it’s easy to find yourself thinking, “Please, let’s just work this out.” Even if you’re angry or upset, there’s still that deep desire for peace and resolution. In the midst of a heated discussion, calling out, even just mentally, is a way of asking for guidance to help you both navigate through the conflict. It reflects a wish for healing, understanding, and reconciliation, despite the intensity of the moment.
12. When lost in an unfamiliar place

There’s a special kind of panic that hits when you find yourself lost, especially in an unfamiliar city or remote area. In those moments of uncertainty, even the most sceptical might find themselves hoping for a sign or guidance to get back on track. Whether you’re looking for directions or just a sense of reassurance, asking for help provides a moment of clarity and control. It’s not about the literal help of a higher power, but about grounding yourself when you feel completely lost.
13. Before a major sporting event or competition

It’s no secret that athletes and fans alike have their pre-game rituals, and sometimes, even the most non-believing fan might whisper, “Please, just let us win.” The build-up to these events can be emotional, and the desire for success or victory often brings a mix of hope and anxiety. It’s not just about the win – it’s about wanting everything to come together at the right moment, and asking for a little extra luck feels like part of the process.
14. After narrowly avoiding a disaster

We’ve all had those “close call” moments – whether it’s swerving to avoid an accident or just managing to catch yourself before you fall. In those heart-stopping seconds, even the most sceptical person might find themselves muttering, “Oh my God.” It’s a visceral reaction to relief and awe, acknowledging how close you came to disaster. It’s not about belief in a higher power, but about recognising that something, whether luck or fate, helped you avoid a bad outcome.
15. When life feels overwhelming

Sometimes, life just feels like a lot. Between work stress, personal challenges, and everything in between, it can feel impossible to keep up. When you hit those breaking points, even non-believers might find themselves thinking, “I can’t do this alone.” It’s a way of calling for strength when everything feels like it’s crashing down around you. It’s not about expecting a miracle, but about reaching out for some reassurance that things will get better, even if you don’t have all the answers right now.