You’re Probably Committing Some Of These Rude Texting Habits

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Texting is the primary way most of us communicate these days, but that doesn’t mean we’re all doing it well.

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There’s a chance you could have some texting habits that are less than desirable (or even offensive) to the person on the receiving end. If you do any of these things, it’s time to shape up your texting behaviour.

1. You leave people hanging with the dreaded ‘…’

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We’ve all seen those three little dots appear, promising a response that never comes. It’s like being left on the edge of your seat, waiting for the punchline that never arrives. Leaving someone hanging with the dreaded ‘…’ can be frustrating and make people feel ignored. If you need a moment to gather your thoughts, just let them know instead of leaving them in suspense.

2. You send one-word responses or just ‘k’

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While brevity can be the soul of wit, one-word responses or a simple ‘k’ can come across as dismissive or uninterested. It’s like saying, “Yeah, whatever, I’m not really bothered.” Take a few extra seconds to craft a more thoughtful response, even if it’s just a quick “Sounds good!” or “Thanks for letting me know.”

3. You bombard people with multiple messages in a row

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Imagine opening your phone to a barrage of notifications, all from the same person. It can be overwhelming and a bit inconsiderate. If you have multiple things to say, try to condense them into a single message or wait for a response before sending another one. Let’s give people a chance to breathe!

4. You use excessive emojis or abbreviations

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Emojis and abbreviations can be fun and add personality to your texts, but overusing them can make your messages difficult to decipher. It’s like trying to read a code that only you understand. Strike a balance and use them sparingly to enhance your message, not obscure it.

5. You text at inappropriate times

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Nobody wants to be woken up by a text notification at 3 am or interrupted during a meeting. Be mindful of the time and avoid texting people when they’re likely to be asleep, busy, or otherwise engaged. A little consideration goes a long way.

6. You ignore messages or take ages to respond

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We all get busy, but consistently ignoring messages or taking days to respond can make people feel unimportant or like you’re not interested in talking to them. If you’re genuinely swamped, a quick “Hey, I’m a bit busy right now, but I’ll get back to you later” can go a long way in showing that you care.

7. You overshare personal information or gossip

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Texting can feel like a private conversation, but it’s important to remember that messages can be easily forwarded or screenshotted. Avoid oversharing personal information or spreading gossip via text. It’s not only disrespectful to the people involved, but can also damage your own reputation.

8. You use all caps or excessive punctuation

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TEXTING IN ALL CAPS OR USING LOTS OF EXCLAMATION MARKS CAN FEEL LIKE YOU’RE SHOUTING AT SOMEONE!!!! It can be jarring and come across as aggressive or overly excited. Use punctuation and capitalisation sparingly to convey your tone, not to blast your message into someone’s face.

9. You send unsolicited pictures or videos

man texting on phoneSource: Unsplash

Nobody wants to receive a random picture or video they didn’t ask for, especially if it’s something inappropriate or NSFW. Always ask for permission before sending anything that could be considered sensitive or potentially offensive. It’s basic respect and common sense.

10. You use passive-aggressive language or sarcasm


Text messages can be easily misinterpreted, and sarcasm or passive-aggressive language can come across as hurtful or confusing. If you’re feeling frustrated or upset, it’s better to address the issue directly in person or over the phone rather than resorting to cryptic texts.

11. You constantly check your phone during conversations

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There’s nothing more frustrating than trying to have a conversation with someone who’s constantly glued to their phone. It sends the message that you’re not fully present or interested in what they have to say. Put your phone away and give the person your undivided attention. It’s basic courtesy.

12. You ghost people or leave conversations abruptly

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Suddenly disappearing from a conversation without explanation or ending a chat abruptly can leave people feeling confused and hurt. If you need to end a conversation, a simple “Gotta run, talk to you later!” or “I’m heading to bed, goodnight!” is much better than leaving someone hanging.

13. You use text to avoid difficult conversations

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While texting can be convenient, it’s not the best medium for handling sensitive or emotionally charged conversations. If you need to have a serious discussion with someone, it’s better to do it in person or over the phone, where you can pick up on non-verbal cues and avoid misunderstandings.

14. You send long, rambling texts that are hard to follow

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Nobody wants to read a novel-length text message. Keep your messages concise and to the point. If you have a lot to say, consider breaking it up into multiple shorter messages or suggesting a phone call instead.

15. You constantly correct people’s grammar or spelling

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While it’s great to have good grammar and spelling, constantly correcting people’s texts can come across as nitpicky and annoying. Unless it’s absolutely crucial for understanding the message, let minor errors slide. Focus on the content of the conversation, not the typos.

16. You overuse voice notes

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Voice notes can be handy for quick messages or when you’re on the go, but bombarding people with lengthy voice notes can be frustrating. Not everyone has the time or inclination to listen to a five-minute monologue. If you have a lot to say, consider typing it out or suggesting a phone call.

17. You reply to group chats with individual messages

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Replying to a group chat with individual messages to each person can clog up everyone’s notifications and create confusion. If your response is relevant to the whole group, keep it in the group chat. If it’s something private, send a separate message to the individual.

18. You use texting as your primary mode of communication

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While texting is convenient, it’s not always the best way to connect with people. Make an effort to call your friends and family, meet up in person, or even send a handwritten letter occasionally. These more personal forms of communication can strengthen your relationships and show that you truly care.