You Can Truly Say You’ve Lived A Good Life If You’ve Done These 15 Things

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Life is what you make of it — that much is really true.

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And while we all have our own hurdles to jump and circumstances to contend with, it’s all about experiencing the best parts of humanity that make life worth living. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t made millions or won’t leave behind a massive legacy. If you’ve done these things, you’ve had an amazing life, and you should be grateful for it.

1. You’ve loved deeply and allowed yourself to be loved in return.


I’m not just talking about romantic love here, but all kinds of love — family, friends, pets, you name it. If you’ve opened your heart and let someone in, really in, then you’ve tasted one of life’s sweetest experiences. It’s not always easy, and sometimes it hurts like crazy, but it’s worth it. The vulnerability and connection that come with true love are what make us human.

2. You’ve taken a leap of faith, even when you were scared.

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Maybe it was quitting that soul-sucking job to pursue your passion, or moving to a new city where you didn’t know a soul. Whatever it was, you faced your fears and took that leap. It might not have worked out perfectly, but the courage it took to try is what counts. Those moments of bravery, big or small, are what shape us and help us grow.

3. You’ve stood up for what you believe in, even when it wasn’t popular.

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It’s easy to go with the flow, but standing up for your convictions when everyone else is headed in the opposite direction? That takes guts. Whether it was speaking out against injustice or defending someone who couldn’t defend themselves, you’ve shown integrity. Those moments of moral courage are what make the world a better place, bit by bit.

4. You’ve forgiven someone, even when it was really, really hard.

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Holding on to anger and resentment is a waste of precious time and energy. If you’ve found it in your heart to forgive someone who hurt you deeply, you’ve done something truly remarkable. It doesn’t mean you forget or that what they did was okay, but letting go of that bitterness frees you. It’s a gift you give yourself as much as the other person.

5. You’ve learned to laugh at yourself.

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Life’s too short to take yourself too seriously all the time. If you can laugh at your own mistakes and quirks, you’re doing alright. Being able to see the humour in life, especially when things aren’t going your way, is a superpower. It makes the tough times more bearable and the good times even sweeter. Plus, it makes you much more fun to be around!

6. You’ve helped someone without expecting anything in return.

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There’s something special about doing good just for the sake of it. Maybe you’ve volunteered at a soup kitchen, helped a stranger change a tyre, or just been there for a friend in need. These acts of kindness, big or small, are what make the world go round. They create ripples of positivity that spread far beyond the initial act. It’s the closest thing to magic we’ve got.

7. You’ve pushed yourself out of your comfort zone.

Liubomyr Vorona

Growth happens at the edge of comfort. If you’ve deliberately put yourself in situations that made you nervous or uncomfortable, you’ve lived. Maybe it was public speaking, trying a new hobby, or travelling solo. Whatever it was, you stretched yourself and came out the other side a little bit stronger, a little bit wiser. That’s what life’s all about — constant growth and learning.

8. You’ve experienced the joy of creating something.

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There’s a unique satisfaction in bringing something new into the world, whether it’s a painting, a garden, a business, or a really good sandwich. The act of creation connects us to something bigger than ourselves. It doesn’t have to be groundbreaking or perfect — the joy is in the process as much as the result. If you’ve felt that spark of creativity and run with it, you’ve tasted one of life’s great pleasures.

9. You’ve made peace with your past.

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We all have regrets and “what ifs”, but if you’ve learned to accept your past and make peace with it, you’re doing well. It doesn’t mean you forget or that everything was okay, but you’ve found a way to live with it and move forward. This kind of self-forgiveness and acceptance is tough, but it’s incredibly freeing. It allows you to live in the present instead of being trapped by the past.

10. You’ve experienced the awe of nature.

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If you’ve ever stood under a starry sky, watched a sunrise over the ocean, or felt dwarfed by massive mountains, you’ve connected with something bigger than yourself. These moments of awe remind us of our place in the universe and can be profoundly humbling and inspiring. They give us perspective and can make our day-to-day worries seem small in comparison. It’s like hitting the reset button for your soul.

11. You’ve found joy in simple pleasures.

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Life isn’t all about grand adventures and big moments. If you can find happiness in a cup of tea, a good book, or a lazy Sunday morning, you’ve cracked one of life’s great secrets. These small joys are what make up the fabric of a happy life. They’re the everyday magic that’s available to all of us, if we just take the time to notice and appreciate them. It’s about being present in the moment and grateful for what you have.

12. You’ve learned from your mistakes.

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Nobody gets through life without messing up. The key is what you do afterwards. If you’ve been able to look at your mistakes honestly, learn from them, and use that knowledge to do better next time, you’re winning at life. It’s not about being perfect, it’s about constant growth and improvement. Each mistake is an opportunity to become a better version of yourself.

13. You’ve made a positive difference in someone’s life.

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Maybe you mentored someone, or supported a friend through a tough time, or raised kids who turned out alright. If you’ve positively impacted someone’s life in a meaningful way, you’ve left your mark on the world. These ripple effects of our actions often go far beyond what we can see. You might never know the full extent of how you’ve influenced people, but knowing you’ve made a difference is deeply satisfying.

14. You’ve found your own definition of success.

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Society often tries to tell us what success looks like — money, status, possessions. But if you’ve figured out what success means to you, and pursued that instead of someone else’s definition, you’re doing it right. Maybe for you, it’s about relationships, or creativity, or making a difference. Whatever it is, defining success on your own terms and living accordingly is a major life achievement. It means you’re living authentically, true to your own values.

15. You’ve learned to be content with who you are.

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This doesn’t mean you stop growing or improving, but it means you’ve come to terms with your quirks, flaws, and strengths. You’re comfortable in your own skin. If you can look in the mirror and genuinely like the person looking back at you, you’re doing alright. Self-acceptance is a journey, not a destination, but making progress on this path is one of life’s most worthwhile endeavours. It’s the foundation for genuine happiness and fulfilling relationships.