Top 20 Worst Responses To “I Love You”

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Hearing those three little words can be exciting, heart-stopping, and sometimes, a little awkward.

If you’ve ever blurted out “I love you” a tad too soon or been on the receiving end of an unexpected declaration, you know that the response can make or break the moment. While some reactions are heart-warming, others are… well, let’s just say they’re best left unsaid. In the spirit of keeping things light-hearted, here are top 20 most cringeworthy responses to “I love you.”

1. “Thanks.”

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This response is the conversational equivalent of a participation trophy. It acknowledges the sentiment, but offers nothing in return. It’s like saying, “I appreciate you telling me, but I don’t feel the same way.” Ouch.

2. “I know.”

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This one reeks of arrogance and self-absorption. It’s as if the person saying “I love you” is simply stating a fact that you’re already well aware of. It completely dismisses the vulnerability and emotional weight of their declaration.

3. “That’s nice.”

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Talk about underwhelming! This response is like pouring a bucket of cold water on a budding flame. It’s dismissive, patronising, and makes the person who confessed their feelings feel like they’ve just told you their favourite ice cream flavour.

4. “Did you hear that? I think I just heard an echo.”

Yuri Arcurs

This is the kind of response that makes you want to crawl into a hole and disappear. It’s awkward, evasive, and suggests that you’re not even willing to acknowledge the words that were just spoken. Crickets would be a more welcome response.

5. “I love… pizza.”

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This one is a classic deflection tactic. It’s a way of changing the subject and avoiding the emotional intensity of the moment. It’s also a pretty clear indication that your feelings aren’t reciprocated, even if you try to disguise it with a cheesy pun.

6. “Who doesn’t?”

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This response is so generic, it’s almost insulting. It implies that the person saying “I love you” is just one of many, and their feelings aren’t particularly special or significant to you. It’s the kind of response that makes you wonder if you’re just another face in the crowd.

7. “Love you too, bro.”

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The dreaded friend zone alert! This response is a clear signal that your romantic feelings aren’t reciprocated. It’s a way of acknowledging the sentiment without actually addressing the underlying emotions. It’s the kind of response that leaves you feeling deflated and disappointed.

8. “I’m not really looking for anything serious right now.”

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This response is a polite way of saying, “Thanks, but no thanks.” It’s a gentle letdown, but a letdown nonetheless. It’s the kind of response that makes you want to rewind the clock and pretend you never said those three little words in the first place.

9. “Do I have something on my face?”


This response is a classic example of deflecting and avoiding the issue at hand. It’s a way of pretending you didn’t hear what was said, or that it doesn’t require a serious response. It’s the kind of response that makes the other person feel like they’re invisible.

10. “Is this a leap year?”

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This response is a strange mix of confusion and evasion. It’s like saying, “I don’t understand what you’re saying, and I don’t want to talk about it.” It’s a way of shutting down the conversation before it even begins.

11. “Are you drunk?”

Photographer: Dragos Condrea

This response is not only insulting but also dismissive of the person’s genuine feelings. It implies that their declaration of love is a result of intoxication rather than a sincere expression of affection. It’s a hurtful response that can damage the relationship.

12. “I love you… as a friend.”

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This is the quintessential “let’s just be friends” response. It’s a gentle way of letting the person down, but it can still sting. It acknowledges the affection but redirects it into a platonic channel, leaving little room for romantic possibilities.

13. “I’m not sure how to respond to that.”

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This response is often used when someone is caught off guard or unsure of their own feelings. While it may be honest, it can also be frustrating for the person who confessed their love. It leaves them hanging and unsure of where they stand.

14. “That’s a lot of pressure.”


This response shifts the focus from the declaration of love to the perceived burden it places on the recipient. It can make the person who said “I love you” feel like they’ve done something wrong or overstepped a boundary. It’s a defensive response that can create distance in the relationship.

15. “I need some time to think about it.”

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While this response may seem reasonable, it can also be agonising for the person waiting for an answer. It suggests that their feelings aren’t a priority and that you’re not sure if you reciprocate them. It’s a response that leaves the door open, but also creates uncertainty and anxiety.

16. “You’re moving too fast.”


This response implies that the person saying “I love you” is rushing into things and not considering the natural progression of the relationship. It can make them feel like they’ve made a mistake or misjudged the situation. It’s a response that can put a damper on the budding romance.

17. “I’m not ready for that word yet.”

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This response suggests that the person saying “I love you” is further along in their feelings than you are. It’s a gentle way of saying that you’re not on the same page emotionally. It’s a response that can be disappointing, but also leaves room for the relationship to develop at a slower pace.

18. “I’m flattered, but…”

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This response is a polite way of rejecting someone’s affections. The “but” that follows is often filled with reasons why the relationship can’t work. It’s a way of softening the blow, but it can still be hurtful to hear.

19. “I thought we were just having fun.”

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This response implies that the person saying “I love you” has misread the situation and that the relationship was never meant to be anything more than casual. It’s a hurtful response that can invalidate the other person’s feelings.

20. Silence

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Sometimes, the worst response is no response at all. Silence can be deafening and leave the person who confessed their love feeling rejected and embarrassed. It’s a response that speaks volumes, even though no words are spoken.