15 Things You Should Never Do In Public

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We all like to think we know how to behave in public, but the truth is, some people could use a refresher course in basic decency and common sense.

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Whether it’s due to ignorance, selfishness, or just plain bad manners, there are certain things you should never do in a shared space. So, let’s go over some ground rules for being a decent human being when you’re out and about. Here are 15 things you should absolutely avoid doing in public.

1. Clipping your nails

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There’s a time and a place for personal grooming, and it’s not on the bus or in the middle of a cafe. No one wants to see your fingernail clippings flying across the room or hear the sound of you snipping away. It’s unhygienic, unsightly, and just plain rude. Keep your nail care routine at home, where it belongs. And while we’re at it, the same goes for flossing your teeth or plucking your eyebrows in public. Just don’t.

2. Having loud phone conversations

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We get it, you’re important and you have people to talk to. But the rest of the world doesn’t need to hear every detail of your conversation. When you’re in a public space, keep your voice down and your personal business to yourself. No one wants to be subjected to your loud chatter about last night’s date or your latest work drama. If you need to take a call, find a quiet corner or step outside. And for the love of all that is holy, don’t put it on speakerphone.

3. Littering

Evgenii Leontev

This one should be a no-brainer, but apparently some people still haven’t got the memo. Littering is not only lazy and selfish, it’s also terrible for the environment. When you toss your rubbish on the ground or leave your rubbish behind, you’re making the world a dirtier, uglier place for everyone else. Take some responsibility for your own mess and find a bin. It’s really not that hard.

4. Blocking the pavement

Eugenio Marongiu

Pavements are for walking, not for congregating with your mates or having a leisurely chat. When you block the path, you’re forcing everyone else to navigate around you or step into the street. It’s inconsiderate and potentially dangerous. If you need to stop and talk, move to the side and let people pass. And if you’re walking with a group, don’t take up the entire pavement. Be aware of your surroundings and share the space.

5. Not cleaning up after your dog


If you’re a dog owner, you have a responsibility to clean up after your furry friend. No one wants to step in a pile of poo or see it littering the pavement. It’s unsanitary and just plain gross. Always carry bags with you and pick up your dog’s waste immediately. And don’t just leave the bag on the ground or hang it from a tree branch — find a proper bin to dispose of it. Your dog’s business is your business.

6. Spitting

Liubomyr Vorona

Spitting in public is not only disgusting, it’s also a health hazard. When you spit on the ground, you’re spreading germs and potentially exposing other people to illness. It’s a crude and unnecessary habit that has no place in civilised society. If you need to clear your throat, use a tissue or find a private place to do it. And if you’re sick, stay home and avoid spreading your germs to others.

7. Not covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze

Liubomyr Vorona

Speaking of spreading germs, let’s talk about proper cough and sneeze etiquette. When you feel a cough or sneeze coming on, always cover your mouth with your elbow or a tissue. Don’t just let it fly out into the open air, where it can spread to others. And if you do use your hands to cover your mouth, wash them immediately afterwards. It’s a simple act of courtesy that can go a long way in preventing the spread of illness.

8. Picking your nose

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Seriously, do we even need to explain this one? Picking your nose in public is just plain nasty. No one wants to see you digging for gold or flicking boogers onto the ground. If you have something in your nose that needs to come out, excuse yourself to the bathroom and take care of it in private. And wash your hands afterwards, for everyone’s sake.

9. Not giving up your seat to someone who needs it more

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If you’re young and able-bodied, and you see someone who is elderly, pregnant, or has a disability standing on the bus or train, offer them your seat. It’s a simple act of kindness that can make a big difference in someone’s day. Don’t just pretend to be engrossed in your phone or look the other way. Have some empathy and do the right thing. You’d want someone to do the same for you if you were in their shoes.

10. Smoking in non-designated areas

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Smoking is bad for your health, but it’s also bad for the health of everyone around you. When you smoke in a non-designated area, you’re subjecting other people to second-hand smoke and potentially triggering allergies or respiratory issues. Always follow smoking laws and regulations, and be considerate of others. If you need to smoke, find a designated smoking area or go outside. And always dispose of your cigarette butts properly — don’t just toss them on the ground.

11. Playing music or videos without headphones

© Eugenio Marongiu

Not everyone shares your taste in music or wants to hear the latest viral video. When you play audio out loud in a public space, you’re forcing people to listen to it, whether they want to or not. It’s rude and disruptive. If you want to listen to something, use headphones or keep the volume low enough that only you can hear it. And if someone asks you to turn it down or off, don’t argue — just comply.

12. Cutting in line

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We all hate waiting in line, but cutting in front of other people is never acceptable. When you skip ahead, you’re disrespecting everyone who has been waiting patiently for their turn. It’s a selfish and entitled behaviour that will likely earn you some dirty looks and angry comments. If you’re in a rush, too bad — wait your turn like everyone else. And if you see someone else cutting in line, don’t be afraid to speak up and call them out on it.

13. Not practising good hygiene

Yuri Arcurs peopleimages.com

No one expects you to be perfectly groomed at all times, but basic hygiene is a must when you’re in public. That means showering regularly, wearing clean clothes, and using deodorant. It also means covering your mouth when you yawn or burp, and not picking at your skin or hair in public. Good hygiene shows respect for yourself and for those around you. Plus, it just makes the world a more pleasant place for everyone.

14. Staring or gawking at people

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We all people-watch from time to time, but there’s a difference between a casual glance and a full-on stare. When you gawk at someone or make them feel like they’re under a microscope, it’s uncomfortable and invasive. Maybe they have an interesting tattoo or a unique fashion sense — that doesn’t give you the right to ogle them like a zoo exhibit. If you catch yourself staring, look away and mind your own business.

15. Being rude or disrespectful to service workers

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Service workers, such as retail employees, wait staff, and public transit operators, have tough jobs. They deal with the public all day, often for low wages and little recognition. The last thing they need is for you to be rude, dismissive, or disrespectful towards them. Always say please and thank you, make eye contact, and treat them like human beings. If you have a complaint, voice it calmly and politely. And if they do a good job, let their manager know or leave a positive review. A little kindness and appreciation can go a long way.