Maybe you keep attracting the same type of person, especially those with a flair for the dramatic and an ego the size of Texas, and it might not be just bad luck. Some personality traits actually act like magnets for narcissists. Now, before you start blaming yourself, remember that these traits are often positive qualities that have simply been twisted and exploited. Here are some surprising traits that might be making you a narcissist magnet, and how to reclaim your power.
1. You’re empathetic and compassionate.

Narcissists prey on people who are naturally caring and understanding. They see your empathy as a weakness they can exploit for their own gain. You genuinely want to help others, and they take advantage of that by playing the victim or manipulating your emotions to get what they want. Learning to set healthy boundaries and recognise when your kindness is being taken advantage of is key, per Psychology Today.
2. You’re forgiving and willing to give second chances.

Your forgiving nature is admirable, but it can also be a red flag for narcissists. They know they can get away with bad behaviour because you’re likely to forgive them. This doesn’t mean you should become cynical, but it’s important to recognise when forgiveness is enabling harmful patterns. Sometimes, the healthiest thing you can do is walk away.
3. You’re successful and confident.

Narcissists are often drawn to successful people because they see them as a reflection of themselves. They want to bask in your glory and take credit for your achievements. They might try to undermine your confidence or make you feel like you need them to succeed. Remember, your success is your own, and don’t let anyone dim your shine.
4. You’re a good listener and offer validation.

Narcissists crave attention and validation, and they’ll look for people who are willing to give it to them. If you’re a good listener and offer support, they’ll see you as a valuable source of narcissistic supply. It’s important to recognise when your validation is being used to feed their ego and learn to set boundaries with these energy vampires.
5. You’re independent and self-sufficient.

Narcissists might initially be attracted to your independence, but they’ll eventually try to control and manipulate you. They see your self-sufficiency as a threat to their power and will try to undermine your confidence and make you dependent on them. It’s important to maintain your independence and not let anyone dictate your life.
6. You have a strong sense of responsibility.

Narcissists often lack a sense of responsibility and will try to shift blame onto others. They’re attracted to people who are willing to take responsibility for their actions, as it allows them to escape accountability. It’s important to recognise when you’re being unfairly blamed and to stand up for yourself.
7. You’re loyal and committed.

Your loyalty is a strength, but it can also be a weakness when it comes to narcissists. They’ll take advantage of your commitment, expecting you to stick around even when they treat you poorly. It’s important to remember that loyalty should be a two-way street, and you shouldn’t have to tolerate disrespectful or hurtful behaviour.
8. You’re generous and giving.

As Verywell Mind notes, narcissists are often takers, not givers. They’ll exploit your generosity, taking advantage of your kindness without offering anything in return. It’s important to set boundaries with your giving and make sure you’re not being used. Remember, it’s okay to say “no” sometimes and prioritise your own needs.
9. You prioritise peace and harmony.

Narcissists thrive on drama and conflict, and they’ll often try to stir up trouble to get attention. If you’re someone who values peace and harmony, you might find yourself making concessions or avoiding confrontation to keep things calm. This can be a recipe for disaster, as it allows the narcissist to control the narrative and manipulate you into submission. It’s important to stand up for yourself and not be afraid of conflict when it’s necessary.
10. You’re afraid of being alone.

Narcissists can sense when someone is afraid of being alone, and they’ll use that fear to their advantage. They might threaten to leave you or isolate you from your friends and family to keep you under their control. It’s important to cultivate a strong sense of self-worth and remember that you’re capable of being happy and fulfilled on your own. Don’t let fear of loneliness trap you in a toxic relationship.
11. You have a tendency to idealise people.

You see the good in everyone and tend to put people on a pedestal. Narcissists can be charming and charismatic at first, and they’ll often love-bomb you with compliments and affection to win you over, Psychology Today warns. It’s important to be realistic about people’s flaws and not let your idealised image of them blind you to their true nature.
12. You have low self-esteem.

Narcissists are attracted to people with low self-esteem because they’re easier to manipulate and control. They’ll prey on your insecurities, making you doubt yourself and your worth. It’s important to build your self-esteem and recognise that you deserve love and respect. Don’t let anyone make you feel less than you are.
13. You’re a fixer.

You have an instinct to help others and fix their problems. Narcissists can be incredibly charming and persuasive, and they’ll often play the victim to elicit your sympathy and support. They might make you feel like you’re the only one who can “save” them. It’s important to recognise that you can’t fix someone who doesn’t want to be fixed, and that you shouldn’t take on the burden of their problems.