Someone Who Loves Animals Likely Has These 20 Qualities

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Animal lovers truly are a special breed of people, if I do say so myself.

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They have a unique connection with the furry, feathered, and scaly creatures that share our world, and this bond often shapes their personality and outlook on life in beautiful ways. They tend to be happier, for one thing (research published in PLoS supports it!), but they also tend to have a lot of great qualities that make them better partners, friends, and human beings as a whole. (Frankly, I don’t really trust people who don’t love animals, but that’s just my personal bias…)

1. They’re incredibly patient.


Animal lovers understand that pets don’t always behave perfectly. They’re willing to put in the time and effort to train their furry friends, clean up messes, and deal with the occasional destroyed shoe. And as it turns out, this patience often extends to their interactions with people, too, making them understanding and forgiving friends.

2. They’re always ready for a cuddle.

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People who love animals are usually big fans of physical affection. They’re the ones who’ll happily let a cat sleep on their lap for hours, or snuggle up with their dog on the sofa. Their affectionate nature often translates to their human relationships, which makes them warm and comforting friends.

3. They’re early risers.

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When you’ve got pets, lie-ins become a thing of the past. Animal lovers are used to getting up at the crack of dawn to feed their pets or take the dog for a walk. Their early bird habit often sticks with them, making them productive morning people even on days when they could sleep in.

4. They’re great listeners.


People who love animals are used to paying attention to non-verbal cues. They can tell when their pet is feeling under the weather or needs some extra attention, and this skill makes them excellent listeners in their human relationships too.  They’re great at picking up on subtle emotional cues that not a lot of other people do.

5. They’re not afraid to get their hands dirty.

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From cleaning litter boxes to picking up after dogs in the park, animal lovers aren’t squeamish about the less glamorous aspects of pet care. Their hands-on attitude often extends to other areas of their life, which makes them practical and down-to-earth people who aren’t afraid of hard work.

6. They’re always prepared.


Pet owners know the importance of being ready for anything. They’ve usually got treats in their pockets, poo bags at the ready, and a first-aid kit for their furry friends. The fact that they’re always so prepared often spills over into other aspects of their life, making them reliable and organised friends.

7. They’re great at multitasking. / Felix

Trying to cook dinner while the cat’s demanding attention and the dog needs a walk? Animal lovers are masters at juggling multiple tasks. This skill often makes them efficient and productive in their work and personal lives, and they’re able to handle various responsibilities with ease.

8. They’re incredibly empathetic.

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People who love animals have a knack for understanding and relating to other people’s feelings. They can sense when their pet is feeling anxious or excited, and this empathy often extends to their human relationships. They’re the friends who always seem to know when you’re having a tough day, even if you haven’t said anything.

9. They’re not materialistic.

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When you live with animals, you quickly learn that your prized possessions might become chew toys or scratching posts. Animal lovers tend to value experiences and relationships over material things, and that means they’re laid-back and easy-going friends who won’t judge you for your old sofa or scuffed shoes.

10. They’re great at problem-solving.

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From figuring out how to stop the dog from digging up the garden to finding ways to entertain a bored cat, animal lovers are creative problem solvers. As a result, they tend to be resourceful and innovative in other areas of their life, and they’re always coming up with unique solutions to challenges.

11. They’re excellent at reading body language.

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Animal lovers are experts at interpreting non-verbal cues. They can tell when their pet is feeling playful, anxious, or unwell just by observing their behaviour. Oddly enough, it translates into being perceptive in human interactions too!

12. They’re comfortable with silence.


People who love animals are often content with quiet companionship. They don’t feel the need to fill every moment with chatter, so it’s always a relaxed atmosphere with them. Their comfort with silence often makes them good listeners and thoughtful conversationalists.

13. They’re incredibly loyal.

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Just as they’re devoted to their pets, animal lovers tend to be fiercely loyal friends. They understand the value of unconditional love and are often the friends who’ll stick by you through thick and thin, offering unwavering support and friendship.

14. They’re early to bed.

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With early morning pet care routines, animal lovers often adapt to earlier bedtimes. As a result, they’re often more productive and healthier overall, since they tend to have more regular sleep patterns.

15. They’re great at living in the moment.

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Animals don’t worry about the future or dwell on the past — they live in the present. People who love animals often adopt this mindset, learning to appreciate the small joys of each day and not getting too caught up in stress about what might happen tomorrow.

16. They’re not afraid to show their silly side.

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Anyone who’s played with a puppy or tried to entertain a kitten knows that sometimes you have to be a bit daft. Animal lovers aren’t afraid to let loose and be silly, making them fun and light-hearted friends who know how to enjoy life’s simple pleasures.

17. They’re often nature lovers too.


A love for animals often goes hand in hand with a love for nature. Many animal enthusiasts enjoy outdoor activities like hiking or birdwatching, and as a result, they’re solid companions for adventures in the great outdoors.

18. They’re good at setting boundaries.

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Training animals requires clear, consistent boundaries. They translate this to their human relationships as well, with animal lovers being good at communicating their needs and respecting other people’s boundaries.

19. They’re often early adopters of eco-friendly practices.

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Concern for animals often extends to concern for the environment. Many animal lovers are conscious of their environmental impact and are quick to adopt eco-friendly practices in their daily lives.

20. They’re incredibly forgiving.


When you love animals, you learn to forgive quickly. Whether it’s a chewed-up favourite book or an accident on the carpet, animal lovers understand that holding grudges doesn’t help. This forgiving nature often extends to their human relationships, making them understanding and compassionate friends.