20 Signs Somone Really Dislikes You But Hides It Well


Think someone’s not a fan of you, but can’t quite put your finger on why?


Some people are masters at hiding their true feelings, but there are always tells. Here are 20 signs that someone might genuinely dislike you, even if they’re putting on a good show. Remember, one or two of these doesn’t necessarily mean anything, but if you’re noticing a pattern, it might be time to pay attention.

1. Their smile doesn’t reach their eyes.


A genuine smile involves the whole face, especially the eyes. If someone’s smile seems forced or only involves their mouth, they might be faking politeness. Look for crinkles around the eyes — if they’re missing, that smile might not be sincere.

2. They find excuses to avoid spending time with you.

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Notice how they always seem to be “busy” when you suggest hanging out? If they’re constantly coming up with reasons why they can’t meet up, they might be avoiding you. Pay attention to whether they make alternative plans or just shut down the idea entirely.

3. Their body language is closed off.

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Body language speaks volumes. If they consistently cross their arms, turn their body away from you, or maintain a large personal space, they might be subconsciously creating a barrier. These physical cues often indicate discomfort or dislike.

4. They give short, clipped responses.

Source: Unsplash

When someone dislikes you but is trying to hide it, they might keep their interactions with you as brief as possible. If their responses to you are consistently curt or monosyllabic, they might be trying to discourage further conversation.

5. They don’t make eye contact.

Source: Pexels

Lack of eye contact can indicate discomfort or disinterest. If someone consistently avoids meeting your gaze during conversations, they might be trying to minimise their interaction with you. However, be aware that some people naturally struggle with eye contact for various reasons.

6. They never initiate contact.

Source: Pexels
Pexels/Alexander Suhorucov

Think about who usually starts your interactions. If you’re always the one reaching out, and they never initiate contact, it could be a sign they’re not interested in maintaining a relationship with you.

7. Their tone of voice changes around you.

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Listen for subtle changes in their voice when they talk to you versus when they talk to someone else. A slightly higher pitch or a more formal tone might indicate they’re putting on an act.

8. They exclude you from group activities.

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If you often find out about group plans after the fact, or notice you’re the only one not invited to something, it could be a sign you’re being deliberately excluded.

9. They’re overly polite.

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Sometimes, excessive politeness can be a mask for dislike. If someone is unnaturally formal or polite with you compared to how they interact with people, they might be creating emotional distance.

10. They don’t remember details about you.

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When we like someone, we tend to remember things about them. If they consistently forget important details you’ve shared, it might mean they’re not paying attention because they’re not interested.

11. They subtly undermine you.

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Watch out for backhanded compliments or subtle jabs. Comments like “You’re brave to wear that” or “That’s ambitious for someone like you” can be signs of hidden dislike.

12. They don’t laugh at your jokes.

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Humour is a great connector. If someone consistently doesn’t laugh at your jokes or attempts at humour, especially when everyone else does, it could be a sign they’re not vibing with you.

13. They’re always busy when you need help.

Photographer: Dragos Condrea

Notice how available they are when you need assistance. If they’re always too busy to help you but seem to have time for everyone else, it might not be a coincidence.

14. They give you unsolicited criticism.

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While constructive feedback can be valuable, constant unsolicited criticism might be a sign of underlying dislike. Pay attention to whether their “advice” is actually helpful or just critical.

15. They don’t respect your boundaries.

Dmytro Sheremeta

Someone who disrespects your personal boundaries, whether physical or emotional, might be showing a lack of regard for you. This can be a subtle form of aggression masked as friendliness.

16. They gossip about you.

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If you hear that this person has been talking about you behind your back, and not in a positive way, it’s a clear sign they might not like you as much as they pretend to.

17. They give you the cold shoulder in group settings.

Source: Unsplash

In group situations, do they engage with everyone except you? If they consistently ignore or sideline you in social settings, it could be a sign of hidden dislike.

18. They never ask for your opinion.

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When someone values you, they’re interested in your thoughts and ideas. If this person never asks for your input or opinion, they might not value your perspective.

19. They’re quick to point out your mistakes.

Source: Unsplash

While everyone makes mistakes, someone who seems to take pleasure in pointing out yours might be harbouring some negative feelings. Watch for a tone of satisfaction when they correct you.

20. They don’t celebrate your successes.

male and female colleaguesSource: Unsplash

A person who genuinely likes you will be happy for your achievements. If they seem indifferent or even slightly annoyed when you succeed, it might indicate some hidden resentment.