21 Questions To Ask Before Calling It Quits In Your Relationship

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Relationships are tough, and sometimes it’s hard to know when to keep fighting and when to throw in the towel.

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Before you make any big decisions, take a deep breath and ask yourself these questions. They might just help you see things more clearly.

1. Am I happier with or without them?

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Think about the last time you were apart. Did you feel relieved or did you miss them? Your gut reaction here can tell you a lot about where your heart’s really at.

2. Are we growing together or growing apart?

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Life’s a journey, and ideally, you want a co-pilot who’s heading in the same direction. If you feel like you’re on different paths, it might be time to reassess.

3. Do I like who I am when I’m with them?


Your partner should bring out the best in you, not turn you into someone you don’t recognise. If you don’t like the person you’ve become in this relationship, that’s a red flag.

4. Can we disagree without it turning into World War III?

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Healthy couples can argue without it turning nasty. If every disagreement feels like a battle, you might need to rethink your communication strategies – or your compatibility.

5. Do we still laugh together?

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Laughter is the glue that holds relationships together. If you can’t remember the last time you had a good giggle together, it might be a sign the joy has faded.

6. Am I staying because I love them, or because I’m afraid to be alone?

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Fear of loneliness is a terrible reason to stay in a relationship. Love should be your motivator, not fear.

7. Do we have shared goals for the future?

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It’s okay to have individual dreams, but you should also have a vision of a future together. If you can’t picture where you’ll be in five years, that’s telling.

8. Is there still physical and emotional intimacy?

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Intimacy isn’t just about sex. It’s about feeling close, connected, and vulnerable with each other. If that’s missing, it’s worth exploring why.

9. Do I trust them completely?

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Trust is the foundation of any solid relationship. If you’re constantly doubting or second-guessing them, that foundation might be cracking.

10. Are my needs being met?

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It’s not selfish to have needs in a relationship. If you’re constantly feeling unfulfilled, it might be time to speak up – or move on.

11. Do we bring out the best in each other?

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Your partner should inspire you to be a better version of yourself, not drag you down. Think about whether you lift each other up or hold each other back.

12. Is there mutual respect?

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Respect is non-negotiable. If you feel like your opinions, feelings, or boundaries aren’t respected, that’s a serious issue.

13. Can I be my authentic self around them?

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You shouldn’t have to put on an act or hide parts of yourself in a healthy relationship. If you’re constantly walking on eggshells, something’s off.

14. Do we have lives outside of each other?

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Healthy couples maintain their individuality. If your entire world revolves around your partner, or vice versa, that’s not a good sign.

15. Are we both putting in equal effort?

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Relationships are a two-way street. If you feel like you’re the only one trying, it might be time to reevaluate.

16. Do I feel supported in my personal goals?

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Your partner should be your cheerleader, not your roadblock. If they’re not supportive of your dreams, ask yourself why.

17. Is our relationship built on more than just history?

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Sometimes we stay because we’ve invested so much time. But a shared past isn’t enough reason to share a future if things aren’t working.

18. Can I forgive past hurts?

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If you’re holding on to resentment or past betrayals, you need to decide if you can truly move past them. Forgiveness is crucial for moving forward.

19. Do we communicate openly and honestly?

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Good communication is the lifeblood of a healthy relationship. If you can’t talk to each other about the important stuff, that’s a problem.

20. Am I staying for the right reasons?

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Think hard about why you’re in this relationship. Is it love, comfort, fear, or obligation? Only one of those is a good reason to stay.

21. Can I picture a happy future with this person?

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Close your eyes and imagine your future. Is your partner in that picture? And more importantly, are you smiling?