Sometimes people get a bit too curious about your personal business, but you don’t have to spill everything just to be polite.

You’re not only entitled to your privacy, but there are some things you’re better off keeping to yourself for a variety of reasons. Sure, nosy people will likely continue to pry, but don’t give in. Here are some friendly, firm ways to handle questions that are a bit too inquisitive and keep your personal life private.
1. “I’ll keep you posted!”

This lets them know you’re handling things on your own timeline. It’s a polite way of sidestepping without actually promising any details. “I’ll keep you posted” is casual, polite, and gives you an out. You get to stay in control of what, if anything, you share later.
2. “There’s really not much to tell!”

If someone’s prying, this one suggests there’s just nothing juicy going on. It makes your life sound so boring they’ll think twice before asking for more. This phrase hints that even if there was something to share, it wouldn’t be their business. It’s friendly but still a nice boundary.
3. “I’m just taking it one day at a time.”

Perfect for questions about future plans or big decisions, this lets people know you’re not in a rush to share. It says you’re living in the moment and aren’t interested in discussing the details. It’s a low-key way to keep things close to the vest. Plus, it sounds very zen.
4. “That’s still in the works – I’ll let you know if there’s any news!”

This one’s for those who like to push for specifics. It suggests there might be something happening, but it’s not time for a reveal yet. It’s a clever way of deflecting without shutting anyone down. You’re in charge of the timeline, no pressure.
5. “Oh, it’s just the usual stuff – nothing exciting!”

If someone asks for more info than you want to give, this response wraps things up quickly. By saying it’s “nothing exciting,” you’re gently hinting that there’s really no story worth telling. It’s a bit of a dead-end response in the nicest way possible. No one really pushes after hearing “the usual.”
6. “You know, I’d rather hear about *you!*”

Turn the tables on them by showing genuine interest in what’s going on in their life. Most people love to talk about themselves, so this redirect often works like a charm. You get to keep your business private while still being polite. Plus, it takes the spotlight right off of you.
7. “It’s all good – just handling things as they come.”

This one is easygoing and gives them nothing to press further on. It suggests that you’re handling your business without needing to dive into specifics. Saying “it’s all good” keeps it casual and closes the door on follow-up questions. They’ll get the hint that you’re doing fine without extra details.
8. “Oh, it’s just the usual ups and downs.”

If they’re digging for drama, this response says you’re keeping it real but not sharing much more. Life has its highs and lows, but no need for specifics here! It’s relatable enough that they won’t question it further. It’s a little vague, but that’s the point.
9. “Not much to say, honestly!”

If they’re looking for specifics, this makes it clear that there’s nothing interesting to share. “Not much to say” is direct without being rude – it’s like saying “move along” nicely. Most people won’t keep asking if they think there’s no story there. Keeps things short and simple.
10. “I’m just keeping things low-key these days.”

For those times when you’re asked about big plans or personal goals, this answer keeps things casual and private. It hints that you’re focusing on yourself without inviting more questions. You’re setting the boundary while sounding perfectly relaxed. A little mystery never hurt!
11. “I’m not one to kiss and tell!”

If the question’s a little too personal, this light-hearted response keeps it friendly but makes your boundaries clear. It’s a classic way to say “I’ll pass” with a smile. No need to explain further – people will get the message. A little charm can go a long way here.
12. “Let’s just say I’m keeping things interesting.”

If someone’s really pushing, this adds a bit of mystery without giving anything away. It’s playful and deflects questions without sounding defensive. A line like this keeps them guessing, and usually that’s enough to move the conversation along. Sometimes, a little intrigue is all you need.
13. “Oh, nothing major – just staying busy!”

This casual response says you’re slammed without opening the door to more questions. By keeping it vague, you can politely end the topic without feeling pressured to share. It’s just enough info to sound friendly but not inviting. People tend to take it at face value and move on.
14. “There’s nothing to report – things are good!”

This response works well for people who are asking out of habit or politeness rather than genuine interest. You’re letting them know that life is steady without any details. It’s a nice way to keep things brief and positive. It closes the door without any awkwardness.
15. “I’m just focusing on my own stuff these days.”

This lets people know you’re doing your thing without needing their input or feedback. It’s an easy way to set boundaries without sounding defensive or cold. Sometimes, this is all you need to keep things private. It’s a gentle reminder that your life is your business.