Life’s too short to waste time on people who consistently mistreat you.

While everyone deserves a chance to make amends, some behaviours are so detrimental that they warrant cutting ties. If someone in your life is repeatedly taking advantage of you in these ways, it’s time to seriously reconsider their place in your life. Don’t let misplaced loyalty or fear of conflict keep you in toxic relationships.
They consistently borrow money without repaying.

If someone repeatedly asks for loans but never seems to have the funds to pay you back, they’re taking advantage of your generosity. This behaviour shows a lack of respect for your financial well-being. It’s not your job to bankroll their lifestyle. Set clear boundaries about lending money and stick to them. If they can’t respect this, they don’t respect you.
They only contact you when they need something.

Relationships should be a two-way street. If someone only reaches out when they need a favour but is nowhere to be found when you need support, they’re using you. True friends are there for both the good times and the bad. Don’t be a convenience for someone who can’t be bothered to maintain a genuine connection with you.
They guilt-trip you into doing things you’re uncomfortable with.

Manipulators often use guilt as a tool to get what they want. If someone constantly makes you feel bad for setting boundaries or saying no, they’re not respecting your autonomy. You have the right to make decisions based on your own comfort level without being made to feel selfish or uncaring.
They take credit for your work or ideas.

Whether in a professional or personal setting, someone who consistently claims your contributions as their own is stealing from you. This behaviour undermines your achievements and can hinder your progress. Don’t let someone else build their success on the back of your hard work. Speak up and reclaim your accomplishments.
They never reciprocate your efforts.

Relationships require effort from both parties. If you’re always the one planning get-togethers, offering help, or showing thoughtfulness while they never return the favour, the relationship is unbalanced. You deserve someone who puts in as much effort as you do. Don’t exhaust yourself trying to maintain a one-sided connection.
They consistently break promises.

Actions speak louder than words. If someone repeatedly makes promises they don’t keep, they’re showing you that their word means nothing. This behaviour destroys trust and shows a lack of respect for your time and feelings. Don’t keep giving chances to someone who has proven they can’t be relied upon.
They dismiss your feelings.

When you express hurt or discomfort, a person who cares about you should listen and try to understand. If they consistently brush off your feelings or tell you you’re overreacting, they’re invalidating your emotional experiences. This behaviour can be deeply damaging over time. Your feelings matter and deserve acknowledgment.
They use your insecurities against you.

Someone who truly cares about you will never weaponise your vulnerabilities. If they bring up your insecurities during arguments or use them to manipulate you, they’re actively trying to hurt you. This is a form of emotional abuse. You deserve to be around people who build you up, not tear you down.
They constantly criticise you.

Constructive feedback given with care is one thing, but constant criticism is another. If someone is always pointing out your flaws or making negative comments about your choices, they’re chipping away at your self-esteem. You don’t need this negativity in your life. Surround yourself with people who appreciate you for who you are.
They invade your privacy.

Whether it’s snooping through your phone, reading your private messages, or sharing information you told them in confidence, invading your privacy is a serious breach of trust. This behaviour shows a lack of respect for your boundaries and personal space. Don’t tolerate someone who can’t respect your right to privacy.
They gaslight you.

Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation where someone makes you question your own perceptions and memories. If someone consistently denies things you know happened or twists situations to make you doubt yourself, they’re gaslighting you. This behaviour is deeply damaging and has no place in healthy relationships.
They exploit your kindness.

Being kind is a virtue, but some people see it as a weakness to be exploited. If someone constantly takes advantage of your good nature, asking for favours without ever returning them or expecting you to always be available, they’re using you. Don’t let anyone turn your kindness into a tool for their benefit.
They pressure you into compromising your values.

Your values and principles are fundamental parts of who you are. If someone consistently pressures you to do things that go against your beliefs or morals, they don’t respect you as a person. Don’t compromise who you are for someone who can’t accept you as you are.
They make you feel responsible for their happiness.

While it’s natural to want to make your loved ones happy, it’s not your job to be someone’s sole source of joy. If they blame you for their unhappiness or make you feel guilty for not meeting their every need, they’re placing an unfair burden on you. Each person is responsible for their own emotional well-being.
They downplay your achievements.

A true friend or partner should celebrate your successes with you. If someone consistently downplays your achievements or tries to make them seem less significant, they might be jealous or insecure. Don’t let anyone dim your light. Your accomplishments deserve recognition and celebration.
They manipulate you with unpredictable behaviour.

If someone’s mood swings wildly or their treatment of you is inconsistent, leaving you walking on eggshells, they’re manipulating you. This unpredictability is often a tactic to keep you off-balance and easier to control. You deserve relationships that make you feel secure, not constantly on edge.
They refuse to respect your boundaries.

Boundaries are essential for healthy relationships. If someone consistently ignores or pushes against the limits you set, they’re showing a fundamental lack of respect for you. Whether it’s about your time, your space, or your emotional needs, your boundaries deserve to be honoured. Don’t keep people in your life who refuse to respect them.