While you don’t necessarily need to mind your Ps and Qs in public, there are certain ways of behaving that are completely inappropriate.

Some people simply don’t understand the right way to act because they lack sophistication and class. As a result, they think these things are okay to do, even when it’s clear to everyone else that they’re really not. Is it really that hard to be considerate of the people around you? (Apparently so.)
1. They talk loudly on their mobile phone in quiet spaces.

Speaking loudly on the phone in places like libraries, restaurants, or public transport can be disruptive at worst and annoying at best. It shows a lack of awareness of their surroundings and consideration for fellow public space users. A more considerate approach is to step outside or find a private area for phone conversations.
2. They eat smelly foods in enclosed public spaces.

Consuming strongly smelling foods in confined areas like buses, trains, or office spaces can be unpleasant for the people around them, to say the least. While it might seem convenient, it’s often seen as inconsiderate. It’s better to save such meals for more appropriate settings or opt for less aromatic options when in public.
3. They groom themselves in public view.

Activities like clipping nails, applying makeup, or flossing teeth are typically seen as private grooming routines. Doing these in public spaces like on public transport or in restaurants is disgusting and can make people really uncomfortable. These tasks are best left for home or at least private spaces like a restroom or something.
4. They play music or videos without headphones.

Blasting music or watching videos on speakers in public spaces can be incredibly disruptive, not to mention it imposes their entertainment choices on people who may not appreciate it. Using headphones is a simple way to enjoy your music, podcast, or TV show without disturbing the around you.
5. They litter or leave their rubbish behind.

Discarding litter on streets or leaving rubbish on tables in food courts or parks shows a lack of respect for shared spaces and the environment. It creates extra work for other people and contributes to pollution, too. It’s really not that hard to throw your rubbish away — the bins are right there. And even if there are no bins handy, take your rubbish home with you!
6. They queue-jump or push past other people in crowded areas.

Cutting in line or aggressively pushing through crowds shows a serious lack of patience and respect. It’s seen as selfish behaviour that disregards social norms of fairness. Waiting your turn and moving carefully through busy areas is the polite approach. It’s the British way, after all!
7. They engage in excessive public displays of affection.

While holding hands or a quick kiss might be acceptable, overly intimate behaviour in public can make people uncomfortable. It’s generally considered more appropriate to keep intense displays of affection private. Being mindful of your surroundings and other people’s comfort is important. No one wants to see that!
8. They use profanity loudly in family-friendly spaces.

Swearing loudly in places where children or families are present is generally considered inconsiderate and offensive. It’s important to be aware of your language in public spaces, especially those frequented by families. Keeping conversation civil and age-appropriate shows respect and class.
9. They smoke in non-designated areas.

Smoking in areas where it’s banned, such as near building entrances or in outdoor dining areas, is not only against rules in many places but also inconsiderate to non-smokers. Always look for designated smoking areas or move well away from others before lighting up. No one wants to inhale your second-hand smoke and smell like cigarettes all day. And even if you vape, many people still don’t want to breathe that in.
10. They take up extra space on public transport.

Spreading out across multiple seats or placing bags on seats on crowded public transport is incredibly selfish. It prevents other people from sitting down and makes efficient use of space difficult. Keeping your belongings on your lap or under the seat is the courteous thing to do.
11. They have loud personal conversations in public.

Discussing private things loudly in public places can be uncomfortable for everyone around you. It’s not only potentially embarrassing for the person they’re talking to, but it also forces other people to unwillingly eavesdrop. Saving personal discussions for when you’re at home or somewhere that other people can’t overhear every word.
12. They fail to control their children in restaurants or shops.

Letting kids run wild in public spaces can be disruptive and potentially dangerous. While it’s understood that children can be total nightmares, making efforts to keep them reasonably behaved in public shows consideration for other people and teaches children about appropriate public behaviour. Other people shouldn’t have to deal with your lack of discipline.
13. They use their phones during films or performances.

Checking phones during cinema showings or live performances is distracting for other people due to the light from the screen, and it’s also disrespectful to the performers. It’s best to switch off phones, or at least keep them out of sight during such events. Can you really not bear to be off Instagram for a few hours?!
14. They touch or move other people’s belongings without permission.

In shared spaces like gyms or libraries, moving someone else’s belongings without asking is inappropriate and intrusive. It’s always better to ask for permission or ask staff for help if someone’s items are in the way. Respecting other people’s personal space and property shouldn’t really be a big ask. If it’s not yours, don’t touch it.
15. They fail to clean up after their pets in public areas.

Not picking up after dogs in parks or on pavements is not only unsanitary, but also shows a lack of consideration for other people using these spaces. Always carry bags to clean up after pets so that public areas remain clean and pleasant for everyone. You wouldn’t like it if you unwittingly stepped in a pile of someone else’s dog’s mess, would you?
16. They invade other people’s personal space in queues or crowded areas.

Standing too close to people in queues or crowded spaces can make them feel uncomfortable. While cultural norms for personal space vary, it’s generally considerate to give people a bit of room when possible. It shouldn’t be that hard to keep your distance and respect people’s boundaries, however invisible.