People Who Lack Meaning In Life Usually Display These 16 Behaviours

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A life without meaning is like a ship without a rudder — you’re just drifting aimlessly, going through the motions without any real sense of purpose or direction.

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It’s a hollow, unfulfilling existence that leaves you feeling empty and disconnected. If you’re worried that you or someone you know might be stuck in this meaningless rut, there are some telltale signs to look out for. Here are 16 behaviours that often indicate a lack of meaning in life.

1. They’re always chasing the next high.

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People who lack meaning often try to fill the void with fleeting pleasures and distractions. They’re constantly seeking out the next thrill, whether it’s through partying, shopping, gambling, or risky behaviours. But these temporary highs never satisfy the deeper longing for purpose and fulfilment. They’re just plasters on a gaping wound, and the cycle of chasing and crashing inevitably leaves them feeling even more empty and lost.

2. They have no long-term goals or ambitions.

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When you don’t have a sense of meaning or purpose, it’s hard to see the point in setting goals or working towards anything bigger than immediate gratification. People who lack meaning often drift through life without any clear direction or ambition. They don’t have a vision for their future or a sense of what they want to achieve. They’re just living day to day, with no real plan or purpose guiding their actions.

3. They’re constantly comparing themselves to everyone else.

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Without a strong sense of internal meaning and self-worth, people often look to external markers of success and status to define their value. They’re constantly comparing themselves to other people, measuring their worth by their job title, bank balance, or social media following. But this is a losing game — there will always be someone richer, prettier, or more popular. Basing your self-esteem on how you stack up to others is a recipe for perpetual dissatisfaction and insecurity.

4. They have superficial relationships.

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People who lack meaning often struggle to form deep, authentic connections. Their relationships tend to be superficial and transactional, based on what they can get rather than what they can give. They don’t invest in building genuine intimacy or vulnerability with people because they don’t feel a sense of purpose or value in those connections. They may have a wide social circle, but few true friends who really know and support them.

5. They’re always complaining and blaming.

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When you don’t have a sense of agency or purpose in life, it’s easy to fall into a victim mentality. People who lack meaning often spend a lot of time complaining about their circumstances and blaming everyone else for their problems. They don’t take responsibility for their own happiness or success because they don’t believe they have the power to change their situation. They’re stuck in a cycle of negativity and helplessness, waiting for someone else to fix their lives.

6. They have no passions or hobbies.

woman in beanie looking to sideSource: Unsplash

Meaningful lives are often built around passions and pursuits that bring joy, challenge, and a sense of accomplishment. But people who lack meaning often struggle to find activities that truly light them up. They may have a lot of surface-level interests or distractions, but nothing that really grips their soul or gives them a sense of purpose. They’re going through the motions without any real enthusiasm or engagement.

7. They’re always looking for external validation.

guy on his own side viewSource: Unsplash

When you don’t have a strong internal sense of self-worth, you constantly look to other people to define your value. People who lack meaning are often desperate for external validation and approval. They’re always seeking compliments, likes, and followers to make them feel good about themselves. But this is a fragile foundation for self-esteem — it depends on other people’s fickle opinions and can crumble at any moment.

8. They have a negative outlook on life.

sad blonde woman head in handsSource: Unsplash

A lack of meaning often goes hand in hand with a pervasive sense of negativity and pessimism. People who don’t have a sense of purpose tend to focus on what’s wrong with their lives and the world around them. They dwell on their problems and limitations rather than their possibilities and strengths. They have a hard time finding joy or gratitude in the present moment because they’re always fixating on what’s missing or wrong.

9. They’re risk-averse and stuck in their comfort zone.

man standing aloneSource: Unsplash

When you don’t have a sense of meaning or purpose driving you forward, it’s easy to get stuck in a rut of familiarity and safety. People who lack meaning often avoid taking risks or trying new things because they don’t see the point in rocking the boat. They stick to what they know, even if it’s unfulfilling because it’s comfortable and predictable. They’re not willing to face the discomfort of growth and change.

10. They have a victim mentality.

unhappy womanSource: Unsplash

People who lack meaning often feel like life is happening to them, rather than feeling like active participants in their own destiny. They see themselves as helpless victims of circumstance, powerless to change their situation. They blame external factors like luck, genetics, or other people for their problems, rather than taking responsibility for their own choices and actions. This victim mentality keeps them stuck in a cycle of passivity and resentment.

11. They engage in self-destructive behaviours.

guy sitting in chair in gardenSource: Unsplash

When life feels meaningless and empty, it’s easy to turn to self-destructive behaviours as a way to cope. People who lack purpose may abuse drugs or alcohol, engage in risky sexual behaviour, or neglect their physical and mental health. These behaviours provide temporary escape or numbness, but ultimately only compound the underlying sense of disconnection and despair. They’re a way of self-medicating the pain of a life without meaning.

12. They’re always seeking external solutions.

woman with chin in hand looking thoughtfulSource: Unsplash

People who lack meaning often believe that the answer to their dissatisfaction lies outside of themselves. They’re always looking for the next self-help book, guru, or quick fix to give their life purpose and direction. But this external search is ultimately futile — true meaning comes from within, not from someone else’s blueprint for happiness. Constantly seeking external solutions is a way of avoiding the hard work of introspection and self-discovery.

13. They have a scarcity mindset.

woman in coffee shop looking to the rightSource: Unsplash

When you don’t have a sense of meaning or purpose, it’s easy to get caught up in a mentality of lack and limitation. People who lack meaning often see life as a zero-sum game, where there’s never enough to go around. They’re always comparing themselves to other people and feeling like they’re coming up short. They have a hard time celebrating everyone else’s successes because they see them as a threat to their own worth and value.

14. They’re disconnected from their emotions.

serious man standing on barren roadSource: Unsplash

A life without meaning often goes hand in hand with emotional numbness and disconnection. When you don’t have a sense of purpose or direction, it’s easy to shut down your feelings as a way of coping with the emptiness. People who lack meaning may have a hard time identifying or expressing their emotions, or may use distractions and addictions to avoid feeling altogether. This emotional disconnection only compounds the sense of isolation and meaninglessness.

15. They have a fear of commitment.

Source: Unsplash

When life feels pointless and directionless, it’s hard to muster up the motivation to commit to anything long-term. People who lack meaning often have a fear of commitment in their relationships, careers, and personal goals. They’re always keeping one foot out the door, ready to bail at the first sign of difficulty or discomfort. They don’t want to invest too much in anything because they don’t believe it will ultimately matter or pay off.

16. They’re always searching for the next thing.

serious woman looking out windowSource: Unsplash

Finally, people who lack meaning are often caught in a perpetual cycle of searching and yearning for something more. They may hop from job to job, relationship to relationship, or city to city, always hoping that the next thing will be the answer to their dissatisfaction. But this constant quest for novelty and change is ultimately a distraction from the deeper work of finding meaning and purpose within themselves. They’re looking for fulfilment in all the wrong places, rather than cultivating it from the inside out.