Want to be the kind of person everyone enjoys being around?

The truth is, well-liked people aren’t born that way — they cultivate likeability through their everyday habits and choices. If you’re tired of watching other people effortlessly charm and connect while you struggle to make an impression, it’s time for some tough love. Becoming someone people are drawn to is within your control. Here are 16 things well-liked people consistently do that make them so appealing.
1. They actually listen instead of just waiting for their turn to talk.

Well-liked people are skilled listeners. They give people their full attention instead of impatiently waiting for a pause to interject with their own stories and opinions. They ask thoughtful follow-up questions and make the other person feel heard. Instead of half-listening while mentally rehearsing what they’ll say next, they stay present and engaged in the conversation. Active listening demonstrates respect and interest, two essential ingredients for being liked. If you want people to like you, close your mouth and open your ears.
2. They remember details about people and bring them up later.

Well-liked people have a knack for remembering specifics from their conversations, like the name of your dog or the trip you have coming up. They’ll ask you how that job interview went or if your kid is feeling better. Remembering these details makes people feel valued and seen. It shows that you were paying attention and that they left an impression on you. If you want to be more likeable, start taking mental notes and following up on them later. A small gesture like that can solidify your connection.
3. They put their phones away and give people their undivided attention.

There’s nothing more annoying than talking to someone who’s constantly glancing at their phone or getting distracted by notifications. Well-liked people resist the temptation to multitask and give people their undivided attention. They keep their phone out of sight so they can be fully present and engaged. When you put your phone away, you’re communicating that the person in front of you is your top priority, rather than sending the message that they’re less interesting than your Instagram feed. Give people your full focus if you want them to like and respect you.
4. They smile often and project positive body language.

Well-liked people are easy to be around because they exude warmth and positivity. They smile frequently, make eye contact, and have open, inviting body language. They don’t cross their arms, scowl, or give off “don’t approach me” vibes. Smiling and projecting welcoming body language makes you appear more approachable, trustworthy, and likeable. It puts people at ease and encourages them to respond to you positively. If you want to be more well-liked, check your stern face at the door and flash those pearly whites more often.
5. They find common ground without resorting to cheap flattery.

They have a gift for finding common ground with whoever they’re talking to. They’ll discover shared interests, experiences, or opinions that create an instant bond. But they do this authentically, not through cheap flattery or forced similarities. They don’t resort to fawning over everything the other person says just to ingratiate themselves. Finding genuine common ground establishes a real connection and makes you more relatable. If you want to be liked, work on drawing out similarities organically instead of being an over-the-top yes-man.
6. They’re inclusive and make sure no one feels left out.

Well-liked people go out of their way to include people and make sure no one feels overlooked. At a party, they’ll introduce people and bring newcomers into the fold. In a meeting, they’ll ask quiet team members for their input. They don’t leave people awkwardly hovering on the outskirts or let them fade into the background. Making an effort to include people shows thoughtfulness and social awareness — two highly likeable qualities. If you want to be well-liked, look for opportunities to embrace and involve other people.
7. They’re quick to give sincere compliments and slow to criticise.

Well-liked people are generous with praise but selective with criticism. They readily compliment people on their achievements, talents, and contributions. They’re also not ones to criticise and don’t nitpick or point out flaws. When they do offer constructive feedback, it’s from a place of helpfulness, not superiority. Being stingy with criticism and liberal with sincere compliments makes you someone people enjoy being around. If you want to be more likeable, focus on lifting people up instead of cutting them down.
8. They have good manners and make people feel respected.

Having good manners is a cornerstone of likeability. Well-liked people are consistently polite and considerate. They say “please” and “thank you,” hold doors open, and show basic courtesies. They don’t interrupt, talk over people, or let their manners slip. Making people feel respected and valued through good etiquette goes a long way. If you want to be more well-liked, mind your manners and treat people with the same respect you expect for yourself.
9. They own their mistakes and apologise sincerely.

Well-liked people take responsibility for their screw-ups. They don’t make excuses, shift blame, or get defensive when they’ve messed up. They own it and offer a sincere apology. They focus on making things right instead of preserving their ego. Being accountable for your mistakes demonstrates humility, maturity, and integrity — all highly likeable traits. If you want people to respect and like you more, quit the finger-pointing and start owning your stuff.
10. They give great recommendations without being a know-it-all.

They’re generous with their knowledge and quick to share helpful recommendations, whether it’s a great book, a trusted mechanic, or the best tacos in town. But they do this humbly, not in a way that makes them seem like a pretentious know-it-all. They’ll say “This worked for me” or “You might like this” instead of acting like the ultimate authority. Sharing valuable info and resources makes you useful and appreciated. Just don’t be a smug smarty-pants about it if you want to be liked.
11. They ask for help and advice instead of acting invincible.

Likeable people aren’t afraid to admit when they need help. They’re quick to ask people for their input, expertise, or assistance. They don’t put on a front of having all the answers. Asking for help makes you seem relatable and human. It also provides an opportunity for the other person to feel knowledgeable and useful. That vulnerability and humbleness is endearing. If you want to be well-liked, don’t be too proud to say “I don’t know” or “What do you think?”
12. They’re attentive to how their words and actions impact the people around them.

Well-liked people are considerate communicators. They think before they speak and are intentional about their word choice. They’re also mindful of their tone and non-verbal signals. They don’t blurt out insensitive remarks or talk at a hundred miles an hour. They’re attuned to how they’re being perceived and whether the other person seems bored, confused, or offended. Paying attention to the impact of your words and actions prevents a lot of ruffled feathers and misunderstandings. Be thoughtful and deliberate in your communication if you want to be liked.
13. They call people by name and make them feel important.

Well-liked people make a point of remembering people’s names and using them in conversation. Calling someone by name makes them feel acknowledged and important, like they’ve made a memorable impression on you. It creates a sense of familiarity and connection. If you want to be more likeable, commit people’s names to memory and integrate them naturally into your exchanges. Just don’t overuse them to the point of sounding like a used car salesman, or it will have the opposite effect.
14. They show up reliably and follow through on their commitments.

Likeable people are dependable. When they say they’ll do something, they follow through. They show up on time, honour their promises, and don’t flake out at the last minute. Being a person of your word earns you a reputation as trustworthy and reliable — two highly attractive qualities in a friend or colleague. If you want people to like and respect you, don’t make promises you can’t keep. Prove that you’re the kind of person who does what they say they’ll do.
15. They ask for feedback and receive it graciously.

Well-liked people actively seek feedback from others. They don’t assume they’re perfect or have nothing left to learn. They’ll ask, “What could I do differently next time?” or “How can I improve?” Instead of getting defensive or making excuses, they receive constructive criticism graciously. They thank the other person for sharing and reflect on how they can grow. Being coachable and open to feedback makes you seem humble, growth-oriented, and easy to work with. If you want to be more likeable, ask for input and take it like a champ.
16. They’re always working on becoming a better version of themselves.

The most likeable people are committed to personal growth. They’re always learning, evolving, and striving to be better than they were yesterday. They read voraciously, take classes, welcome new challenges, and surround themselves with people they can learn from. They don’t stagnate or think they’ve got it all figured out. That active commitment to self-improvement is magnetic. We like people who inspire us to be our best selves, too. If you want to be well-liked, never stop learning, growing, and becoming. Your hunger to be better will draw people to you.