People Who Are Truly Down To Earth Have These 16 Personality Traits

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You’ve probably met a few down-to-earth people in your life.

friendly woman and man smiling
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They’re the ones who are authentic, grounded, and have a realistic perspective on things. But what exactly makes someone down-to-earth? Here are 16 key traits.

1. They’re humble.

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Down-to-earth people don’t feel the need to constantly brag or show off. They’re confident in who they are without being arrogant. They give credit where it’s due and are quick to acknowledge the contributions of others rather than hogging the spotlight.

2. They’re genuine.

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With down-to-earth people, what you see is what you get. They don’t put on fronts or try to be something they’re not. They’re comfortable in their own skin and are honest about their thoughts and feelings. You can count on them to give it to you straight.

3. They’re good listeners.

Uwe Umstätter

Down-to-earth people are truly interested in hearing what you have to say. They make eye contact, ask follow-up questions, and make you feel heard. They’re not just waiting for their turn to talk. They genuinely care about understanding your perspective.

4. They’re non-judgmental.

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Down-to-earth people don’t jump to conclusions or make snap judgments about others. They’re open-minded and willing to see things from different angles. They know that everyone has their own struggles and don’t look down on people for their choices or circumstances.

5. They have a good sense of humour.

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Down-to-earth people don’t take themselves too seriously. They’re able to laugh at themselves and find humour in everyday situations. They use humour to put others at ease and lighten the mood, but never in a cruel or demeaning way.

6. They’re reliable.

Seva Levytskyi

When a down-to-earth person says they’ll do something, you can count on them to follow through. They respect your time and don’t make commitments they can’t keep. They show up when they say they will and don’t leave you hanging.

7. They’re adaptable.

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Down-to-earth people are able to roll with the punches and adjust to new situations. They don’t get flustered easily and can find a way to make things work even when plans change. They’re resourceful and able to think on their feet.

8. They’re empathetic.

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Down-to-earth people can put themselves in other people’s shoes and understand their feelings. They’re compassionate and kind, and quick to offer support when someone is going through a tough time. They don’t minimize other people’s problems or tell them to just get over it.

9. They’re not materialistic.


Down-to-earth people understand that there’s more to life than designer labels and flashy possessions. They appreciate the simple things and don’t feel the need to constantly acquire more stuff. They’re content with what they have and don’t base their self-worth on their net worth.

10. They’re lifelong learners.

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Down-to-earth people are curious and always looking to expand their knowledge. They’re open to new ideas and perspectives, and enjoy having deep conversations about meaningful topics. They read, ask questions, and seek out new experiences to broaden their horizons.

11. They’re grateful.

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Down-to-earth people don’t take things for granted. They appreciate the good in their lives and express gratitude for the people and experiences that have shaped them. They don’t complain about minor inconveniences and instead focus on the positive.

12. They have strong values.

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Down-to-earth people have a clear sense of what’s important to them and live their lives accordingly. They stand up for what they believe in, even if it’s not popular. They’re guided by their principles and don’t compromise their integrity for personal gain.

13. They’re not afraid to be vulnerable.

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Down-to-earth people are willing to let their guard down and share their fears, doubts, and insecurities. They know that vulnerability is a strength, not a weakness. They create deep connections with others by being open and authentic.

14. They’re good at setting boundaries.

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Down-to-earth people know their limits and aren’t afraid to say no when something doesn’t align with their values or priorities. They don’t let themselves be taken advantage of and are able to assert their needs in a respectful way.

15. They’re not easily impressed by status or fame.

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Down-to-earth people treat everyone with the same level of respect, regardless of their position or title. They don’t fawn over celebrities or VIPs, and instead judge people based on their character and actions. They’re not swayed by superficial markers of success.

16. They’re content in their own company.

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Down-to-earth people don’t need constant stimulation or validation from others to feel fulfilled. They’re comfortable spending time alone and pursuing their own interests. They don’t rely on others to entertain them and are able to find joy in solitude.