People Who Are Inherently Evil Often Behave These 18 Ways


Some people aren’t just difficult; they’re downright evil. They prey on the good in people and leave chaos in their wake. This isn’t about being judgmental – it’s about protecting yourself. Here’s how to spot them and what to do when you encounter their toxic energy.

1. They lie as easily and as often as they breathe.


Lying isn’t just an occasional slip-up for them; it’s a way of life. They twist the truth, completely make up stories, and deny things they clearly said and did. Don’t waste time trying to catch them in the act. Set boundaries, verify information independently, and refuse to engage in their twisted games.

2. There’s no one in their life they won’t manipulate.

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They use guilt, fear, and charm to get what they want. They’ll play the victim, make you feel obligated, or even threaten you. Recognize the tactics. Don’t fall for their emotional blackmail. Learn to say “no” without guilt and stand your ground.

3. They completely lack empathy.

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They’re unable to understand or care about your feelings. They’ll hurt you without remorse and even take pleasure in your pain. Accept that they’re incapable of change. Don’t expect apologies or understanding. Protect your heart and move on.

4. They blame everyone else for their behaviour.

Myron Standret

Nothing is ever their fault. They’ll blame you, circumstances, the weather – anyone or anything but themselves. Stop taking the bait. Don’t internalize their accusations. Hold them accountable for their actions and refuse to engage in their blame game.

5. They thrive on chaos and drama.

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Conflict fuels them. They’ll stir up trouble, pit people against each other, and revel in the ensuing drama. Don’t get sucked into their vortex. Stay calm, rational, and avoid taking sides. Remove yourself from situations where they’re trying to create chaos.

6. They’re jealous and resentful.

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They covet what everyone else has and begrudge their success. They’ll try to undermine, sabotage, or belittle those who are doing well. Don’t let their negativity dim your shine. Surround yourself with positive, supportive people who celebrate your accomplishments.

7. They have a serious sense of entitlement.

Envato Elements

They believe the world owes them everything and they deserve special treatment. They’ll take advantage of people and demand favours without reciprocating. Don’t cater to their whims. Set clear boundaries and don’t be afraid to say “no.” Teach them that respect is earned, not demanded.

8. They exploit and use people all the time.

Envato Elements

People are merely tools to be used for their own gain. They’ll manipulate, charm, and deceive to get what they want, with no regard for the consequences. Don’t become their pawn. Recognize their ulterior motives and refuse to be exploited. Protect your resources, your time, and your heart.

9. They project their faults onto other people.


They’ll accuse you of the very things they’re guilty of. It’s a classic defence mechanism designed to deflect blame and maintain their illusion of superiority. Don’t take their accusations personally. Recognize their projection for what it is and don’t engage in their twisted logic.

10. They’re arrogant and condescending.

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They believe they’re superior to everyone else and treat them with disdain. They’ll belittle your achievements, dismiss your opinions, and make you feel inferior. Don’t let their arrogance shake your confidence. Know your worth and don’t allow their negativity to define you. Surround yourself with people who uplift and empower you.

11. They try to make you feel and seem crazy.

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They’ll deny things that happened, twist your words, and make you doubt your own memory and perception. It’s a calculated tactic to control and confuse you. Trust your gut. Keep a journal to document events and conversations. Seek support from people who validate your experiences and remind you of your sanity.

12. They always play the victim.

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No matter the situation, they always paint themselves as the innocent victim. They’ll exaggerate their struggles, blame other people for their misfortunes, and evoke sympathy to manipulate you. Don’t fall for their sob stories. See through their attempts to gain your pity. Focus on their actions, not their crocodile tears.

13. They have a distorted sense of reality.


Their moral compass is broken. They see no problem with lying, cheating, or hurting people to achieve their goals. They may even twist their twisted logic to justify their actions. Don’t try to reason with them. Their moral code is different from yours. Protect yourself from their corrupt influence and refuse to compromise your own values.

14. They’re emotionally volatile and unpredictable.

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Their moods can shift instantly. One moment they’re charming and friendly, the next they’re raging and abusive. This keeps you walking on eggshells, always anxious about what’s coming next. Don’t try to appease them or predict their outbursts. Maintain your emotional distance and refuse to be drawn into their drama.

15. They’re never, ever wrong.


They refuse to acknowledge their mistakes or take responsibility for their actions. They’ll deflect blame, make excuses, and even rewrite history to maintain their illusion of infallibility. Stop trying to prove them wrong. It’s a futile battle. Accept that they’re incapable of admitting fault and focus on protecting yourself from their toxic ego.

16. They sabotage your happiness.

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They’ll undermine your efforts, criticize your achievements, and try to bring you down. They thrive on your misery and feel threatened by your joy. Don’t let them steal your happiness. Surround yourself with positive influences who celebrate your successes and support your dreams.

17. They try to put a wedge between you and the people you love.

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They’ll try to turn you against your friends and family, isolating you from your support system. This makes you more dependent on them and easier to control. Maintain your relationships with the people who love and care about you. Don’t let anyone isolate you from your tribe.

18. They leave a tail of destruction in their wake.

Source: Unsplash

Broken relationships, shattered dreams, emotional scars – these are the calling cards of their toxic presence. They leave chaos and pain wherever they go. Don’t become another casualty. Recognize their destructive patterns and remove yourself from their path. Focus on healing and rebuilding your life.