Ever felt like the lone skeptic when the whole world seems to be losing their minds over the latest trend? Maybe that viral TikTok dance leaves you cold, or the book everyone’s obsessed with puts you to sleep. Don’t worry, you’re not broken. From questionable fashion fads to cultural phenomena that just don’t live up to the hype, let’s playfully poke holes in some of those things the internet tells you to adore.
1. Avocados: The flavorless fruit?
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Don’t get me wrong, avocados are healthy, but the taste? Often bland and mushy. The obsession is a bit baffling considering their less-than-exciting flavor profile. Maybe it’s less about the taste and more about the Instagram-worthy toast? Or perhaps we’ve all just convinced ourselves that they’re tastier than they really are.
2. Celebrity gossip: Who cares?
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Keeping up with who’s dating who and which starlet got a new hairstyle can be a mindless distraction. But does it really enrich our lives in any meaningful way? Maybe instead of focusing on celebrities’ personal lives, we should channel that passion into our own goals and interests.
3. Pumpkin spice everything
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Sure, a pumpkin spice latte on a crisp fall day is lovely. But pumpkin spice doughnuts, bagels, and air freshener? The autumnal flavor has been taken to extremes. It’s like we collectively lose all sense when September rolls around and pumpkin spice invades every corner of our lives.
4. True crime podcasts
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They’re undeniably gripping, but the sheer volume of true crime content can feel overwhelming and even exploitative of real-life tragedies. Sometimes, a lighthearted fictional mystery is a better choice. It’s okay to give yourself a break from the bleak and focus on stories that leave you feeling uplifted, not unsettled.
5. Tiny houses: Cramped living isn’t romantic
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The idea of simplifying is appealing, but the reality of tiny house living often involves sacrificing basic comforts and space. Minimalism is great, but there’s a tipping point. When you have to store your clothes in the oven and cook on a camping stove, the novelty might wear off quickly.
6. Expensive designer labels
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Sure, some luxury items have superior craftsmanship. But the inflated price tags often have more to do with status symbols than the actual quality of the product. It’s wise to ask yourself whether you’re truly getting a product that’s vastly better or simply paying for a name and the social bragging rights.
7. Adulting: It’s not all it’s cracked up to be
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Childhood dreams of unlimited freedom and ice cream for dinner don’t often match up with the realities of bills, responsibilities, and endless errands. Adult life certainly has its benefits, but it also comes with a fair share of unglamorous tasks and challenges. Perhaps the trick is finding joy in the small wins alongside the less-exciting duties.
8. Super loud concerts
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There’s nothing like the thrill of live music! But when the volume is so high it’s causing actual pain and potential hearing damage, perhaps it’s time to rethink the experience. Ear protection might not be rock-and-roll, but neither is losing your ability to enjoy music altogether.
9. Fancy coffee drinks: What happened to regular coffee?
Source: Unsplash
Sometimes, you just want a simple, delicious cup of coffee. Elaborate drinks with seventeen ingredients and a hefty price tag can feel more like a dessert than a caffeinated beverage. There’s something satisfying about the simplicity of a well-made, no-frills coffee that some elaborate concoctions miss.
10. Social media challenges: Are they worth the hype?
Source: Unsplash
Viral challenges can be funny, but others are downright dangerous or just plain silly. Jumping on every trend for likes and clout might have questionable results. Remember, it’s okay to sit some trends out and not feel pressured to follow the herd online.
11. Gender reveal parties: Over the top?
Source: Unsplash
Celebrating a new baby is wonderful, but do we need explosions, elaborate themes, and potential wildfires to do it? Sometimes simple and heartfelt is best. Focus on the joy of welcoming a new life instead of whether the party decor is sufficiently Instagrammable.
12. Influencer culture: Real life or staged?
Source: Unsplash
Perfectly curated feeds and sponsored content can create unrealistic expectations and foster feelings of inadequacy. It’s important to remember that social media is often a highlight reel, not everyday life. Don’t compare your real life with someone else’s carefully edited online presence – it’s simply not a fair comparison.