We all have that one friend who’s a bit of a liability.

You know the one — they’re always putting their foot in it, banging on about themselves, or just generally being a bit of a knob. But have you ever stopped to think that maybe, just maybe, you might be that person? If you’re wondering why your social calendar is looking a bit sparse these days, it might be time for a bit of self-reflection. Here are 15 things that make people want to avoid you like the plague.
1. You’re always negative.

No one wants to be around a Negative Nancy. If you’re constantly moaning about how everything is rubbish and nothing ever goes your way, people will start to give you a wide berth. It’s draining to be around someone who’s always looking on the bleak side. Try to focus on the positive once in a while, or at least keep your gob shut if you can’t say something nice. A bit of optimism never hurt anyone.
2. You’re a one-upper.

You know that friend who always has to go one better than everyone else? No matter what story you tell, they’ve always got a bigger, better, more impressive version. It’s exhausting and, frankly, a bit sad. No one likes a show-off. Learn to listen and be happy for other people’s successes without trying to top them. It’s not a competition, mate.
3. You’re always on your phone.

There’s nothing more annoying than trying to have a conversation with someone who’s constantly glued to their phone. It’s rude, and it makes the other person feel like they’re not worth your time. Put the thing away and engage with the people in front of you. The world won’t end if you don’t check Facebook every five minutes. Give your friends your undivided attention when you’re together.
4. You’re a flake.

If you’re the type of person who constantly bails on plans at the last minute, don’t be surprised when people stop inviting you to things. It’s frustrating and disrespectful to mess people around like that. If you say you’re going to be somewhere, be there. And if you can’t make it, have the decency to let people know in advance. No one likes a flake.
5. You’re always late.

Being fashionably late is one thing, but if you’re consistently rolling up half an hour after the agreed time, it’s just plain rude. It shows a lack of respect for other people’s time, and it’s really bloody annoying. Make an effort to be punctual, or at least have the courtesy to let people know if you’re running behind. No one wants to be kept waiting around for your sorry self.
6. You’re a gossip.

Everyone loves a bit of juicy gossip now and then, but if you’re known as the person who can’t keep a secret, people will stop trusting you. No one wants their private business being blabbed all over town. If someone tells you something in confidence, keep it to yourself. And try not to be so nosy — other people’s lives are none of your business.
7. You’re a know-it-all.

No one likes a smart alec. If you’re constantly correcting people or showing off how much you know about everything, it’s going to get old fast. It’s great to be knowledgeable, but there’s a difference between being helpful and being a pompous git. Learn to read the room and keep your fun facts to yourself unless someone actually asks for your input.
8. You’re a drama queen.

If every little inconvenience is a major crisis in your world, people will quickly get tired of your theatrics. No one wants to be around someone who’s constantly stirring up drama and making a mountain out of a molehill. Learn to keep things in perspective and save the histrionics for your acting class. Life’s too short to be stressing over every little thing.
9. You’re a moocher.

If you’re always the one “forgetting” your wallet when it’s time to split the bill or constantly blagging cigarettes off your mates, people will start to see you as a bit of a sponger. No one likes feeling taken advantage of. If you can’t afford to pay your way, maybe stay home until you can. And if someone does spot you, make sure you get them back next time.
10. You don’t know how to have fun.

There’s nothing worse than being out with someone who’s determined to have a lousy time. If you’re constantly complaining about the music, the drinks, the venue, or the company, do everyone a favour and just stay home. No one wants to be around a Debbie Downer when they’re trying to let loose and have a good time. Learn to go with the flow and enjoy yourself, or bow out gracefully.
11. You’re a slob.

If your idea of dressing up is putting on a clean t-shirt, it might be time to up your game. No one expects you to be suited and booted 24/7, but making an effort with your appearance shows that you respect yourself and the people around you. Plus, if you’re constantly turning up looking like you just rolled out of bed, people might start to wonder what else you’re letting slide.
12. You’re a space invader.

Personal space is a thing, and if you’re constantly violating it, people will start to feel uncomfortable around you. No one likes being crowded or touched without their permission. Keep a respectful distance and don’t be too handsy. And for the love of god, don’t be that person who breathes down someone’s neck in the queue. It’s creepy and it’s not on.
13. You’re a one-trick pony.

If you only ever want to talk about one thing, whether it’s your job, your cat, or your latest obsession, people will quickly lose interest. No one wants to listen to someone droning on about the same topic ad nauseam. Try to be a well-rounded conversationalist and take an interest in other people’s lives and hobbies too. Variety is the spice of life, after all.
14. You’re a liability.

If you’re the type of person who always takes things too far, whether it’s with your drinking, your pranks, or your big mouth, people will start to see you as a bit of a liability. No one wants to be around someone who’s constantly getting themselves (and others) into trouble. Learn to read the room and rein it in when necessary. There’s a time and a place for letting loose, but it’s not all the time.
15. You’re a toxic friend.

If you’re constantly putting your friends down, stirring up drama, or making everything about you, it’s time for a reality check. No one wants to be around someone who makes them feel small, stressed out, or unimportant. Take a good hard look at how you treat the people in your life. If you wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of your own behaviour, it’s time to make some changes. Be the kind of friend you’d want to have.