Men Who Don’t Know How To Treat Women Often Display These 18 Behaviours

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Some men just really don’t know how to treat women.

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It’s evident in the things they do and say — and some of those things are so bad that it’s kind of hard to believe they’re still happening in the 21st century. Here are some of the worst offences of men whose treatment of women is less than stellar.

1. They mansplain… everything.

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From your own job to how to butter toast, these guys think they’re the world’s foremost expert on every topic. They’ll explain your own experiences to you with the confidence of a mediocre white man. It’s not about sharing knowledge; it’s about asserting dominance.

2. They treat “no” like it’s the start of a negotiation.

konstantin yuganov

When you say no, they hear “convince me.” Whether it’s about a date, a drink, or anything else, they see your refusal as a challenge, not a final answer. Consent is a foreign concept to these guys, and boundaries are just hurdles to overcome.

3. They comment on your body… constantly.

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You could be discussing nuclear physics, and they’d find a way to bring it back to your appearance. Every interaction is a chance for them to remind you that they see you as a body first, person second. It’s like they think women are walking billboards for their opinions.

4. They use “female” as a noun.

Dmytro Sheremeta

“Females always…” If you hear a man start a sentence like this, run. They’re not talking about women; they’re talking about a different species. It’s dehumanising and shows they see women as a monolith, not as individuals.

5. They play the “nice guy” card.

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These are the guys who think basic human decency should be rewarded with romantic interest. They’ll hold a door open and expect your number in return. Newsflash: being nice is the bare minimum, not a personality trait.

6. They can’t handle your success.

Rainer Holz

Your promotion is somehow about them. They’ll either try to one-up you or sulk because they feel emasculated. Heaven forbid a woman be more successful than them – it’s like their fragile ego can’t compute it.

7. They ghost… then zombie.

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They’ll disappear faster than free samples at Costco, then pop back up weeks later with a “hey stranger” like nothing happened. They treat communication like it’s optional and your time like it’s infinite.

8. They’re all about “locker room talk.”

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They’ll say the most degrading things about women, then defend it as “just guys being guys.” Spoiler alert: respectful men don’t need to tear women down to bond with each other.

9. They’re performatively feminist.


They’ll wear the t-shirt and post the hashtags, but when it comes to actually respecting women in their lives? Crickets. It’s all for show, not for actual change.

10. They think chivalry means chauvinism.

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Their idea of being a gentleman is making decisions for you. They’ll order your food, speak for you, and generally treat you like you’re incapable of adulting. It’s not chivalry; it’s condescension.

11. They can’t handle emotions.

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Express any feeling stronger than mild contentment, and they short-circuit. They’ll tell you to “calm down” or accuse you of being “crazy.” It’s like they think women are emotional vending machines that should only dispense happiness.

12. They play the comparison game.

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“Why can’t you be more like…” is their favourite phrase. They’ll compare you to exes, friends, or even fictional characters. It’s never about appreciating you; it’s about moulding you into their ideal.

13. They’re selfish in the sack.

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Their idea of setting the mood is asking,”You ready?” They treat intimacy like a solo sport where your pleasure is as optional as fabric softener. They think female pleasure is a myth, probably because they’ve never bothered to look for it.

14. They weaponise incompetence.

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Suddenly, they forget how to operate a washing machine or cook a basic meal when you’re around. They’ll bumble simple tasks hoping you’ll just do it for them. It’s not inability; it’s strategic incompetence.

15. They interrupt… constantly.

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Your sentences are apparently optional. They’ll cut you off mid-thought because clearly, their input can’t wait. It’s like they think conversations are a competition, and they’re determined to win.

16. They negg.

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Backhanded compliments are their love language. “You’re pretty smart for a girl” or “You’re not like other women” are their ideas of flattery. They think bringing you down will make you crave their approval.

17. They can’t handle rejection.

Source: Unsplash

Turn them down, and suddenly, you’re the worst person in the world. They’ll switch from compliments to insults faster than a chameleon changes colours. Their fragile egos can’t compute that you’re not interested.

18. They think feminism is a dirty word.

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Mention feminism, and they’ll react like you’ve just suggested we sacrifice puppies. They see equality as a zero-sum game where women’s rights somehow diminish theirs. It’s like they’re afraid of a level playing field.