Obviously, no one’s really thrilled about the idea of dying, but it’s the one experience guaranteed to come to us all one day.

That’s why it’s important to try to find a slight bit of acceptance with that fact, and not to let it overwhelm you or keep you from enjoying the life you have now. Here are some things to comfort you if you’re grappling with the idea of your own mortality.
1. We’re all in this together.

Death is the great equaliser — it’s the one thing every single person on this planet has in common. Knowing you’re not alone in this experience can be oddly comforting. It’s a shared human experience that connects us all, regardless of our differences. So next time you’re feeling spooked about mortality, remember you’re in good company with literally everyone else on Earth.
2. Your body is built to make dying easier.

Our bodies are pretty clever, and they’ve got some built-in mechanisms to make the dying process less scary. As death approaches, the brain often releases chemicals that can create feelings of peace or even euphoria. It’s like your body’s way of saying, “Don’t worry, I’ve got this.” So in a way, you’re designed to handle this with as much comfort as possible.
3. Most people report not being afraid when the time comes.

Countless studies of people who’ve had near-death experiences or who are in the process of dying report feeling calm and accepting when the moment arrives. It seems that the fear of death is often worse than the actual experience. Many describe a sense of peace or even excitement about what comes next. So the anxiety you’re feeling now? It might just melt away when the time actually comes.
4. You won’t be aware of being dead.

This might sound obvious, but it’s worth remembering — once you’re gone, you won’t know you’re gone. Any fear or discomfort stops the moment you do. It’s like the deepest, most peaceful sleep you can imagine. You won’t be lying there thinking, “Oh no, I’m dead!” So really, it’s the idea of death that’s scary, not the state of being dead itself.
5. Your life story will continue.

The impact you’ve had on the world doesn’t end when you do. The ripples of your actions, your kindness, your ideas — they’ll keep going long after you’re gone. Think about how often you remember loved ones who’ve passed, or how you’ve been influenced by historical figures. In a way, a part of you lives on through the memories and impacts you leave behind.
6. Death gives life meaning.

Here’s a bit of philosophy for you — without death, life wouldn’t have the same value. It’s the limited nature of our time here that makes it precious. Knowing we won’t be here forever pushes us to make the most of the time we have, to create, to love, to experience. So, in a way, death is what makes life worth living. It’s not the enemy of life, but a crucial part of what makes life beautiful.
7. Humans have been grappling with this for millennia.

You’re not the first person to worry about death, and you won’t be the last. Humans have been pondering mortality since, well, forever. This has led to countless philosophies, religions, and coping mechanisms developed over thousands of years. There’s comfort in knowing that some of the greatest minds in history have wrestled with the same fears and have left behind wisdom to help us deal with it.
8. Science is constantly advancing.

Medical science is making incredible strides every day. Treatments that were once a death sentence are now curable, and life expectancy continues to rise. While we can’t cheat death forever, we’re getting better at prolonging life and improving its quality. Who knows what breakthroughs might happen in your lifetime? The future is full of possibilities.
9. Nature’s got your back.

In nature, nothing is ever truly lost. The atoms that make up your body have been around since the beginning of the universe and will continue to exist long after you’re gone. They’ll become part of other living things, maybe a tree, a flower, or even a star someday. So in a very real sense, you’re immortal — just in a form you might not have considered before.
10. You can leave a legacy.

While you’re here, you have the power to create a lasting impact. Whether it’s through your work, your relationships, or your contributions to the world, you can leave behind something that outlives you. Focus on building the legacy you want to leave. It can be comforting to know that a part of you will continue to influence the world even after you’re gone.
11. Death puts things in perspective.

Thinking about death can actually help you live a better life. It reminds you to focus on what’s truly important, to let go of petty worries, and to make the most of your time. Many people find that acknowledging their mortality leads them to live more fully, to take risks, to love more deeply. So in a strange way, death can be a tool for living your best life.
12. No one knows for sure what happens next.

While this might seem scary at first, there’s a certain freedom in the mystery. No one can tell you with 100% certainty what happens after death, which means the possibilities are endless. Whether you believe in an afterlife, reincarnation, or simply returning to the state you were in before you were born, there’s room for hope and wonder in the unknown. And who knows? The greatest adventure might just be beginning.