There’s nothing cute about attention-seeking behaviour, but many people are guilty of it — maybe even you.

I know it’s embarrassing to admit, and you’ll probably deny it until you’re blue in the face, but while actions speak louder than words, the things you say do reveal a lot about you. If you tend to pull out any of these phrases on a regular basis, you may seem a bit insecure and desperate for the spotlight.
1. You’re always saying “I’m so ugly” when you look fine.

Fishing for compliments is pretty cringeworthy, you have to admit. If you’re constantly putting yourself down about your looks, you might be hoping someone will jump in and disagree. You don’t need anyone else to validate you — that self-confidence should come from within. If it doesn’t, it’s something you need to work on.
2. Your stories are always an attempt to outdo everyone else’s.

Oh, your friend went to Spain? Well, you went to Spain AND Portugal. It’s like everything’s a competition, and you’ve always got to win. Recognise that life isn’t a competition and that there’s room for everyone to succeed and be happy. You don’t need to come out on top because there is no top, and trying to get there will cost you a lot of respect — and probably all of your friends.
3. You keep mentioning how busy you are.

Everyone gets it, you’re important. However, if you’re always banging on about your packed schedule, it might be because you want people to think you’re in demand. Busy-ness isn’t a badge of honour. If you really are that slammed, you need to examine your work-life balance before you burn out.
4. You’re constantly posting cryptic status updates.

“Worst day ever… don’t even ask.” I’ve seen this a million times on Facebook, and the person posting it is clearly secretly hoping everyone will ask. It’s the social media equivalent of begging for attention, and it’s incredibly immature, not to mention annoying.
5. You’re always the first to comment on social media posts.

If you’re racing to be the first to like or comment on everything, you might be trying to make sure people notice you’re there. There’s no prize for double-tapping within 30 seconds of someone posting a new selfie. In fact, it might even make you look a bit stalker-ish. Ouch!
6. You keep dropping names of famous people you’ve met.

“Oh, that reminds me of when I met Sr. David Attenborough…” I mean, to be fair, that is pretty cool, but does every conversation somehow lead back to your brush with fame? You don’t get any extra points in life because you’ve seen or even spoken to a celebrity. They’re just regular people with very public jobs.
7. You’re constantly talking about how much money you spend.

If you’re always mentioning the price of things or how much you splashed out, you might be trying to impress people with your wealth. Not only that, but you’re probably living beyond your means and are one redundancy away from a very bad financial situation.
8. You exaggerate your stories to make them more dramatic.

“It was the worst day of my life!” Was it really, though, or are you just trying to make your story sound more interesting? This could quickly become a “boy who cried wolf” situation where, when something bad does actually happen, no one will actually believe you because you’ve said it so many times before.
9. You’re always the loudest person in the room.

If you always talk over people or laugh extra loud, you might be subconsciously trying to draw attention to yourself. This isn’t going to endear you to people — in fact, it’s likely to make them not want to be around you since they’ll feel like they can’t get a word in edgewise.
10. You keep bringing up your accomplishments in unrelated conversations.

“That reminds me of when I won that award…” Does it really, though, or are you just looking for a chance to brag? The most impressive people are the ones who don’t feel the constant need to brag about every impressive thing they’ve done, you know.
11. You’re constantly asking for advice you don’t really need.

If you’re always asking people’s opinions on simple decisions, you might just be looking for people to focus on you. By acting like you need “advice,” you’re actually finding a way to share what’s going on in your life, hoping it’ll catch people’s attention. If you need help, by all means, ask away. Otherwise, don’t be so desperate to share.
12. You’re always talking about how unique and different you are.

“I’m not like other people…” Sadly, you probably are. Constantly pointing out how special you are doesn’t make it so. Human beings are unique, sure, but at our core, we are all very much the same in many ways, which is what ties us together as a human race. Insisting otherwise just makes you seem a bit try-hard.
13. You keep mentioning your follower count on social media.

I don’t know how to say this in any other way: Social media is not real life. It counts for absolutely nothing in the real world. If you’re always bringing up how many followers you have, you might be trying to impress people with your online popularity. You know the way to actually be popular? Stop caring so much about social media.
14. You’re constantly sharing vague details about your love life.

“I’ve got a date with someone special…” But you won’t say who. It’s like you’re trying to get people curious and asking questions. If you want to share your latest romance, do it — but don’t play coy. People will find it annoying, not intriguing.
15. You’re always the first to volunteer for things.

If you’re jumping at every chance to be in the spotlight, even for things you’re not keen on, you might be looking for attention. It’s great to help people out, but doing it for anything other than the sake of it is kind of gross.
16. You keep bringing up past drama.

Constantly rehashing old arguments or issues means you’re trying to stir up drama to get people focused on you. Make like Elsa and let it go, for goodness’ sake.