If You Say Any Of These Things, You Might Be A Nasty Piece Of Work

Envato Elements

Words are powerful, and using the wrong ones can make people think you’re not that great of a person.

Sure, sometimes it’s not what you say but how you say it, but there are still certain things that are unkind and even kind of rude, no matter what tone of voice you’re using. If these phrases are part of your daily vocabulary, you might want to do an honest self-assessment to consider if you might be kind of nasty deep down.

1. “I’m just being honest.”

Seva Levitsky

This is often used as a justification for rude or hurtful comments. It’s one thing to be honest, but there’s a way to do it without being unnecessarily harsh or insensitive. If your “honesty” is consistently causing pain or conflict, it’s time to re-evaluate your approach. Maybe there’s a gentler, more constructive way to express your thoughts and opinions.

2. “It’s not my fault.”

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Always deflecting blame is a classic sign of someone who lacks accountability. We all make mistakes, but owning up to them is a sign of maturity and integrity. If you find yourself constantly making excuses or pointing fingers, it’s have a closer look at your role in the situation. It takes courage to admit when you’re wrong, but it’s a crucial step towards personal growth.

3. “That’s your problem.”

Liubomyr Vorona

This dismissive phrase shows a lack of empathy and a disregard for other people’s feelings. It’s essentially telling someone that you don’t care about their problems or that they’re on their own. We all need support sometimes, and offering a helping hand or a listening ear is a basic human decency. If you find yourself saying this, it might be time to cultivate a more compassionate attitude.

4. “I’m better than you.”


Arrogance and a sense of superiority are not attractive qualities. Everyone has unique strengths and weaknesses, and there’s no need to put people down and make them feel like crap to feel good about yourself. Confidence is great, but it shouldn’t come at anyone else’s expense. If you find yourself constantly comparing yourself to other people and feeling superior, it’s time to check your ego.

5. “I always get my way.”

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This might sound like a power move, but it actually reveals a controlling and manipulative personality. Healthy relationships involve compromise and mutual respect, not one person always getting what they want. If you always have to be in control, it’s time to learn how to collaborate and consider other people’s needs.

6. “You’re so dramatic.”

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This is a classic way to invalidate someone’s feelings and dismiss their concerns. It’s a form of gaslighting, which is a manipulative tactic that makes someone question their own sanity. If you find yourself saying this, it’s important to understand that everyone has different emotional responses, and what might seem dramatic to you could be very real and valid for someone else.

7. “I don’t need anyone.”


While self-reliance is admirable, pretending you don’t need anyone is a sign of emotional isolation. We are social creatures, and we all need connection and support. If you’re pushing people away or refusing help, it could be a defence mechanism to protect yourself from vulnerability. But true strength comes from allowing yourself to be vulnerable and accepting help when you need it.

8. “It’s all about me.”


Narcissism is a personality disorder characterised by an inflated sense of self-importance, a constant need for admiration and attention, and a lack of empathy. If your conversations always revolve around yourself, your achievements, and your problems, it might be a sign that you’re more focused on yourself than on the people around you. Healthy relationships involve give and take, not just one person taking all the attention.

9. “You’re lucky to have me.”

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This implies that the other person is somehow inferior or unworthy, and that you’re doing them a favour by being in their life. It’s a manipulative tactic to make someone feel indebted to you and to diminish their self-worth. A healthy relationship is built on mutual respect and appreciation, not a power dynamic where one person feels superior.

10. “I never said that.” (When you did.)

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Gaslighting is a manipulative tactic that involves denying reality and making someone question their own sanity. If you frequently deny things you’ve said or done, it can be very confusing and distressing for the other person. It’s important to take responsibility for your words and actions, even if it’s uncomfortable. Honesty and accountability are essential for building trust.

11. “You’re so sensitive.”

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This is a common way to dismiss someone’s feelings and make them feel like they’re overreacting. It’s also a way to avoid taking responsibility for your own hurtful words or actions. Everyone has different emotional thresholds, and there’s no shame in being sensitive. Instead of invalidating someone’s feelings, try to understand where they’re coming from and respond with empathy.

12. “I’m always right.”

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No one is always right, and refusing to acknowledge this shows a lack of humility and a closed-minded attitude. Being able to admit when you’re wrong is a sign of strength, not weakness. It opens the door to learning, growth, and better communication. If you’re always insistent on being right, you’re missing out on valuable opportunities to expand your perspective.

13. “I don’t have time for this.”

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This dismissive phrase can make someone feel unimportant and unheard. It’s also a way to avoid dealing with difficult conversations or situations. While it’s true that we all have busy lives, it’s important to make time for the people who matter to us. If you’re constantly brushing people off or dismissing their concerns, it could damage your relationships.

14. “You’re crazy.”

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This is a hurtful and stigmatising insult that can be very damaging to someone’s mental health. It’s also a way to dismiss someone’s concerns or opinions as invalid. Mental health is a serious issue, and using this phrase casually can be very harmful. If you’re concerned about someone’s mental health, encourage them to seek professional help, but don’t resort to name-calling.

15. “I don’t like you.”

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This is a blunt and unkind statement that can be very hurtful, especially if it’s said without explanation or justification. Even if you don’t like someone, there are more tactful ways to express your feelings. You can simply say that you don’t see eye to eye, or that you’re not a good fit for each other. There’s no need to be unnecessarily cruel.

16. “I wish you were more like…”

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This is a comparison that can make someone feel inadequate and insecure. It’s also a way to control and manipulate someone by making them feel like they need to change to meet your standards. Everyone is unique, and we should celebrate our differences instead of trying to mould people into who we want them to be. If you truly care about someone, accept them for who they are, flaws and all.