If Someone’s Truly A Narcissist, They’ll Never Do These 16 Things

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A narcissist’s self-centred behaviour and lack of empathy can leave you feeling drained and confused.

However, there are certain things a narcissist will never do, and knowing what those things are can be a key to understanding their patterns and protecting yourself. Don’t expect any of these things from the narcissist in your life because you’ll just end up disappointed.

1. They won’t say “I’m sorry” and mean it.

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A narcissist might say “I’m sorry” but it’s rarely a true apology. They won’t take responsibility for their actions or acknowledge the hurt they’ve caused. Instead, their “apologies” often come with a twist, shifting blame or justifying their behaviour. They might even turn it around and make you feel like you’re the one who needs to apologise.

2. They won’t put your needs before their own.

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A narcissist’s world revolves around them. They prioritise their own desires, wants, and needs above everyone else’s. They might appear to be caring or helpful, but it’s often a means to an end, a way to get something they want. They’re not interested in genuine compromise or putting your well-being first.

3. They won’t admit they’re wrong.


Narcissists have an inflated sense of self-importance and believe they’re always right. They’ll go to great lengths to avoid admitting fault, even if it means twisting the truth or gaslighting you. They might change the subject, deflect blame, or simply deny that they did anything wrong.

4. They won’t handle criticism gracefully.


Even constructive criticism can trigger a narcissist’s rage or defensiveness. They can’t handle the idea that they’re not perfect, and they’ll lash out at anyone who challenges their self-image. They might get angry, withdraw, or try to undermine the person who criticised them.

5. They won’t show genuine empathy.

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Narcissists lack the ability to truly understand or share people feeling’s. They might feign empathy to manipulate or control you, but it’s not genuine. They’re more focused on how your emotions affect them rather than on your actual feelings. They won’t offer comfort or support without expecting something in return.

6. They won’t respect your boundaries.

Liubomyr Vorona

Narcissists see other people as extensions of themselves, existing solely to meet their needs. They have little regard for your personal boundaries and will often overstep them without a second thought. They might invade your privacy, disregard your feelings, or pressure you to do things you’re not comfortable with.

7. They won’t celebrate your successes without making it about them.


If you share good news with a narcissist, they might initially congratulate you, but it won’t be long before they shift the focus back to themselves. They might try to one-up you, downplay your achievement, or find a way to make your success somehow related to them.

8. They won’t let go of a grudge.


Narcissists are notorious for holding on to grudges. They see any slight or perceived offence as a personal attack, and they won’t let it go easily. They might try to get revenge, sabotage your efforts, or try to turn people against you. Even after you’ve apologised or tried to make amends, they’ll still harbour resentment and anger.

9. They won’t take responsibility for their mistakes.

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A narcissist will deflect blame, make excuses, or even gaslight you into believing their mistakes are your fault. They might downplay the impact of their actions or try to convince you that it wasn’t a big deal. They’ll rarely offer a sincere apology or take steps to correct their behaviour.

10. They won’t compromise.

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In a narcissist’s mind, there’s only one right way to do things – their way. They’re not interested in finding a middle ground or considering your perspective. They’ll insist on having their way, even if it means sacrificing your happiness or well-being. Compromise simply isn’t in their vocabulary.

11. They won’t validate your feelings.

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Narcissists often invalidate or dismiss your emotions. They might tell you you’re being too sensitive, overreacting, or that your feelings are wrong. They won’t offer comfort or understanding, and they might even try to make you feel guilty for having those feelings in the first place.

12. They won’t put effort into maintaining a relationship.

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Narcissists expect to be adored and admired without having to put in any effort. They won’t go out of their way to make you feel loved or appreciated. They might take you for granted, neglect your needs, or simply disappear for extended periods without explanation.

13. They won’t change their behaviour for you.

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Even if you express your concerns or try to explain how their behaviour is hurting you, a narcissist is unlikely to change. They might make empty promises or pretend to be remorseful, but their actions won’t match their words. They’re too invested in their own ego and self-image to make any real changes for someone else.

14. They won’t put your happiness above their own.

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A narcissist’s happiness is paramount, and they’ll often prioritise it at your expense. They might manipulate or control you to get what they want, even if it means sacrificing your own well-being. They won’t hesitate to use guilt, shame, or other tactics to keep you in line.

15. They won’t admit they need help.

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Narcissists often believe they’re better than everyone else and don’t need anyone’s help or guidance. They might refuse to get therapy or counselling, even if their behaviour is causing them problems in their relationships or careers. They’re too proud to admit they have flaws or weaknesses.

16. They won’t accept that they’re a narcissist.


If you confront a narcissist about their behaviour, they’ll likely deny it or deflect blame. They might even accuse you of being the narcissist. They’re so deeply invested in their own grandiosity that they can’t fathom the idea that they might have a personality disorder.