How To Know If You’re Conventionally Attractive: 17 Obvious Signs You’re Attractive To Other People


Some people just hit the genetic jackpot when it comes to looks. If you’ve ever wondered whether you’re one of the lucky few, pay attention. These indicators will give you a brutally honest assessment of where you stand on the attractiveness scale. If you relate to more than a few, you’re hot.

1. You get loads of attention on dating apps.


If your dating app inbox is constantly blowing up with messages from eager matches, that’s a dead giveaway you’re fit. Attractive people have their pick of the litter when it comes to online dating. They rack up right swipes and matches at lightning speed. Meanwhile, less genetically blessed folks are lucky to get a couple of matches a week. If you’re drowning in dating app attention, congratulations — you’re officially lush.

2. Strangers go out of their way to help you.

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Ever notice how people fall over themselves to lend you a hand? If strangers are always eager to give you directions, help with your heavy bags, or let you skip ahead in queues, chances are it’s because of your dishy looks. Attractive people benefit from the “halo effect” — others assume they’re kind, intelligent, and trustworthy, even without knowing them. As a result, people are more inclined to go out of their way to assist a pretty face.

3. You get hit on constantly.

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Attractive people are used to being chatted up by hopeful suitors. If you can’t walk down the street, go to the pub, or ride the tube without getting hit on, that’s a sure sign you’re a head-turner. You’re probably used to random blokes shooting their shot and trying to get your number. You likely have to fend off unwanted advances on the regular. It may get annoying, but it’s the price of being fit.

4. People assume you’re flirting when you’re really just being friendly.

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Do people often mistake your platonic friendliness for flirting? That’s because attractive people’s baseline niceness gets misinterpreted as romantic interest. When a fit bird smiles and banters, others tend to read it as a come-on, even if that’s not the intent. Meanwhile, less attractive people can be outright flirtatious and still have it go right over the other person’s head. If friendly interactions often get misconstrued as flirting, you must be quite fanciable.

5. You were popular back in your school days.

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Think back to your school days. Were you always surrounded by a gaggle of mates? Did you sit at the top table in the cafeteria? Were you invited to all the best parties? If you were a well-liked social butterfly, chances are your good looks had something to do with it. Studies show that even at a young age, attractive students tend to be more popular and have higher status in school social hierarchies.

6. People stare at you.

Do you often catch people gawking at you? When you walk into a room, do heads turn your way? If you regularly notice people checking you out, giving you the once over, or outright ogling you, take it as a compliment. People can’t help but stare at things of beauty. While it can feel a bit uncomfortable to be the object of strangers’ gazes, it’s a telltale sign of your attractiveness.

7. You can get a way with a lot.

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Be honest — do you get away with murder sometimes? If you find people let you off the hook for minor transgressions, it may be because of your good looks. Attractive people often benefit from more lenient treatment. Others are prone to making excuses for them and giving them the benefit of the doubt. Fit individuals tend to receive more second chances and have an easier time charming their way out of trouble.

8. You’re always in demand as a plus-one.

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Do your mates constantly beg you to be their wedding date or accompany them to family ‘do’s? That’s because you’re probably the most attractive pick in their social circle. People always want to have the fittest mate on their arm — it’s an ego boost to roll up to an event with the best-looking guest. If you’re perpetually getting “plus one” invites, take it as a compliment to your appearance.

9. People assume you’re doing better than you are.

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Ever notice how people tend to overestimate your success and status? They may assume you make more dosh than you do, are further along in your career, or have your life more sorted than is actually the case. That’s likely your good looks giving a halo effect, making you seem more successful by association. Fit individuals get the benefit of the doubt and have their status level rounded up by default.

10. You get VIP treatment.

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Do bouncers usher you to the front of the queue at the club? Does your server always throw in a cheeky free drink? Do bartenders make your cocktail a double without you asking? That royal treatment is a perk of being attractive. People in service roles are more inclined to go above and beyond for fit patrons. Never underestimate the power of a pretty face to open doors and score upgrades.

11. People always ask if you’re single.

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If you constantly get asked about your relationship status, take it as a strong signal of your attractiveness. When people find someone fanciable, they’re eager to suss out if they’re available. Mates want to know if they can set you up, and interested parties want to confirm you’re on the market before making a move. If your love life is a hot topic, it means you’re probably quite fit.

12. Your social media posts get tons of likes.

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Do you rack up hundreds of likes and adoring comments every time you post a selfie on Insta? That digital validation is a clear indicator of your attractiveness. In the age of social media, likes and comments are the new currency of good looks. The more engagement you get, the higher you rank on the virtual fit list. If your notifications are always blowing up, rest assured you’re quite easy on the eyes.

13. Babies love you.

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Here’s an attractiveness gauge you might not expect: babies’ reactions. Studies show that infants tend to stare longer at attractive faces. They’re drawn to symmetrical features and healthy-looking people. So if you’re constantly getting gummy baby grins and coos from tiny admirers, take it as a biological sign that you’re fit. Those chubby cherubs know a good-looking mug when they see it.

14. People act flustered around you.

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Ever notice people getting tongue-tied or acting awkward in your presence? Tripping over their words, giggling nervously, or fidgeting like mad? Chances are, it’s because they’re a bit intimidated by your good looks. Being around someone very attractive can make people lose their cool. They get flustered trying to impress you. If you frequently fluster folks, you must be quite the dish.

15. People always compliment your appearance.


Let’s be real — attractive people get more compliments, full stop. If you’re constantly fielding flattering remarks about your looks, it’s a dead giveaway that you’re a looker. Maybe you get gushing comments about your eyes, bone structure, smile, hair, physique — you name it. People feel compelled to verbalise their aesthetic appreciation. While it’s nice to be recognised for other qualities too, a steady stream of appearance compliments is a sure sign you’re fit.

16. You’ve been told “you should model.”

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Has anyone ever suggested you should get into modelling? Told you that you could grace magazine covers or strut down the catwalk? While it may seem like a line, there’s often a kernel of truth there. Modelling is a profession reserved for the most aesthetically gifted among us. If multiple people have mentioned your modelling potential, it’s a strong sign you’re at the top tier of physical attractiveness. Apparently, you’ve got the looks to get booked.