Dealing with a narcissist’s silent treatment can be a bewildering and emotionally draining experience.

Their tendency to ignore people is yet another calculated behaviour designed to manipulate and control, and when you’re on the receiving end of it, it can be seriously unsettling. Here’s what you need to know about narcissistic stonewalling and why they do it.
1. They might ignore you for days to assert dominance.

A narcissist often uses short-term silent treatment lasting a few days as a power play. This brief period is long enough to cause anxiety and uncertainty, but short enough to maintain control over the relationship. They want you to feel off-balance and eager for their attention, reinforcing their sense of importance and authority in the dynamic.
2. Weeks of silence could mean they’re punishing you.

When a narcissist extends their silent treatment to weeks, it’s often a form of punishment. Perhaps you’ve challenged their authority or failed to provide the admiration they crave. Their prolonged silence is meant to make you suffer, question yourself, and eventually conform to their wishes. It’s a cruel tactic designed to break down your self-esteem and independence.
3. Months of no contact might mean they’ve found a new source of attention.

If a narcissist’s silence stretches into months, it could signify they’ve found a new person to manipulate and gain attention from. Narcissists often have a rotating cast of people in their lives, moving on when one source of admiration dries up or becomes too challenging. Extended silence might actually be a reprieve, giving you space to reflect and heal.
4. They use silence to avoid accountability for their actions.

When confronted with their misdeeds or mistakes, a narcissist might resort to ignoring you as a way to avoid taking responsibility. By refusing to engage, they sidestep any need to apologise or acknowledge their faults. Their silence serves as a shield, protecting their fragile ego from the threat of admitting wrongdoing or facing consequences for their behaviour.
5. Silence is their way of regaining control in the relationship.

If a narcissist feels they’re losing grip on the relationship, they might employ the silent treatment to regain the upper hand. By withdrawing communication, they create an imbalance where you’re left guessing and trying to re-establish contact. This puts them back in control, as they can choose when and how to re-engage, often on their terms.
6. They’re testing your loyalty and devotion through prolonged silence.

A narcissist might use an extended period of silence as a test of your commitment to them. They want to see how long you’ll persist in trying to reconnect, how much you’ll tolerate their absence, and whether you’ll accept blame for the situation. It’s a manipulative way of gauging your emotional investment and willingness to prioritise their needs above your own.
7. Ignoring you allows them to play the victim later.

By maintaining silence, a narcissist can later twist the narrative to portray themselves as the victim. They might claim they needed space due to your actions or that you didn’t try hard enough to communicate with them. This manipulation tactic shifts blame onto you, allowing them to avoid responsibility and maintain their image of perfection.
8. They use silence to create a cycle of intermittent reinforcement.

Narcissists often employ a pattern of alternating between attention and silence to keep you hooked. This creates a cycle of intermittent reinforcement, where you never know when you’ll receive positive attention. Their unpredictability can be addictive, making you crave their approval and work harder to please them, further feeding their ego and need for control.
9. Silence serves as a form of gaslighting to make you doubt yourself.

By refusing to communicate, a narcissist can make you question your own perceptions and memories. You might start to wonder if you’ve done something wrong or if you’re overreacting to their behaviour. This form of gaslighting destroys your confidence and makes you more susceptible to their manipulation, as you begin to rely on their version of reality.
10. They ignore you to provoke an emotional reaction.

Sometimes, a narcissist’s silence is simply bait to elicit a strong emotional response from you. They might enjoy seeing you upset, anxious, or angry as it confirms their power over your emotions. Their provocation serves their need for drama and attention, even if it’s negative. By refusing to engage, you can disrupt this pattern and deny them the reaction they’re looking for.
11. Silence allows them to avoid addressing relationship issues.

When faced with genuine relationship problems that require honest communication and compromise, a narcissist might choose to ignore you instead. This avoidance tactic allows them to sidestep difficult conversations that might challenge their perspective or require them to change. By refusing to engage, they maintain their inflated self-image and avoid the discomfort of self-reflection.
12. They use silence as a way to devalue you and your needs.

Ignoring you is a narcissist’s way of communicating that your feelings, needs, and opinions are unimportant to them. Devaluation is a cruel tactic designed to lower your self-esteem and make you more compliant to their wishes. By withholding communication, they’re sending a clear message about your perceived worth in the relationship, reinforcing their sense of superiority.
13. Silence can be their response to perceived challenges to their authority.

If you’ve stood up to a narcissist, disagreed with them, or asserted your own boundaries, they might respond with silence. This is their way of punishing you for challenging their authority or not conforming to their expectations. The silent treatment in this context is a power move, intended to make you think twice before asserting yourself again in the future.