Do You Have High Mental Strength? 16 Signs You Do

Yuri Arcurs YAPR

Mental strength isn’t about never feeling weak, it’s about having the courage to keep going when you do.

Yuri Arcurs YAPR

It’s not about being perfect, it’s about being resilient. So if you’re wondering whether you have what it takes to be mentally tough, here are 16 signs that prove you’re stronger than you think.

1. You face your fears head-on.

Yuri Arcurs

Mentally strong people don’t run from their fears, they run towards them. They know that the only way to conquer fear is to face it directly. Whether it’s public speaking, skydiving, or having a tough conversation, they feel the fear and do it anyway. They understand that courage isn’t the absence of fear, it’s the willingness to act in spite of it. So if you’re regularly pushing yourself outside your comfort zone, congratulations — you’re amazing.

2. You embrace change rather than trying to fight it.

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Change is inevitable, but that doesn’t make it easy. Mentally strong people don’t just accept change, they welcome it. They see change as an opportunity for growth and evolution, not something to be resisted or feared. They’re adaptable and resilient, able to pivot when necessary and make the best of new situations. If you’re someone who can roll with the punches and come out swinging, you’re mentally tougher than you think.

3. You practice self-compassion.

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Mentally strong people are kind to themselves. They understand that self-criticism and negative self-talk are unproductive at best and destructive at worst. Instead of beating themselves up for mistakes or perceived shortcomings, they practice self-compassion. They treat themselves with the same understanding and kindness they’d extend to a good friend. If you’re able to cut yourself some slack and love yourself unconditionally, that’s a sign of true mental fortitude.

4. You set healthy boundaries.

Envato Elements

Mentally strong people know how to say no. They understand that boundaries are necessary for self-preservation and healthy relationships. They’re not afraid to speak up for themselves and communicate their needs assertively. Whether it’s declining an invitation, ending a toxic friendship, or refusing to work late (again), they prioritise their own well-being. If you’re someone who stands up for yourself and protects your time and energy, you’re exhibiting serious mental strength.

5. You take responsibility for your life.

Envato Elements

Mentally strong people don’t make excuses or blame people for their circumstances. They take ownership of their thoughts, feelings, and actions. They understand that they are the architects of their own lives and that every decision they make shapes their reality. If you’re someone who looks inward instead of pointing fingers, who takes the reins of your life instead of passively letting things happen to you, you’re embodying mental toughness.

6. You practice gratitude.

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Unsplash/Tabitha Turner

Mentally strong people focus on what they have, not what they lack. They make a conscious effort to appreciate the good in their lives, no matter how small. They understand that gratitude is a powerful force that can shift their mindset and improve their overall well-being. If you’re someone who regularly takes stock of your blessings and expresses appreciation for what you have, you’re flexing your mental muscles in a major way.

7. You cultivate a growth mindset.

Source: Unsplash

People with lots of mental strength believe that they can always improve and grow. They embrace challenges as opportunities to learn and develop new skills. They don’t view failure as a reflection of their worth, but as a necessary part of the journey towards success. If you’re someone who is always striving to learn, grow, and better yourself, you have the hallmark of a mentally strong person.

8. You practice self-care.

Envato Elements

Mentally strong people understand that self-care is non-negotiable. They make time for activities that nourish their mind, body, and soul. Whether it’s exercise, meditation, therapy, or a hot bath, they prioritise their own needs and well-being. They know that they can’t pour from an empty cup, and that taking care of themselves is essential to showing up fully in all areas of their life. If you make self-care a priority, you’re showcasing real mental strength.

9. You set and achieve goals.

Source: Unsplash

There’s no doubt about it — mentally strong people are proactive about their lives. They set clear, specific goals for themselves and then take consistent action towards achieving them. They don’t just dream, they do. Whether it’s saving for a down payment, running a marathon, or starting a business, they break big goals down into manageable steps and then put in the work. If you’re someone who regularly sets and achieves goals, big or small, you’re demonstrating impressive mental fortitude.

10. You practice forgiveness.

Envato Elements

Holding on to grudges and resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Mentally strong people understand this and practice forgiveness, not for the other person, but for themselves. They don’t condone hurtful behaviour, but they do release the negative emotions associated with it so they can move forward unburdened. If you’re able to forgive those who have wronged you (including yourself), you’re exhibiting a profound level of mental strength.

11. You communicate assertively.

Envato Elements

Mentally strong people are skilled communicators. They express their thoughts and feelings clearly and directly, without being aggressive or passive-aggressive. They’re not afraid of difficult conversations, and they don’t shy away from respectfully disagreeing. They understand that honest, open communication is the foundation of healthy relationships. If you’re someone who communicates assertively and tackles tough conversations head-on, you’re flexing some serious mental muscle.

12. You practice mindfulness.


Mentally strong people live in the present. They don’t dwell on the past or worry about the future, they focus on the here and now. They practice mindfulness by fully engaging in the present moment and observing their thoughts and feelings without judgment. They understand that the only moment they have control over is this one. If you’re someone who can stay grounded in the present and not get swept away by anxious thoughts, you’re exhibiting real mental toughness.

13. You have a strong support system.

Adrian Exposito Ruiz

No one is an island, and mentally strong people know this. They surround themselves with a supportive network of friends, family, and mentors. They’re not afraid to ask for help when they need it, and they’re quick to offer support to people in return. They understand that vulnerability is a strength and that leaning on other people is a sign of wisdom, not weakness. If you have a robust support system, you’re setting yourself up for mental resilience.

14. You practice self-reflection.

Envato Elements

Mentally strong people are introspective. They regularly examine their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours in an effort to gain self-awareness and personal growth. They’re honest with themselves about their strengths and weaknesses, and they use that knowledge to continually improve. They don’t fear their own minds, they befriend them. If you’re someone who engages in regular self-reflection and uses those insights for personal development, you’re showcasing significant mental strength.

15. You embrace discomfort.

Source: Pexels

Mentally strong people understand that discomfort is the price of admission to a meaningful life. They don’t shy away from difficult emotions or challenging situations, they lean into them. They know that growth and comfort rarely coexist and that to become their best selves, they have to be willing to get uncomfortable. If you’re someone who can tolerate and even embrace discomfort for the sake of growth, you’re demonstrating true grit and mental toughness.

16. You cultivate resilience.

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Life isn’t always sunshine and rainbows, and mentally strong people know this better than anyone. They’ve faced their fair share of adversity, and they’ve come out the other side stronger for it. They cultivate resilience by viewing challenges as opportunities, focusing on what they can control, and never giving up on themselves. They understand that setbacks are inevitable, but defeat is optional. If you’re someone who can bounce back from hardship and keep moving forward, you’re the very definition of mentally strong.