17 Tiny Habits That Reveal You’re Secretly Miserable

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We all have our off days, but some people are carrying around a ton of unhappiness without even realising it.

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These aren’t grand gestures of despair; they’re the little things, the almost invisible habits that whisper “I’m not okay” when nobody’s listening. If you find yourself nodding along to this list, it might be time to make some serious changes in your life.

1. You hit the snooze button… repeatedly.

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When facing the day feels like preparing for battle, that alarm clock becomes your mortal enemy. You’re not just tired; you’re avoiding life, one 9-minute increment at a time.

2. Your go-to outfit is whatever doesn’t smell bad.

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Personal hygiene has become a game of “How long can I go without anyone noticing?” Laundry is a distant memory, and your wardrobe is chosen by the sniff test.

3. You’ve perfected the fake smile.

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Your “I’m fine” face could win an Oscar, but behind the scenes, it’s all tragedy, no comedy. You’ve got more masks than a Halloween store, and they’re all labelled “Everything’s great!”

4. Your phone is always in your hand, but you never actually call anyone.

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It’s your shield against the world, your constant companion. But heaven forbid you use it to actually connect with someone. Texting is your love language, and even that’s pushing it.

5. You can’t remember the last time you made plans… and kept them.

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Cancelling has become your superpower. You make plans in a moment of optimism, then spend the time until then dreading them and plotting your escape.

6. Your Netflix account thinks there are five people living in your house.

Dasha Petrenko

Binge-watching isn’t just a hobby; it’s a lifestyle. You’ve seen more fictional sunrises than real ones lately. Who needs real-life drama when you’ve got seven seasons to get through?

7. Your idea of meal prep is deciding which flavour of instant noodles to have.

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Cooking requires energy you just don’t have. Your food pyramid is more like a food flat circle, and it’s made entirely of processed convenience.

8. You’ve turned complaining into an art form.

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Every cloud has a dark lining in your world. You could find the downside to winning the lottery. Eeyore thinks you need to lighten up a bit.

9. Your plants are more likely to press charges than photosynthesise.

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That green thumb of yours has turned decidedly black. You relate a little too much to the wilting fern in the corner. Keeping yourself alive is challenging enough, let alone other living things.

10. You’ve got a PhD in procrastination.

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Tomorrow is always the day you’ll turn things around. Your to-do list has become a historical document, with tasks carbon-dated to last year.

11. Your browser history is a testament to 3 AM existential crises.

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“Why am I like this?” is your most frequent search, right after “Can you survive on coffee alone?” Your sleep schedule is more of a sleep suggestion at this point.

12. You’ve developed a mysterious allergy to sunlight.

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The outside world has become as foreign as a distant planet. Your vitamin D levels are sending out an SOS. The delivery guy is your only consistent human contact.

13. You collect self-help books like Pokémon cards.

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Your shelves are a shrine to self-improvement, but they’re mostly gathering dust. You’re one motivational quote away from a breakthrough… or so you keep telling yourself.

14. Your pet has become your therapist.


Your cat has heard more of your problems than any human. You’re pretty sure your dog is judging your life choices, but at least he’s still happy to see you.

15. You’ve turned sarcasm into a second language.

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Sincerity is for other people. You’ve weaponised wit to keep everyone at arm’s length. It’s not pessimism; it’s “realism” (wink, wink).

16. Your credit card statement reads like a comfort shopping diary.

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Retail therapy is your cardio. You’re on a first-name basis with the delivery drivers. That momentary high of a new purchase is the closest thing to joy you’ve felt in weeks.

17. You can’t remember the last time you felt genuinely excited about something.

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Enthusiasm feels like a foreign language. The future looks about as appealing as a root canal. When did “meh” become your emotional baseline?