If you’re guilty of any of these 13 habits, you might be the reason your friends and family dread taking trips with you.
It’s time to take a hard look in the mirror and make some changes before you find yourself travelling solo permanently.
1. You’re always late.
Source: Unsplash
If you’re the type of person who consistently misses flights, holds up the group, and causes everyone to miss out on activities because you couldn’t be bothered to set an alarm, you’re a nightmare travel companion. Nobody wants to spend their holiday waiting around for you to get your act together. Set multiple alarms, pack the night before, and for the love of all that is holy, show up on time.
2. All you do is complain.
Source: Unsplash
A whopping 67% of Brits find travelling stressful, according to The Mirror, but if you’re constantly whining about every little inconvenience, you’re bringing everyone else down. Nobody wants to hear you moan about the long lines, the hot weather, or the fact that your hotel room doesn’t have a view. Suck it up, buttercup. You’re on holiday, not in a five-star resort. Find something positive to focus on and keep your negative comments to yourself.
3. You’re a control freak.
Source: Unsplash
If you insist on planning every minute of the trip, dictating where everyone should eat, and refusing to let anyone else have a say in the itinerary, you’re a control freak. And nobody likes a control freak. Learn to be flexible, go with the flow, and let other people have a say in the plans. You might be surprised at how much fun you have when you loosen the reins a little.
4. You’re a cheapskate.
Source: Unsplash
There’s nothing wrong with being budget-conscious, but if you’re the type of person who always tries to weasel out of paying your fair share, suggests splitting entrées to save a few bucks, or refuses to chip in for group activities, you’re a cheapskate. And nobody wants to travel with a cheapskate. Be willing to splurge a little and contribute your fair share. Your travel companions will thank you.
5. You’re a know-it-all.
Source: Unsplash
If you’re constantly correcting your travel companions, showing off your knowledge of obscure historical facts, or acting like you’re an expert on everything, you’re a know-it-all. And nobody likes a know-it-all. It’s okay to share your knowledge and opinions, but don’t be a pompous jerk about it. Listen to other people, be open to learning new things, and remember that everyone has something valuable to contribute.
6. You’re a party animal.
Source: Unsplash
If you’re the type of person who stays out all night, gets sloppy drunk, and causes a scene everywhere you go, you’re a party animal. And while that might be fun for you, it’s not so fun for your travel companions who have to deal with your antics. Know your limits, pace yourself, and be respectful of other people. Nobody wants to babysit a grown adult on holiday.
7. You’re a germaphobe.
Source: Unsplash
If you’re constantly dousing yourself in hand sanitiser, refusing to eat street food, and freaking out over every little germ, you’re a germaphobe. And while it’s important to be cautious, especially in foreign countries, there’s a fine line between being careful and being paranoid. Relax a little, live a little, and remember that exposure to new bacteria can actually boost your immune system, per Healthline.
8. You’re a social media addict.
Source: Unsplash
If you’re constantly glued to your phone, taking selfies every five minutes, and posting every detail of your trip on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, etc., you’re a social media addict. And while it’s great to document your travels, there’s such a thing as too much. Put down the phone, be present in the moment, and actually enjoy the experience. Your followers can wait.
9. You’re a picky eater.
Source: Unsplash
If you’re the type of person who turns up their nose at every new food, refuses to try local specialities, and insists on eating at chain restaurants, you’re a picky eater. And nobody wants to travel with a picky eater. Be adventurous, step out of your comfort zone, and try new things. You might be surprised at how much you like that weird-looking street food.
10. You’re a backseat driver.
Source: Unsplash
If you’re constantly telling the driver where to go, how to get there, and what route to take, you’re a backseat driver. And nobody likes a backseat driver. Sit back, relax, and trust that your travel companion knows what they’re doing. If you really think they’re going the wrong way, suggest an alternate route politely.
11. You’re a slob.
Source: Unsplash
If you leave your stuff all over the hotel room, never clean up after yourself, and expect people to pick up your slack, you’re a slob. And nobody wants to travel with a slob. Be respectful of shared spaces, keep your belongings tidy, and do your part to keep things clean. It’s not rocket science.
12. You’re a drama queen.
Source: Unsplash
If you’re constantly stirring up drama, getting into arguments with your travel companions, and making a big deal out of every little thing, you’re a drama queen. And nobody wants to deal with drama on holiday. Learn to let things go, communicate calmly and effectively, and remember that you’re supposed to be having fun. Save the theatrics for the stage.
13. You’re a complete flake.
Source: Unsplash
If you’re the type of person who bails on plans at the last minute, changes your mind every five seconds, and can’t be relied on to follow through on anything, you’re a complete flake. And nobody wants to travel with a flake. Be dependable, communicate clearly, and stick to your commitments. Your travel companions will thank you for it.