Gen Z Is Having Less Fun Than Any Other Generation — Here’s Why

Every generation looks back on their youth and insists they had way more fun than the ones that came after them.

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However, in Gen Z’s case, it might actually be true. Compared to the carefree partying of the ‘80s, the wild nights of the ‘90s, and the chaotic energy of the early 2000s, today’s younger generation seems… a bit tired. But why is that? Here are some of the biggest reasons Gen Z just isn’t having as much fun as previous generations.

1. They’re too exhausted to party.

Unsplash/Nina Zeynep

Between work, side hustles, academic pressure, and just trying to keep up with life, Gen Z barely has the energy to go out. By the time Friday night rolls around, the idea of dressing up and hitting the town sounds less appealing than curling up in bed with their phone. Previous generations seemed to have a lot more energy for going out, but Gen Z has mastered the art of social exhaustion. The need to “be productive” all the time has made chilling at home feel like the ultimate luxury.

2. The cost of fun has skyrocketed.

Unsplash/Tim Mossholder

Fun isn’t free, and Gen Z knows this better than anyone. Nights out are expensive, festival tickets cost more than a week’s rent, and even grabbing a casual drink with friends feels like a financial commitment. Previous generations could afford to go out without breaking the bank, but this generation has to budget every social event carefully. When a single cocktail costs nearly £12, suddenly staying in and making a cup of tea feels like the more responsible choice.

3. Social media makes everything feel like a performance.


Back in the day, people could have fun without worrying about whether it looked good online. Now? Every night out comes with the pressure of capturing it perfectly for Instagram, TikTok, or BeReal. Instead of just enjoying the moment, Gen Z often finds themselves wondering, “Does this look fun enough?” When fun starts feeling like a content creation job, it kind of ruins the vibe.

4. They’re hyper-aware of everything.

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Thanks to the internet, Gen Z knows way too much about everything. They can’t just enjoy a night out without thinking about how much sleep they’re losing, how much money they’re spending, or how socially draining it’s going to be. Ignorance was bliss for older generations. Now, fun comes with a mental checklist of consequences, and that’s exhausting.

5. Dating isn’t as fun as it used to be.


Dating apps were supposed to make meeting people easier, but somehow, they’ve made it worse. Instead of exciting meet-cutes and fun flirting, dating now feels like a never-ending cycle of dry conversations, ghosting, and awkward small talk. Gen Z is swiping left more than they’re actually dating, and the whole thing has started to feel like a chore rather than something enjoyable. At this point, even their grandparents had a more exciting love life.

6. They prefer texting over talking.

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Gen Z is great at messaging, but when it comes to in-person conversations? That’s a different story. The idea of picking up the phone or having a spontaneous chat with a stranger can feel overwhelming. Older generations thrived on random conversations and spontaneous socialising, but Gen Z would rather carefully craft their responses in a group chat. Talking to people in real life? That takes energy they just don’t have.

7. Drinking culture isn’t the same.

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Previous generations partied hard, but Gen Z is a bit more cautious. Many are choosing to drink less (or not at all) because they don’t see the appeal of hangovers, bad decisions, and regrettable texts. While this is definitely a healthier choice, it also means a lot of wild, spontaneous nights just don’t happen anymore. Turns out, most of the reckless fun from the past was fuelled by questionable decisions.

8. Social anxiety is at an all-time high.

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Between growing up with social media, dealing with constant comparisons, and living through global chaos, Gen Z is carrying a lot of social anxiety. Going out and meeting new people can feel like more of a stressor than an adventure. Older generations didn’t have to worry about being filmed or judged online while they were out having fun. Now, even a simple night out can feel like a high-pressure event.

9. They grew up in a world of constant bad news.

Envato Elements

It’s hard to feel carefree when your entire childhood and young adulthood have been filled with crisis after crisis. Climate change, financial instability, global pandemics — Gen Z has had a lot to process. Older generations had their struggles, but they didn’t have 24/7 access to a newsfeed reminding them of every global disaster. Sometimes, it’s hard to let loose when you’re constantly aware of how messed up the world is.

10. They’d rather be comfortable than cool.

Javier Sánchez Mingorance

Gen Z isn’t obsessed with dressing to impress the way previous generations were. Instead of squeezing into uncomfortable clubwear, they’d rather prioritise oversized hoodies, comfy trainers, and a warm blanket. This means they’re not rushing out to packed clubs or trying to keep up with exhausting social trends. Comfort over chaos is the new way to live, even if it means missing out on a few big nights.

11. Work-life balance isn’t working.

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Gen Z was promised a better work-life balance, but instead, they’re navigating burnout culture, side hustle expectations, and the pressure to always be productive. Even after a long day, there’s an underlying feeling that they should be doing more. When you’re constantly worried about making ends meet or building a career, fun starts to feel like an unnecessary luxury rather than something you can truly enjoy.

12. They actually take self-care seriously.

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Previous generations didn’t think twice about pulling all-nighters, partying non-stop, and running on three hours of sleep. Gen Z, on the other hand, is much more aware of how that impacts mental and physical health. Instead of forcing themselves to go out when they’re exhausted, they prioritise rest. Sure, they might be missing out on some wild nights, but at least they’re getting enough sleep.

13. They’re pickier about who they spend time with.

Source: Unsplash

Older generations often felt pressured to be social with everyone, even if they didn’t really enjoy it. Gen Z is much more selective—they’d rather spend time with a few close friends than force themselves into uncomfortable social situations. This is great for personal boundaries, but it does mean they end up saying no to more spontaneous plans. Sometimes, being too careful about your social life means missing out on unexpected fun.

14. They don’t want to be cringe.

Source: Pexels

For previous generations, embarrassing moments were just funny stories to tell later. But Gen Z grew up in the age of viral videos, where one awkward moment can be recorded and shared online forever. The fear of looking cringe-worthy stops a lot of people from truly letting loose. No one wants to end up as a meme or a trending TikTok, so sometimes, it’s just easier to play it safe.