If You Do These 16 Things, You’re Clearly A Sentimental Person

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Are you the type of person who gets misty-eyed at old photos and keeps every birthday card you’ve ever received? If so, you might be a sentimental person. Here are 16 things that sentimental people do.

1. You keep a box of mementos.

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Ticket stubs, love letters, pressed flowers — you’ve got a collection of items that hold special memories for you. And even if they’re gathering dust, you can’t bear to throw them away. They’re not just objects to you, they’re tangible reminders of the moments and people that have shaped your life.

2. You have a favourite “something.”

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Whether it’s a coffee mug, a jumper, or a pen, you have an item that you’re particularly attached to. It might not be the most practical or fashionable thing, but it has sentimental value to you. Maybe it was a gift from someone special, or maybe it just reminds you of a happy time in your life.

3. You celebrate every milestone.

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Birthdays, anniversaries, graduations — you never let a significant occasion go by without acknowledgment. You enjoy making a fuss over the people you care about and commemorating the moments that matter. Even if it’s just a small gesture, like a heartfelt card or a home-cooked meal, you put thought and effort into your celebrations.

4. You have a soft spot for certain scents.

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The smell of your grandma’s perfume, the scent of a particular flower, the aroma of your favourite childhood meal — certain scents have the power to transport you back in time. When you encounter them, you can’t help but feel a wave of nostalgia and emotion. You might even seek products that mimic those scents, just to evoke those memories.

5. You’ve cried during commercials.

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You know those sappy ads that tug at the heartstrings? The ones with the heart-warming music and the emotional storylines? Yeah, those get to you every time. You find yourself getting choked up over a 30-second spot for life insurance or dog food. But hey, there’s no shame in being moved by a well-crafted narrative.

6. You save voicemails and text messages.

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When someone leaves you a particularly sweet or funny message, you can’t bring yourself to delete it. You like being able to replay those words of love or encouragement whenever you need a boost. And scrolling through old text conversations can be like taking a walk down memory lane.

7. You have a playlist of meaningful songs.

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Music has a way of evoking powerful emotions and memories for you. You have a carefully curated playlist of songs that hold special significance — maybe they remind you of a certain person or time in your life, or maybe they just perfectly capture a feeling you want to hold on to.

8. You keep in touch with old friends.

Adrian Exposito Ruiz

You’re the type of person who makes an effort to stay connected with friends from different phases of your life. Even if you don’t see them often, you make a point of checking in, whether it’s through social media, phone calls, or the occasional get-together. Those long-standing friendships are important to you.

9. You have a cherished childhood toy.

© Eugenio Marongiu

Somewhere in your home, there’s a worn-out stuffed animal or a battered action figure that you just can’t let go of. It might not look like much to anyone else, but to you, it’s a precious artifact from your childhood. Just holding it brings back a flood of happy memories.

10. You love looking through old photos.

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You could spend hours flipping through photo albums or scrolling through your camera roll. Each image is a glimpse into a moment from your past, and you enjoy reliving those memories. You might even get a little emotional looking at pictures of loved ones or past versions of yourself.

11. You hold on to old love letters.

Polina Lebed

If you’ve ever been in a romantic relationship, chances are you’ve kept some of the love letters or notes you received. Even if the relationship ended, you can’t bring yourself to throw away those expressions of affection. They remind you that you were once deeply loved, and that’s a feeling you want to remember.

12. You have a collection of greeting cards.

smiling woman with coffee on porchSource: Unsplash

Every birthday, holiday, or special occasion card you’ve ever received is safely tucked away somewhere. You appreciate the thought and effort that goes into picking out a card and writing a personal message. And rereading those cards can be a reminder of the people who care about you.

13. You attach sentimental value to gifts.

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When someone gives you a present, it’s not just about the item itself — it’s about the gesture and the thought behind it. You cherish gifts that have emotional significance, like a piece of jewellery passed down from a family member or a handmade item from a friend.  The story behind the gift is as important as the gift itself.

14. You keep a journal.

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You find value in documenting your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Writing in a journal helps you process your emotions and preserve your memories. You might not write every day, but when you do, it’s a cathartic and meaningful practice for you.

15. You have a hard time letting go.

Javier Sánchez Mingorance

Whether it’s a relationship that’s run its course, a job that no longer serves you, or a possession that’s outlived its use, you struggle with saying goodbye. You form deep attachments to people and things, and the idea of losing them can be painful. But sometimes, holding on too tightly can keep you stuck in the past.

16. You believe in the power of sentimentality.

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For you, being sentimental isn’t a weakness — it’s a strength. You value the emotional richness that comes from cherishing memories and holding on to the things that matter. You know that life is fleeting, and you want to savour and appreciate every moment.