Disturbing Signs A Man Is Thinking About Another Woman

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Relationships require trust and commitment, but sometimes partners stray in thought or action.

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Recognising the signs early can help you address issues before they escalate. While it’s important not to jump to conclusions, certain behaviours can indicate your man’s mind is elsewhere. Here are 18 disturbing signs that a man might be thinking about another woman.

1. He’s suddenly protective of his phone.

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If he’s always kept his phone face down or takes it with him everywhere, even to the bathroom, something’s up. This behaviour screams that he’s hiding messages or calls from someone. It’s a classic sign he’s thinking about another woman and doesn’t want you to catch on.

2. He’s working late more often.


Occasional late nights at the office happen, but if they’ve become frequent without explanation, be wary. This could be his excuse to spend time with or think about someone else. Pay attention if his stories about work don’t add up or seem vague.

3. He’s more critical of you.

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If he’s constantly pointing out your flaws or comparing you to other women in a less than flattering way, it’s a red flag. This behaviour often stems from guilt or a subconscious attempt to justify his wandering thoughts. It’s not fair to you and indicates his mind is elsewhere.

4. His grooming habits have changed.

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Has he suddenly started hitting the gym, buying new clothes, or using a new cologne? While self-improvement is great, drastic changes without explanation could mean he’s trying to impress someone else. Be especially alert if he’s dressing up for seemingly no reason.

5. He’s less affectionate.

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If your usually touchy-feely partner has become distant, it’s cause for concern. A decrease in physical affection, like hugs, kisses, or hand-holding, might mean his mind (and heart) are preoccupied with thoughts of another woman.

6. He’s picking fights more often.

Eugenio Marongiu

Increased irritability and starting arguments over small things can be a sign of guilt. He might be creating distance or trying to justify his wandering thoughts by focusing on relationship problems. If minor disagreements turn into major blowouts, something’s amiss.

7. He’s become secretive about his schedule.

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If he’s vague about his plans or gets defensive when you ask about his day, it’s suspicious. This secrecy could be covering up time spent thinking about or meeting with another woman. Open communication is key in relationships, and this behaviour is a step in the wrong direction.

8. He mentions a specific woman frequently.

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Pay attention if a particular woman’s name keeps coming up in conversation. Whether it’s a coworker, friend, or someone from his past, frequent mentions could indicate she’s on his mind more than she should be. It’s especially concerning if he compares you to her.

9. He’s less interested in intimacy.

© Eugenio Marongiu

A sudden drop in intimate interest or performance can be a sign his thoughts are elsewhere. While libido can fluctuate for many reasons, a persistent lack of interest combined with other signs on this list is cause for worry.

10. He’s spending more time on social media.

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If he’s constantly on his phone liking and commenting on other women’s posts, it’s problematic. This behaviour shows he’s seeking connection and validation outside your relationship. It’s even worse if he’s secretive about his online activities.

11. He’s less present in conversations.

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When you’re talking, does he seem distracted or disinterested? If he’s constantly zoning out or checking his phone, his mind might be on someone else. Engaged partners make an effort to listen and participate in conversations.

12. He’s talking about taking a break.

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If he’s suddenly bringing up the idea of “time apart” or “seeing other people,” it’s likely he already has someone in mind. This suggestion often comes from a place of already having emotionally checked out of the relationship.

13. He’s become overly defensive.

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When simple questions about his day or whereabouts are met with anger or defensiveness, it’s a bad sign. This overreaction often comes from a place of guilt or fear of being caught in a lie. Healthy relationships are built on trust and openness.

14. He’s less interested in your life.

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If he’s stopped asking about your day or seems bored when you share your thoughts and feelings, his mind is elsewhere. A partner who’s fully invested in the relationship will want to know what’s going on in your world.

15. He’s reminiscing about past relationships.

Konstantin Postumitenko

Frequent mentions of ex-girlfriends or “the one that got away” are red flags. While it’s normal to occasionally reflect on past relationships, constant reminiscing could mean he’s considering other options or comparing you to past partners (and you’re coming up short every time).

16. He’s making new female friends.

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While having friends of the opposite sex is normal, be wary if he’s suddenly forming close bonds with new women and keeping you at a distance from these friendships. This behaviour could indicate he’s seeking emotional connection outside your relationship.

17. He’s less reliable.

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If he’s starting to break promises, forget important dates, or generally become less dependable, it’s concerning. This behaviour often stems from being preoccupied with thoughts of someone else, causing him to neglect his commitments to you.

18. Your gut is telling you something’s wrong.


Never underestimate your intuition. If you have a nagging feeling that something’s off in your relationship, pay attention. While it’s important not to jump to conclusions, your instincts are often right. Trust yourself enough to address your concerns directly with your partner.