15 Bad Things That Happen When You’re Too Selfless

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Being selfless is often praised, but taken to extremes, it can be harmful.

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In fact, there are some pretty negative outcomes that occur when you’re too selfless. If you recognise these patterns in your life, it’s time to reassess your approach to self-care and boundaries. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup.

1. You become a doormat.


Excessive selflessness often leads to people taking advantage of you. When you consistently put other people’s needs before your own, you teach them that your boundaries are flexible or non-existent. This can result in people walking all over you, making unreasonable demands, and expecting you to always be available. You might find yourself agreeing to things you don’t want to do, simply because you’re afraid to say no.

2. Your self-esteem plummets.

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Constantly prioritising everyone else over yourself can destroy your sense of self-worth. When you repeatedly ignore your own needs and desires, you’re sending yourself the message that you’re less important than everyone else. Over time, this can lead to a belief that you don’t deserve good things or that your happiness is less valuable than other people’s.. This low self-esteem can impact all areas of your life, from relationships to career.

3. You experience burnout.

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Being too selfless is a fast track to exhaustion. When you’re always giving and never replenishing, you’re bound to run out of energy. This burnout can manifest physically, emotionally, and mentally. You might experience chronic fatigue, loss of motivation, or a sense of cynicism about the people you’re helping. Ironically, burnout can render you unable to help anyone, including yourself.

4. Your relationships become unbalanced.

Liubomyr Vorona

Healthy relationships require give and take from both parties. When you’re excessively selfless, you create an imbalance where you’re always giving and other people are always taking. This can lead to resentment on your part and a lack of respect from others. Your relationships may become shallow, with people viewing you more as a resource than as a person with your own needs and desires.

5. You lose your sense of identity.

Dragos Condrea

Constantly putting everyone else first can lead to a loss of self. You might find yourself so focused on meeting other people’s needs that you forget what you want or enjoy. This can result in a crisis of identity where you struggle to define yourself outside of your role as a helper. You might lose touch with your own interests, goals, and values.

6. Your health suffers.

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Neglecting your own needs in favour of other people’s can have serious health consequences. You might skip meals, sacrifice sleep, or ignore health issues to help people. Over time, this neglect can lead to chronic health problems, weakened immune system, and increased stress levels. Remember, your physical health is the foundation for everything else in your life.

7. You become resentful.

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Even if you start out genuinely wanting to help, constant self-sacrifice can breed resentment. You might begin to feel angry at the people you’re helping, especially if they don’t show appreciation or reciprocate. This resentment can poison your relationships and your overall outlook on life, making you bitter and cynical.

8. You attract toxic people.

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Being overly selfless can act like a magnet for those who are happy to take advantage of your generosity. You might find yourself surrounded by people who are takers, narcissists, or those with a sense of entitlement. These toxic relationships can drain you emotionally and financially, leaving you feeling used and unappreciated.

9. Your work suffers.

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In a professional context, being too selfless can hinder your career progress. You might take on too much work to help colleagues, neglecting your own responsibilities. You could miss out on promotions because you’re not assertive enough to showcase your achievements. Your tendency to put everyone else first might also lead to you being overlooked for leadership roles.

10. You lose the ability to receive.

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Constant giving can make it uncomfortable for you to receive help or kindness from other people. You might feel guilty or undeserving when someone does something for you. This inability to receive gracefully can further isolate you and reinforce the unhealthy pattern of always being the giver.

11. Your decision-making skills deteriorate.

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When you’re always prioritising other people, you may lose the ability to make decisions based on your own needs and desires. You might find yourself constantly deferring to other people’s opinions or struggling to know what you actually want. This can lead to poor choices in important areas of your life, from career moves to personal relationships.

12. You become a people-pleaser.

Yuri Arcurs

Excessive selflessness often goes hand-in-hand with people-pleasing behaviour. You might find yourself agreeing with people just to keep the peace, even when you disagree. This can lead to a loss of authenticity in your interactions and prevent you from forming genuine connections based on mutual respect and understanding.

13. You miss out on personal growth opportunities.

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When you’re always focused on everyone else, you might neglect your own personal development. You could miss out on chances to learn new skills, explore your interests, or challenge yourself. This stagnation can lead to feelings of unfulfilment and regret later in life.

14. Your financial stability is compromised.

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Being too selfless can have serious financial consequences. You might lend money you can’t afford to lose, pay for things other people should be responsible for, or neglect your own financial planning to help people. This can lead to debt, insufficient savings, and long-term financial instability.

15. You lose respect.

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While it might seem counterintuitive, being excessively selfless can actually lead to a loss of respect. When you don’t value yourself enough to set boundaries or prioritise your own needs, people may see you as weak or lacking in self-respect. This can impact how you’re treated in personal relationships, professional settings, and society at large.