19 Backhanded Compliments That Reveal You’re Actually Insulting People

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We’ve all been on the receiving end of a compliment that leaves us feeling more insulted than praised.

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These verbal sucker punches might seem harmless, but they’re actually little bombs of negativity wrapped in a thin layer of niceness. Let’s unpack some of these not-so-sweet nothings.

1. “You’re so brave for wearing that.”

Envato Elements

Translation: That outfit is a disaster, but kudos for having the guts to leave the house in it. This gem manages to question someone’s fashion sense while pretending to admire their confidence.

2. “You’re smarter than you look.”


Congratulations, you’ve just told someone they look dumb. This backhanded compliment suggests you had low expectations based on their appearance. Not a great way to make friends or influence people.

3. “You clean up nicely.”

Envato Elements

While it might seem like a compliment, this implies the person usually looks a mess. It’s like saying, “Wow, you’re actually capable of looking presentable!”

4. “You’re pretty for a [insert characteristic].”

Envato Elements

Whether it’s “for a big girl” or “for your age,” this phrase is never okay. It suggests that the group in question is generally unattractive, and the person is an exception. It’s a lose-lose situation.

5. “I wish I could be as carefree about my appearance as you are.”


This is a sneaky way of saying, “You look like you don’t care how you look.” It’s not admiring someone’s confidence; it’s judging their grooming habits.

6. “You’re so good at [insert simple task].”

Juri Pozzi

Unless you’re talking to a child learning a new skill, this can come off as condescending. Praising an adult for basic tasks suggests you think they’re usually incompetent.

7. “You’re not like other girls/guys.”

Envato Elements

While it might sound special, this actually insults an entire gender. It implies that most men or women are somehow inferior, and the person is an exception.

8. “I’m surprised you know about that.”

Envato Elements

This gem reveals your low expectations of someone’s knowledge or interests. It’s like saying, “I thought you were too [insert stereotype] to know about this.”

9. “You’ve lost weight! You look great now.”

Joana Lopes

The “now” is the killer here. It implies they looked terrible before. Weight comments are generally a minefield best avoided altogether.

10. “You’re too pretty to be smart.”

Envato Elements

This one manages to be sexist and insulting to both appearance and intelligence. It perpetuates the harmful idea that beauty and brains are mutually exclusive.

11. “You’re so articulate.”

Envato Elements

While it might seem like a compliment, this can be offensive, especially when directed at minorities. It implies surprise at someone’s ability to speak well, revealing underlying prejudices.

12. “You’re not as [negative trait] as everyone says.”


Great, so people are talking about me behind my back? This backhanded compliment reveals that there’s negative gossip going around, which is rarely comforting to hear.

13. “You’re really good at [task] for a [characteristic].”

Envato Elements

Whether it’s “for a woman” or “for your background,” this phrase is never a true compliment. It suggests that the person’s group is generally bad at the task, and they’re an anomaly.

14. “I love how you just say what’s on your mind.”

Adrian Exposito Ruiz

This can be a subtle dig at someone’s social skills, implying they’re tactless or inappropriate. It’s like saying, “I admire your lack of filter.”

15. “You’re not as dumb as you look.”

Envato Elements

This is just plain rude. It manages to insult both intelligence and appearance in one fell swoop. There’s no recovering from this one.

16. “You’re so lucky you don’t have to worry about your appearance.”

Envato Elements

This backhanded compliment implies that the person doesn’t care about how they look, or worse, that they’re beyond help in the appearance department.

17. “You’ve got such a unique look.”

Ekaterina Pereslavtseva

Unless someone is specifically going for “unique,” this can be a polite way of saying “weird” or “unattractive.” Context and tone are everything with this one.

18. “You’re so much nicer than I expected.”

Envato Elements

While it might seem positive, this reveals that you had a negative preconception about the person. It’s not flattering to learn that someone expected you to be unpleasant.

19. “You’re really funny for a girl.”

Valerii Honcharuk

This backhanded compliment manages to be sexist while also suggesting that women generally aren’t funny. It’s a double whammy of insult wrapped in a flimsy compliment.