Marriage is great and all, but women are well aware that sometimes men can’t help but think back to your carefree bachelor days.

Don’t get me wrong, men love their partners, but there are moments when the grass looks a bit greener on the single side of the fence. Here are some times I imagine husbands wish they had never walked down the aisle, even if just for a moment.
1. When they’re stuck watching another rom-com on movie night

They’ve seen this plot a hundred times before, but here they are again, pretending to be interested in whether the main characters will end up together. Meanwhile, they’re secretly wishing they could be watching the big game or that new action flick their mates have been raving about.
2. When they’re dragged along for a day of shopping

They’ve been to what feels like every shop in the mall, and in their opinion has been asked on countless outfits. Their feet are killing, and they’re starving. All they can think about is how they’d rather be lounging on the sofa with a beer if they were still single.
3. When they’re stuck at another family gathering

It’s their third family event this month, and Uncle Bob is droning on about his stamp collection again. They nod politely while daydreaming about the peaceful Sundays they used to have, free from in-law obligations and small talk.
4. When they’re cleaning the house before the in-laws visit

They’re scrubbing the bathroom tiles with a toothbrush because apparently, their usual cleaning standards aren’t good enough for the in-laws. They can’t help but remember the days when their idea of cleaning was shoving everything into a cupboard.
5. When they’re trying to watch the match, but keep getting interrupted

It’s the final minutes of a nail-biting game, and they’re on the edge of their seat. Suddenly, they’re being asked about paint colours for the spare room or what they want for dinner next week. They miss the days of uninterrupted sports viewing.
6. When they’re forced to attend a work function with their partner

They’re stuck making small talk with people they don’t know and don’t particularly care to know. They keep glancing at their watch, wishing they could be at home in their pants, playing video games like they would’ve done in their single days.
7. When they’re dealing with a DIY disaster

They’ve been roped into fixing something around the house, despite their limited handyman skills. As they struggle with a leaky pipe or a wobbly shelf, they longingly remember the days when calling the landlord was their solution to every household problem.
8. When they’re trying to plan a lads’ night out

Coordinating schedules with their married mates feels like organising a military operation. They reminisce about the spontaneous nights out of their bachelor days, when “You up for a pint?” was all the planning needed.
9. When they’re stuck in a heated argument over something trivial

They’re in the middle of a ridiculous row about whose turn it is to do the dishes or whether the toilet seat should be left up or down. In these moments, the idea of being answerable only to themselves seems mighty appealing.
10. When they’re trying to get a moment of peace in the loo

They finally sit down for some quiet time, only to hear knocking at the door. “Are you nearly done?” Their partner needs to know where you put the remote, or the kids need help with homework. They miss the days when bathroom time was truly their time.
11. When they’re faced with a mountain of laundry

Somehow, two people create more dirty clothes than ever imagined possible. As they’re sorting whites from colours and trying to figure out what needs special washing instructions, they think fondly of the days when they just threw everything in together and hoped for the best.
12. When they’re trying to stick to a budget

Gone are the days of spontaneous purchases and frivolous spending. Now, every quid is accounted for, and they find themselves justifying why they need that new gadget. The freedom of managing only their own finances seems pretty tempting.
13. When they’re stuck in gridlock traffic on a family road trip

The kids are squabbling in the back, their partner’s stressed about being late, and they’re wondering why they didn’t just stay home. They reminisce about solo road trips with nothing but open roads and their favourite tunes for company.
14. When they’re trying to watch your favourite show, but it’s “too violent”

They’ve been looking forward to the new episode all week, but their partner thinks it’s too gory. They end up compromising on something they’re both “okay” with, secretly missing the days when they could binge-watch whatever they wanted without judgement.
15. When they’re dealing with their partner’s bad mood

They’ve had a rough day, and now the whole house feels like it’s walking on eggshells. They rack their brain trying to figure out how to improve their mood, wistfully remembering when someone else’s emotions didn’t dictate the atmosphere of their entire living space.
16. When they’re faced with a mountain of decisions about the future

Suddenly, every choice feels weighty. Should they move for a job opportunity? Is it time to have kids? The pressure of making decisions that affect both of you can be overwhelming, making them nostalgic for the days when they only had to consider themselves.
17. When they’re trying to find time for their partner’s hobbies

Remember when they could spend an entire weekend immersed in their favourite pastime? Now, finding an hour to themselves feels like a luxury. As they guiltily squeeze in some hobby time between chores and family obligations, they can’t help but miss their commitment-free weekends.
18. When they’re navigating the minefield of gift-giving

Birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine’s Day — the pressure to find the perfect gift seems never-ending. As they agonise over whether that necklace is “meaningful” enough, they think back to when their biggest gift-giving concern was remembering their mum’s birthday.
19. When they’re dealing with the aftermath of saying the wrong thing

They’ve put their foot in it again, and now they’re in the doghouse. As they try to figure out how to make amends, they briefly wish for the days when they could say whatever popped into their head without fear of sleeping on the sofa.
20. When they’re lying awake, unable to sleep because of snoring

It’s 3 AM, and they’re wide awake, thanks to the symphony of snores next to them. As they contemplate moving to the spare room, they can’t help but think longingly of their old bed, where the only nighttime noise was the gentle hum of their fan.