15 Ways To Develop Your Intuition And Make Smarter Choices

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Ever had that gut feeling about something, only to ignore it and later regret it?

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Maybe you decided something solely based on logic, only to find out later that your intuition was spot on. Everyone has that inner voice, but it often gets drowned out by outside noise. Here’s how to tune back into your intuition, and why you really should. (Spoiler alert: you’ll be a lot happier if you do).

1. Create space for quiet thinking.

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Things move at a million miles a minute these days, and it’s easy to get swept up in the constant stream of information and distractions. But to truly hear your intuition, you need to create space for quiet reflection. This could mean setting aside a few minutes each day for meditation, journaling, or simply sitting in silence and observing your thoughts and feelings.

2. Pay attention to your body’s signals.


Your body is constantly communicating with you, often in subtle ways. A knot in your stomach, a racing heart, or a sense of ease and relaxation — these physical sensations can provide valuable clues about how you truly feel about a situation or decision. Start paying closer attention to these signals and see what they’re trying to tell you.

3. Notice recurring patterns and themes in your life.


Sometimes, our intuition speaks to us through recurring patterns and themes. Maybe you keep attracting the same type of people into your life, or find yourself facing similar challenges over and over again. These patterns can offer valuable insights into your subconscious beliefs and behaviours, helping you make more conscious choices moving forward.

4. Trust your gut feelings.

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That initial gut feeling you have about something is often your intuition trying to guide you. It might not always make logical sense, but it’s worth paying attention to. Next time you have a strong gut feeling about a person, situation, or decision, trust it and see where it leads you.

5. Connect with nature.


Spending time in nature can be a powerful way to quiet the mind and connect with your inner wisdom. Whether it’s a walk in the park, a hike in the woods, or simply sitting by the ocean, immersing yourself in the natural world can help you tune into your intuition and gain a fresh perspective.

6. Practice mindfulness.

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Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present in the moment, without judgement. By cultivating mindfulness, you can become more aware of your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations, making it easier to recognise your intuition when it speaks to you.

7. Keep a dream journal.


Your dreams can be a rich source of intuitive guidance. Start keeping a dream journal by your bed and jot down your dreams as soon as you wake up. Over time, you might start to notice recurring symbols, themes, or messages that can offer valuable insights into your subconscious mind.

8. Experiment with divination tools.

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Tarot cards, runes, and other divination tools can be a fun and insightful way to tap into your intuition. While these tools don’t predict the future, they can help you access your subconscious mind and gain new perspectives on a situation or decision.

9. Learn to say no.

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Sometimes, saying ‘yes’ to everything can leave us feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from our true desires. Learning to say ‘no’ when something doesn’t feel right or align with your priorities can create space for more meaningful experiences and opportunities that truly resonate with you.

10. Listen to your inner voice.

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That quiet voice inside your head that tells you what you really want or need — that’s your intuition. It might be subtle, but it’s always there, guiding you towards your highest good. Make a conscious effort to listen to that inner voice and trust its wisdom.

11. Pay attention to synchronicities.

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Synchronicities are those meaningful coincidences that seem to happen for a reason. Maybe you keep seeing the same number everywhere you go, or you bump into an old friend just when you needed their advice. These synchronicities can be signs from the universe, guiding you towards your path or confirming that you’re on the right track.

12. Engage in creative activities.

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Creative pursuits like painting, writing, or playing music can help you access your intuition and tap into your subconscious mind. When you’re fully immersed in a creative activity, you’re more likely to receive intuitive insights and inspiration.

13. Meditate or practice deep breathing exercises.

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Meditation and deep breathing exercises can help you calm your mind, reduce stress, and connect with your inner self. When your mind is clear and focused, it’s easier to hear the whispers of your intuition.

14. Spend time with positive and supportive people.

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The people you surround yourself with can have a significant impact on your intuition. Spending time with positive and supportive people who encourage you to trust your gut and follow your dreams can help you strengthen your intuitive abilities.

15. Be patient and trust the process.

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Developing your intuition takes time and practice. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results overnight. Be patient with yourself, trust the process, and keep exploring different ways to connect with your inner wisdom. The more you practice, the stronger your intuition will become.