Traffic jams, slow Wi-Fi, someone cutting ahead of you in the queue can all set people off, but there are plenty of other things that can push someone over the edge.

Here are some of those surprising triggers that can make even the calmest person lose their cool. How many of these set you off?
1. The sound of chewing

For some, the sound of someone chomping away on their food can be like nails on a chalkboard. It’s not just about loud chewing, but the wet, squishy sounds that can trigger a visceral reaction. It might seem silly to some, but for others, it’s an auditory assault that’s hard to ignore. It’s like having a mosquito buzzing in your ear – it’s not life-threatening, but it’s incredibly irritating.
2. Being interrupted mid-sentence

We all want to feel heard and validated. Being cut off mid-sentence can feel like a dismissal of your thoughts and feelings. It’s like someone slamming a door in your face just as you’re about to enter a room. It can trigger feelings of frustration, anger, and even disrespect.
3. Having someone mispronounce your name

Your name is a part of your identity. Having it mispronounced, especially repeatedly, can feel like a personal attack. It’s the same as someone constantly misspelling your name in an email – it’s a small detail, but it shows a lack of care and attention.
4. Passive-aggressive behaviour

Dealing with someone who’s constantly making snide remarks, giving backhanded compliments, or using the silent treatment can be incredibly frustrating. It’s like trying to catch a fish with your bare hands – you know it’s there, but you can’t quite grasp it. The lack of direct communication can lead to simmering resentment and eventual outbursts.
5. Being told to “calm down”

When you’re already feeling upset or agitated, being told to “calm down” can feel incredibly invalidating. It dismisses your emotions and makes you feel like you’re not being taken seriously. This just makes things worse, not better!
6. People being late

For some, punctuality is a sign of respect. Constantly waiting for someone who’s chronically late can feel like a disregard for your time and priorities. It leaves you feeling unimportant and undervalued.
7. Repetitive noises

A dripping tap, a squeaky door, a pen clicking incessantly – these seemingly minor sounds can drive some people to distraction. It’s like a constant itch you can’t scratch, slowly building into an unbearable irritation.
8. Messy or disorganised spaces

For people who thrive on order and cleanliness, a cluttered or disorganised environment can be a major trigger. It can feel chaotic and overwhelming, making it difficult to focus or relax. Everything feels out of place and jumbled, and it’s enough to drive you crazy.
9. Unsolicited advice

Sometimes, people just need to vent or share their feelings without being bombarded with solutions or advice. Offering unsolicited advice can feel condescending and dismissive, like someone’s trying to fix you instead of simply listening and understanding. Just shut up and listen!
10. People who talk loudly on their phones in public

In a world where personal space is already limited, having someone blare their private conversations for all to hear can feel like an invasion. It’s distracting, disrespectful, and can make it difficult to focus on your own thoughts or conversations. Put some headphones in or wait until you get home, mate.
11. Being ignored or excluded

Everyone wants to feel included and valued. Being left out of a conversation, group activity, or decision-making process can trigger feelings of rejection and hurt. It makes you think back to being the last kid picked for a team – it stings and leaves you feeling like you don’t belong.
12. Hypocrisy

People who preach one thing but do another can be incredibly infuriating. Think of all those politicians who campaign on honesty but then get caught in a lie – not surprising, but it does make you question their integrity. It can feel like a personal betrayal, especially if you’ve looked up to or admired this person.
13. Broken promises

Trust is built on reliability and follow-through. When someone consistently breaks their promises, it can chip away at that foundation. You feel taken advantage of and disappointed, and that can be hard to move past.
14. Unjustified criticism

Constructive feedback can be helpful, but unjustified criticism can feel like a personal attack. It can trigger feelings of inadequacy, defensiveness, and even anger. You feel the need to defend yourself and prove your innocence even though you did nothing wrong, and it’s infuriating.