18 Reasons Women Cheat In Relationships (That Are Totally Different To Men)

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Cheating definitely isn’t a one-size-fits-all situation.

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While both men and women might stray from their relationships, their reasons can often differ in some major ways. Here are some of the less talked-about reasons why women might be unfaithful. Just FYI, it’s often down to some pretty complex emotional motivations.

1. They crave emotional connection and intimacy.

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Sometimes, a relationship can lack the emotional depth a woman craves. It’s not just about the physical connection but the feeling of being truly seen, heard, and understood. If a woman feels emotionally neglected or disconnected from her partner, she might seek that connection elsewhere, even if it means crossing a line.

2. They feel unappreciated and undervalued.

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We all want to feel valued by our partners, and when that feeling is missing, it can create a void. Perhaps her efforts go unnoticed, her opinions are dismissed, or her partner takes her for granted. Over time, this lack of appreciation can erode her self-esteem and lead her to seek validation and recognition from someone else.

3. They yearn for excitement and adventure.

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Routine can be comforting, but it can also lead to boredom and stagnation. If a woman feels like her relationship has lost its spark, she might be tempted by the excitement and novelty of a new connection. This doesn’t necessarily mean she’s unhappy in her relationship, but rather that she’s seeking a temporary escape from the monotony.

4. They’re seeking revenge or payback.

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Infidelity can sometimes be a form of retaliation. If a woman feels wronged or betrayed by her partner, she might go out and have an affair as a way to get back at them or level the playing field. This can be a destructive impulse, driven by hurt and anger, but it’s a reality for some women.

5. They’re going through a personal crisis or transition.

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Major life events like a career change, a loss, or a milestone birthday can trigger a period of self-reflection and questioning. During these times, a woman might feel lost or unsure of her identity, and may look for new experiences or connections as a way to explore her options and rediscover herself.

6. They feel a lack of physical or emotional intimacy in their relationship.

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Intimacy isn’t just about sex; it’s about feeling close, connected, and vulnerable with your partner. If a woman feels like the intimacy has faded from her relationship, she might seek it elsewhere. This could be down to a variety of reasons, such as stress, busy schedules, or problems that never truly got resolved.

7. They have unresolved issues from their past.


Sometimes, past traumas or unresolved emotional baggage can manifest in unexpected ways, including infidelity. A woman might be subconsciously seeking to recreate past patterns or seeking validation from men other than her partner due to deep-seated insecurities. It’s important to acknowledge that infidelity can sometimes be a symptom of deeper emotional wounds that need to be addressed.

8. They feel lonely or neglected in their relationship.

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Even in a relationship, it’s possible to feel lonely. Perhaps your partner works long hours, travels frequently, or is simply emotionally unavailable. If a woman feels like she’s constantly alone, even when she’s with her partner, she might be tempted to seek companionship and connection elsewhere.

9. They feel trapped or suffocated in their relationship.

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Sometimes, a relationship can feel more like a cage than a haven. If a woman feels like she’s lost her independence or her identity is being overshadowed by her partner’s, she might seek an affair as a way to reclaim her sense of self. This can be a desperate attempt to break free from the perceived constraints of the relationship.

10. They’re struggling with their own self-worth.

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Low self-esteem can manifest in many ways, and for some women, seeking validation and attention from other men can be a temporary fix. An affair might offer a fleeting boost of confidence and a feeling of desirability that’s lacking in their current relationship. However, this is often a plaster that doesn’t address the underlying issue.

11. They feel their needs aren’t being met in the relationship.

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Every person has unique needs, whether it’s emotional support, intellectual stimulation, or physical affection. If a woman feels like her needs are consistently being ignored or dismissed by her partner, she might look elsewhere to have them fulfilled. This can be a sign of a communication breakdown or a fundamental incompatibility within the relationship.

12. They’re experiencing a midlife crisis or questioning their life choices.

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Midlife can be a time of reflection and reassessment. A woman might start to question her career, her relationships, and her overall life choices. An affair might seem like a way to escape from the mundane or to experience something new and exciting. However, it’s important to remember that these choices can have lasting consequences.

13. They want to end their relationship but don’t know how.


Sometimes, an affair can be a subconscious way to sabotage a relationship that’s no longer fulfilling. A woman might feel trapped or guilty about wanting to leave, so she does things that will force her partner’s hand. While this might seem like a cowardly way out, it’s sometimes easier to break up after an affair than to initiate the conversation directly.

14. They feel a lack of excitement or passion in their intimate life.

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A healthy intimate life is an important part of many relationships, but it can sometimes become routine or predictable. If a woman feels like the passion has basically disappeared from her life with her partner, she might look for a new intimate experience to reignite the spark. While this can be a risky solution, it’s a common reason women cheat.

15. They’re struggling with mental health issues.

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Mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder can sometimes lead to impulsive or self-destructive behaviours, including infidelity. A woman might engage in an affair as a way to escape from her emotional pain or to numb her feelings. It’s important to remember that mental health struggles can significantly impact decision-making and her actions.

16. They feel like they’ve lost their identity in the relationship.


Over time, it’s easy to lose yourself in a relationship and prioritise your partner’s needs and desires over your own. If a woman feels like she’s sacrificed her own identity, interests, or passions for the sake of the relationship, she might seek an affair as a way to reclaim her individuality and rediscover who she is.

17. They simply fall in love with someone else.

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Sometimes, despite being in a committed relationship, a woman can develop feelings for someone else. This can be a confusing and painful experience, and it doesn’t necessarily mean there’s something wrong with her existing relationship. It’s important to acknowledge these feelings and explore them honestly, whether it means ending the affair or re-evaluating the existing relationship.

18. They crave validation and attention from other people.

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Everyone wants to feel desired and appreciated. If a woman feels like she’s not getting enough attention or validation from her partner, she might seek it from someone else. This could be a sign of low self-esteem or a lack of emotional intimacy in the relationship. However, it’s important to address these issues directly rather than resorting to infidelity.