Phrases Arrogant People Use To Make You Feel Small

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Arrogant people often use language as a tool to assert dominance and diminish others.

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They employ specific phrases to undermine your confidence and elevate themselves. Recognising these tactics can help you defend against their manipulative behaviour and maintain your self-esteem. Here are 20 phrases to watch out for when dealing with arrogant people.

1. “You wouldn’t understand.”


This dismissive phrase implies you lack the intelligence or insight to grasp their supposedly superior ideas. It’s a tactic to shut down discussion and position themselves as the intellectual authority. They avoid explaining their thoughts, maintaining an illusion of depth that may not exist.

2. “I’m surprised you didn’t know that.”

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This backhanded comment disguises an insult as surprise. It’s designed to make you feel ignorant or out of touch. Arrogant people use this phrase to highlight their knowledge while implying your lack thereof. They create a hierarchy of information, with themselves at the top.

3. “That’s common sense.”

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By labelling something as common sense, arrogant individuals imply that you lack basic intelligence if you don’t immediately agree or understand. This phrase dismisses the complexity of issues and shuts down further discussion. It’s a way to assert their viewpoint as the only correct one.

4. “I’ve forgotten more about this than you’ll ever know.”

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This boastful statement is meant to establish their vast expertise while belittling your knowledge. It’s an attempt to intimidate you into silence and acceptance of their authority. They position themselves as the unquestionable expert, regardless of your actual level of knowledge or experience.

5. “Let me simplify this for you.”

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While seemingly helpful, this phrase implies you’re incapable of understanding complex ideas without their assistance. It’s a condescending way to position themselves as the intellectual superior. They get to play the role of benevolent teacher while subtly undermining your intelligence.

6. “You’re entitled to your wrong opinion.”

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This passive-aggressive phrase acknowledges your right to an opinion while simultaneously dismissing it as incorrect. It’s a way for arrogant people to appear tolerant while still asserting their perceived superiority. They avoid engaging with your ideas by preemptively labelling them as wrong.

7. “I’m not arrogant, I’m just better than you.”

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Often said jokingly, this phrase reveals a genuine belief in their superiority. It’s a way to voice their true feelings while maintaining plausible deniability. If called out, they can claim it was just a joke, but the sentiment behind it is real.

8. “Do you even know who I am?”

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This phrase is pure intimidation, relying on their perceived status or reputation to silence you. It implies that their identity alone should command your respect or agreement. They use this when they feel their authority is being questioned, trying to re-establish their dominant position.

9. “I don’t have time to explain it to you.”

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Similar to “you wouldn’t understand,” this phrase dismisses your input while implying their time is too valuable to waste on you. It’s a way to avoid engaging in a discussion where their ideas might be challenged. They maintain their perceived superiority by refusing to elaborate.

10. “Trust me, I know what I’m talking about.”

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This phrase attempts to shut down questioning or disagreement by asserting their authority. It’s a demand for blind trust without providing evidence or reasoning. They use this when they feel their expertise is being challenged, trying to maintain their position as the unquestionable expert.

11. “You’ll understand when you’re older/more experienced.”

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This condescending phrase dismisses your perspective based on assumed youth or inexperience. It’s a way for arrogant people to avoid engaging with your ideas by attributing them to immaturity. They position themselves as the wise elder, even if the age or experience gap is minimal.

12. “I’m just being honest.”

Dmytro Sheremeta

Arrogant individuals often use this phrase to justify cruel or insensitive comments. It’s a way to deflect criticism of their behaviour by framing it as virtuous honesty. They avoid taking responsibility for the impact of their words by claiming transparency as a defence.

13. “You’re overthinking it.”

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This dismissive phrase implies that your thoughtful consideration is a flaw rather than a strength. It’s used to shut down deeper discussion or analysis that might challenge their views. They position quick, surface-level thinking (usually aligning with their opinion) as superior to careful reflection.

14. “I’m playing chess while you’re playing checkers.”

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This metaphor is meant to illustrate a vast gap in strategic thinking abilities. It’s a way for arrogant people to dismiss your ideas or actions as simplistic and short-sighted. They position themselves as the master strategist, implying that you can’t possibly understand their superior plans.

15. “You’re clearly out of your depth here.”


This phrase directly attacks your competence and belonging in the conversation. It’s used to make you feel small and question your right to participate. Arrogant individuals use this to try to push you out of discussions where you might challenge their authority.

16. “I don’t expect you to get it.”

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Similar to “you wouldn’t understand,” this phrase preemptively dismisses your ability to comprehend their ideas. It’s a way to avoid explaining or defending their position by implying it’s beyond your grasp. They maintain their perceived intellectual superiority without having to prove it.

17. “That’s an… interesting perspective.”

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The pause and tone used with this phrase turn it from a genuine compliment into a condescending dismissal. It’s a way to acknowledge your input while simultaneously implying it’s misguided or naive. They avoid confrontation while still undermining your contribution.

18. “I’ve never met someone who…”

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This phrase is often used to point out perceived flaws or shortcomings in your character or knowledge. It’s a way to make you feel abnormal or inferior. They position their experiences and standards as the norm, implying that any deviation is a personal failing on your part.

19. “You’re lucky I’m even talking to you.”

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This blatantly arrogant statement is meant to make you feel grateful for their mere presence. It’s an attempt to establish a stark power imbalance in the interaction. They try to position themselves as granting you a favour simply by engaging in conversation.

20. “I’m surrounded by idiots.”

two men talking outsideSource: Unsplash

While not always directly stated to an individual, this phrase is meant to be overheard. It’s a way for arrogant people to elevate themselves by denigrating everyone around them. They create an “us vs. them” mentality, with them as the sole intelligent person in a sea of perceived incompetence.