You’re Very Cold-Hearted If You Do Any Of These 16 Things

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We all have moments where we act a little selfishly, but some behaviours cross the line into downright cold-hearted territory.

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It’s not about being perfect, but about recognising when our actions might be hurting other people. Here are some signs that you might be a little chilly in the heart department.

1. You take pleasure in other people’s misfortunes.

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Maybe it’s a subtle smirk when a colleague gets a dressing down from your boss, or a snarky comment when a friend’s relationship falls apart. If you find yourself getting a little too much enjoyment out of other people’s struggles, it’s time for a reality check. A little empathy goes a long way.

2. You never offer to help anyone, even when it’s easy for you to do so.


Holding a door open for someone with their hands full, or giving up your seat on the bus to an elderly person are small acts of kindness that can brighten someone’s day. If you consistently ignore these opportunities to help people, it suggests a lack of compassion and empathy. Remember, we’re all in this together.

3. You mock people for their vulnerabilities or insecurities.

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Everyone has their own struggles and insecurities. Making fun of someone for their weight, their stutter, or their social anxiety is cruel and insensitive. A truly cold-hearted person takes pleasure in making people feel small and insignificant. Choose kindness instead.

4. You refuse to apologise or take responsibility for your mistakes.

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We all mess up sometimes, it’s part of being human. But a cold-hearted person refuses to acknowledge their mistakes or apologise for their hurtful actions. They might blame people, make excuses, or simply deflect responsibility. A little humility and accountability can go a long way in building trust and respect.

5. You manipulate people to get what you want.

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Whether it’s guilt-tripping your friends, using charm to get favours, or playing the victim to avoid consequences, manipulation is a hallmark of a cold-hearted person. They prioritise their own needs and desires above all else, even if it means hurting people in the process. Remember, genuine connections are built on honesty and respect, not manipulation.

6. You enjoy seeing people in pain or discomfort.


This might sound extreme, but some people actually derive pleasure from watching people suffer. Maybe it’s a twisted sense of amusement, or a way to feel superior. Regardless of the reason, it’s a clear sign of a cold heart. Empathy and compassion are essential for healthy relationships and a fulfilling life.

7. You never show gratitude or appreciation for other people.

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A simple “thank you” can go a long way in making someone feel valued and appreciated. If you never acknowledge people’s kindness or generosity, it suggests a lack of gratitude and a sense of entitlement. Remember, no one owes you anything. Expressing gratitude creates positive connections and strengthens relationships.

8. You belittle people’s accomplishments or dreams.

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When a friend shares their excitement about a new job or a personal goal, a cold-hearted person might respond with cynicism, disinterest, or even mockery. They might downplay the significance of the achievement or cast doubt on their friend’s abilities. A supportive and encouraging attitude, on the other hand, can help people reach their full potential.

9. You ghost people without explanation.

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Whether it’s a romantic interest, a friend, or even a family member, abruptly cutting off communication without any explanation is a cold-hearted move. It leaves the other person confused, hurt, and wondering what they did wrong. A simple conversation, even if it’s difficult, is a more respectful way to end a relationship.

10. You spread rumours or gossip about people.


Gossip can be a harmless pastime, but when it’s used to intentionally hurt or humiliate someone, it crosses a line. A cold-hearted person might spread rumours to damage someone’s reputation or create drama. It’s important to remember that words can have a lasting impact on someone’s life.

11. You take advantage of people’s kindness or generosity.

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Maybe you always let your friend pick up the tab, or you constantly borrow things without returning them. Taking advantage of someone’s good nature is a sign of a lack of respect and appreciation. A cold-hearted person sees other people as resources to be exploited, rather than individuals with their own needs and feelings.

12. You refuse to compromise or consider other perspectives.

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In any relationship, compromise is key. A cold-hearted person, however, is unwilling to budge on their own opinions or preferences, even if it means hurting or alienating people. They believe their own way is the only right way, and they have no interest in understanding or respecting different viewpoints.

13. You ignore people’s requests for help or support.

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Everyone needs a helping hand sometimes. Whether it’s a shoulder to cry on or a practical favour, offering support to those in need is a basic human decency. A cold-hearted person, however, turns a blind eye to other people’s struggles, preferring to focus on their own needs and desires.

14. You use sarcasm or passive-aggressiveness to express your anger or frustration.


While a bit of sarcasm can be funny, using it as a weapon to put people down is a different story. A cold-hearted person might resort to passive-aggressive comments or backhanded compliments to express their dissatisfaction, leaving the other person feeling hurt and confused. Open and honest communication is a healthier way to address conflict.

15. You hold grudges and refuse to forgive.

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Everyone makes mistakes, and forgiveness is a crucial part of any healthy relationship. A cold-hearted person, however, clings to past grievances, refusing to let go of anger and resentment. This can poison relationships and prevent them from moving forward.

16. You prioritise material possessions over relationships.


While having nice things is enjoyable, valuing them more than the people in your life is a sign of misplaced priorities. A cold-hearted person might choose a fancy car over spending time with their family, or prioritise a luxurious holiday over helping a friend in need. Remember, at the end of the day, it’s our connections with other people that truly enrich our lives.