You’re A Very Toxic Person If You Have Any Of These 20 Traits

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We all have our quirks and imperfections, but some behaviours cross the line into toxic territory.

These actions can create negativity, hurt the people around us, and even damage our own well-being. While it’s uncomfortable to face our own flaws, recognising them is the first step towards growth and making a change for the better.

1. You manipulate people to get what you want.

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Maybe it’s guilt-tripping your friends into doing favours, playing the victim to avoid responsibility, or using flattery to control situations. Whatever your tactic, manipulating people for personal gain is a classic sign of toxicity. It destroys trust, creates resentment, and leaves a trail of broken relationships in its wake.

2. You thrive on drama and conflict.

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Do you find yourself stirring up trouble, spreading gossip, or instigating arguments just for the thrill of it? If so, you might be addicted to drama. While a little excitement can be fun, constantly creating chaos is exhausting for everyone involved and can damage your reputation as a reliable and trustworthy person.

3. You’re always the victim, even when you’re clearly in the wrong.

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Taking responsibility for your mistakes is a sign of maturity and emotional intelligence. But if you consistently deflect blame, make excuses, or play the victim card, it’s a major red flag. This behaviour not only prevents you from learning and growing, but it also puts a strain on your relationships as people tire of your constant justifications.

4. You constantly put people down to feel better about yourself.

Eugenio Marongiu

A healthy sense of self-worth comes from within, not from tearing people down and making them feel like crap. If you find yourself making snide comments, criticising people’s appearance, or belittling their accomplishments, it’s a sign that you’re insecure and need to find healthier ways to boost your own ego.

5. You’re incapable of genuine apologies.

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Everyone makes mistakes, but the ability to apologise sincerely and make amends is crucial for healthy relationships. If you find it impossible to admit when you’re wrong, offer a genuine apology, or take steps to repair the damage you’ve caused, it’s a sign that you lack empathy and humility, two essential traits for interacting with people in a positive way.

6. You hold grudges and refuse to forgive.

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Forgiveness is a powerful act that can free us from the burden of resentment and anger. But if you cling to past hurts, refuse to let go, and always try to get revenge, it’s a toxic pattern that will only poison yourself. Holding grudges keeps you stuck in the past, prevents you from moving forward, and can even manifest in physical and emotional ailments.

7. You use gaslighting to control and manipulate people.

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Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse that involves making someone doubt their own sanity, perception of reality, or memories. It’s a subtle but insidious tactic that can leave victims feeling confused, insecure, and powerless. If you find yourself twisting the truth, denying someone’s experiences, or making them feel like they’re going crazy, it’s a serious red flag that you need to address.

8. You’re jealous of other people’s success and happiness.

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Instead of being happy for other people when good things happen in their lives, you seethe with envy and resentment. You feel like the world owes you something and can’t stand to see people succeed. This toxic mindset not only prevents you from having healthy relationships with people, but it also keeps you stuck in a cycle of negativity and dissatisfaction with your own life.

9. You take everything personally and react defensively to criticism.

Liubomyr Vorona

Constructive criticism is an opportunity for growth and self-improvement, but if you take everything as a personal attack, you’ll miss out on valuable feedback. Reacting defensively, lashing out, or shutting down when faced with criticism is a sign of insecurity and a fragile ego. It prevents you from learning from your mistakes and becoming a better version of yourself.

10. You constantly compare yourself to other people and feel inadequate.

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Social media has made it easier than ever to compare our lives to other people’s, but this constant comparison is a recipe for unhappiness. If you find yourself constantly scrolling through Instagram, feeling jealous of your friends’ seemingly perfect lives, or comparing your own achievements to everyone else’s, it’s a toxic habit that will only lead to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. It’s important to remember that everyone’s journey is different, and comparing yourself to literally anyone else is a pointless exercise that will only make you feel worse about yourself.

11. You’re always trying to one-up everyone’s stories and experiences.

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When someone shares a story or accomplishment, do you feel the need to top it with your own, even if it’s completely unrelated? This behaviour can be incredibly frustrating and makes people feel like you’re not genuinely listening or interested in their lives. It also sends the message that you’re more concerned with your own ego than with finding a way to connect.

12. You gossip and spread rumours about people.

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Gossip is a toxic habit that can damage reputations, create unnecessary drama, and make it hard to trust. If you find yourself constantly talking behind people’s backs, spreading rumours, or sharing confidential information, it’s a sign that you lack respect for people and enjoy creating chaos. This behaviour not only hurts those you gossip about, but it also reflects poorly on your own character.

13. You take advantage of people’s kindness and generosity.

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Do you consistently take more than you give, borrow money or belongings without returning them, or expect everyone to cater to your every whim? Taking advantage of people’s kindness is a toxic trait that can quickly wear out your welcome and leave you with few genuine friends. It’s important to be mindful of people’s generosity and to reciprocate whenever possible.

14. You’re incapable of accepting feedback or constructive criticism.

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No one is perfect, and we all have areas where we can improve. But if you bristle at the slightest suggestion for change or refuse to acknowledge your own shortcomings, it’s a sign that you’re resistant to growth and unwilling to learn from your mistakes. This stubbornness can hinder your personal and professional development and make it difficult to build healthy relationships.

15. You’re always trying to control and micromanage people.

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Whether it’s your friends, family, or colleagues, you feel the need to control every aspect of their lives. You offer unsolicited advice, criticise their choices, and try to dictate their actions. This controlling behaviour can be suffocating and frustrating for those around you, and it can ultimately drive them away.

16. You play the blame game and never take responsibility for your actions.

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When things go wrong, you’re quick to point fingers and blame people, even when it’s clear that you played a role in the situation. This lack of accountability not only prevents you from learning from your mistakes, but it also damages your relationships and reputation. People tire of being blamed for your shortcomings and will eventually distance themselves from you.

17. You’re emotionally unavailable and unwilling to open up to people.

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Building meaningful relationships requires vulnerability and emotional intimacy. But if you’re afraid of getting hurt or feel uncomfortable sharing your true feelings, you’ll struggle to form deep connections with other people. Emotional unavailability can manifest in different ways, such as shutting down when someone tries to get close to you, avoiding difficult conversations, or keeping your emotions bottled up.

18. You have a sense of entitlement and expect special treatment.

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Do you feel like you deserve more than everyone else, demand special privileges, or throw a tantrum when you don’t get your way? This sense of entitlement can be incredibly off-putting and make it hard for people to enjoy your company. It can also lead to unrealistic expectations and disappointment when you don’t receive the special treatment you feel you deserve.

19. You constantly interrupt and talk over people.

Liubomyr Vorona

Active listening is a crucial component of healthy communication, but if you’re constantly interrupting people, finishing their sentences, or talking over them, it shows a lack of respect and consideration for their thoughts and feelings. This behaviour can make people feel unheard and undervalued, and it can ultimately damage your relationships.

20. You’re a chronic complainer and focus on the negative.

Simon Potter

Do you always find something to complain about, focus on the negative aspects of every situation, or constantly express dissatisfaction with your life? This negative attitude can be draining for those around you and make it difficult to enjoy your company. It’s important to cultivate a more positive outlook and focus on the good things in your life, rather than dwelling on the negative.