If Someone Uses These 16 Phrases, They’re Hiding Something From You

Envato Elements

Sometimes, it’s not what someone says, but how they say it.

Certain phrases can be red flags, hinting that there’s more to the story than they’re letting on. It’s like a puzzle with missing pieces, leaving you with a nagging feeling that something’s not quite right. Of course, it doesn’t always mean they’re hiding a deep, dark secret, but it’s worth paying attention to these subtle clues. So, the next time you hear someone use one of these phrases, tune in a little closer. There might be more going on beneath the surface than they’re letting on.

1. “To be honest…”


It might seem like a harmless way to introduce an opinion, but when someone starts a sentence with “to be honest,” it can imply that they haven’t been entirely truthful up to that point. It’s like a subconscious signal that they’re about to reveal something they’ve been holding back. Of course, it could be something minor, but it’s still worth noting the shift in their language. Are they trying to soften the blow of a difficult truth, or are they simply trying to appear more sincere? It’s up to you to read between the lines.

2. “I don’t want to talk about it.”


This phrase is a classic deflection tactic. When someone shuts down a conversation with “I don’t want to talk about it,” it’s a clear indication that they’re uncomfortable with the topic. It might be because they’re hiding something, feeling ashamed, or simply not ready to open up. While it’s important to respect their boundaries, it’s also worth considering why they’re so resistant to sharing. Is it a one-time thing, or a recurring pattern? Their unwillingness to communicate could be a sign that there’s more to the story than they’re letting on.

3. “I can’t remember.”

Envato Elements

Memory can be a tricky thing, but when someone frequently claims they “can’t remember” details of events or conversations, it can raise suspicion. Are they genuinely forgetful, or are they intentionally being evasive? It’s important to consider the context and frequency of these memory lapses. If it’s a pattern, especially when it comes to important information, it might be a sign that they’re hiding something they don’t want you to know.

4. “It’s not a big deal.”

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When someone dismisses a concern or question with “it’s not a big deal,” it can be a way of minimising the issue and avoiding further discussion. It might be because they don’t want to admit they made a mistake, they’re afraid of facing the consequences, or they simply don’t want to deal with the problem. While it’s true that not everything is worth getting worked up over, this phrase can be a red flag if it’s used repeatedly to brush off legitimate concerns. It’s important to trust your instincts and not let someone downplay your feelings or experiences.

5. “You’re overthinking it.”

Joana Lopes

This phrase is often used to invalidate someone’s feelings or concerns. When someone tells you “you’re overthinking it,” they’re essentially saying that your worries are unfounded or irrational. It can be a manipulative tactic to make you doubt yourself and question your perception of reality. While it’s important to consider different perspectives, don’t let someone dismiss your feelings outright. If something feels off, it’s worth exploring further, even if other people try to tell you otherwise.

6. “Why are you so suspicious?”

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This phrase is a classic deflection tactic used to shift the focus away from the person who’s being questioned. When someone asks,”why are you so suspicious?” they’re trying to turn the tables on you, making you feel like you’re the one with the problem. It’s a way of avoiding accountability and deflecting blame. Don’t let this tactic deter you from looking for the truth. If you have legitimate concerns, it’s important to voice them, even if someone tries to make you feel like you’re being paranoid.

7. “I was just joking.”

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Humour can be a great way to defuse tension and connect with people, but it can also be used to mask uncomfortable truths. When someone uses the phrase “I was just joking” after making a potentially hurtful or revealing remark, it can be a way of backpedalling and avoiding accountability. While it’s important not to take everything too seriously, pay attention to the underlying message behind the joke. Is it a playful jab, or a veiled insult? Does it reveal something they wouldn’t normally say out loud? It’s up to you to decide if their “joke” is truly harmless or a sign of something deeper.

8. “You wouldn’t understand.”

Ekaterina Pereslavtseva

This phrase is often used to shut down a conversation and create distance. When someone tells you “you wouldn’t understand,” they’re essentially saying that you’re incapable of comprehending their perspective or experiences. It can be a way of hiding information, avoiding vulnerability, or maintaining power. Don’t let this phrase deter you from trying to reach a bit of an understanding. Ask follow-up questions, express your willingness to listen, and try to bridge the gap in communication. If they’re genuinely unwilling to share, it might be a sign that they’re hiding something they don’t want you to know.

9. “It’s for your own good.”


This phrase is often used to justify actions or decisions that might not be in your best interest. When someone tells you “it’s for your own good,” they’re essentially saying that they know what’s best for you, even if you disagree. It can be a manipulative tactic to control your behaviour, make you feel guilty for questioning their motives, or keep you from making your own choices. While it’s possible that they genuinely have your best interests at heart, it’s important to consider their motives and not blindly accept their decisions without understanding the reasoning behind them.

10. “I’m not mad.”


When someone insists they’re “not mad” after a disagreement or tense situation, it can be a sign that they’re suppressing their true feelings. They might be trying to avoid conflict, maintain a facade of control, or manipulate you into thinking that everything is okay when it’s not. Pay attention to their body language and tone of voice, as these can often reveal their true emotions. If their words and actions don’t align, it’s worth exploring the underlying issue rather than brushing it under the rug.

11. “I’ll tell you later.”

Valerii Honcharuk

This phrase is often used to delay sharing information or answering a question. When someone says, “I’ll tell you later,” it can be a way of buying time to come up with a plausible explanation, avoid an uncomfortable conversation, or simply control the flow of information. While there might be valid reasons for delaying a disclosure, it’s important to pay attention to how often this phrase is used and in what context. If it becomes a pattern, it might be a sign that they’re hiding something they don’t want you to know.

12. “You’re imagining things.”

© Eugenio Marongiu

This phrase is often used to gaslight and invalidate someone’s experiences. When someone tells you “you’re imagining things,” they’re essentially saying that your perception of reality is flawed or inaccurate. This can be a manipulative tactic to make you doubt yourself and question your sanity. It’s important to trust your instincts and not let someone dismiss your feelings or experiences outright. If you feel like something is off, it’s worth investigating further, even if other people try to tell you otherwise.

13. “It’s just a hunch.”

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When someone uses the phrase “it’s just a hunch” to justify an accusation or suspicion, it can be a way of avoiding accountability and deflecting responsibility. It’s like a get-out-of-jail-free card that allows them to voice their suspicions without providing evidence or taking ownership of their claims. While hunches can sometimes be helpful, it’s important to distinguish them from baseless accusations or projections. Don’t let someone use this phrase to manipulate you or sow seeds of doubt without concrete evidence.

14. “I don’t want to hurt your feelings.”

Envato Elements

This phrase is often used as a preface to a potentially hurtful or difficult truth. While it might seem like a considerate gesture, it can also be a manipulative tactic to soften the blow, make you feel guilty for questioning their motives, or avoid taking responsibility for their actions. Pay attention to the context and their delivery. Are they genuinely concerned about your feelings, or are they using this phrase as a shield to protect themselves from criticism?

15. “Let me handle it.”

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This phrase is often used to assert control and dominance. When someone tells you “let me handle it,” they’re essentially saying that they’re taking charge and you should step aside. It can be a way of shutting you out, preventing you from getting involved, or keeping information from you. While it might be helpful in some situations, it can also be a red flag if it’s used repeatedly to exclude you from decision-making or important discussions. Don’t be afraid to assert yourself and ask for transparency if you feel like you’re being left in the dark.

16. “Trust me.”

Juri Pozzi

While trust is a fundamental aspect of any healthy relationship, blindly following someone’s lead without understanding their motives can be dangerous. When someone tells you “trust me,” it’s important to consider their track record and whether their actions align with their words. It’s not about being suspicious or distrustful, but rather about exercising healthy scepticism and protecting yourself from potential harm. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or for clarification, and make your own decisions based on the information available to you.