16 Sentences That Scream “I’m a Gossip”

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Whether it’s a whisper in a crowded room or a hushed phone call, there’s something undeniably thrilling about gossip.

It’s like a secret language, a way of bonding with people over shared knowledge. But what happens when gossip becomes your go-to conversation starter? Are you merely a casual conversationalist or a full-fledged gossip? Let’s explore some telltale phrases that might reveal your gossipy tendencies.

1. “I probably shouldn’t say this, but…”

Envato Elements

This classic disclaimer is a common opener for juicy tidbits. It’s a way to share something exciting while pretending to be reluctant. However, if you find yourself constantly using this phrase, it might indicate that you enjoy the thrill of divulging confidential information.

2. “Have you heard about…”

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This question is a classic way to initiate a gossip session. It’s a way to gauge whether the other person is already in the know or if you have some exclusive information to share. If you’re always the one with the latest scoop, it’s worth considering if you’re actively looking for gossip or if it just naturally gravitates towards you.

3. “Don’t tell anyone, but…”

Envato Elements

This phrase is like a magic spell, binding the listener to secrecy. It creates a sense of exclusivity and makes the information feel even more valuable. If you regularly use this phrase, it suggests you might enjoy the power dynamics involved in gossip, where you hold the key to privileged knowledge.

4. “Between you and me…”

Envato Elements

This phrase implies a special bond between the speaker and listener, creating an illusion of intimacy. It’s a way to share confidential information while reinforcing a sense of trust. If you find yourself relying on this phrase, it might indicate that you enjoy the feeling of being in a privileged inner circle.

5. “I heard from a reliable source…”

Envato Elements

This statement adds a layer of credibility to the gossip, even if the source is questionable. It’s a way to distance yourself from any potential backlash while still sharing the information. If you frequently invoke “reliable sources,” it might reveal a desire to be seen as knowledgeable and in the know.

6. “Just saying…”

Ekaterina Pereslavtseva

This seemingly harmless phrase is often used to soften the blow of a potentially hurtful comment. It’s a way to express an opinion without taking full responsibility for it. If you find yourself tacking on “just saying” to your statements, it might indicate a tendency to make snide remarks while maintaining a facade of innocence.

7. “No judgment, but…”

Envato Elements

This phrase is often used as a disclaimer before making a judgmental comment. It’s a way to acknowledge the potential for criticism while still expressing your opinion. If you regularly use this phrase, it might reveal a tendency to engage in gossip while pretending to be above it.

8. “This is just my opinion, but…”

Envato Elements

This phrase is a way to preface a potentially controversial opinion while maintaining a degree of deniability. It’s a way to express your thoughts without fully committing to them. If you frequently use this phrase, it might indicate a tendency to gossip while trying to avoid any potential repercussions.

9. “Well, well, well…”

Javier Sánchez Mingorance

This playful phrase often precedes a juicy revelation, implying that the speaker has stumbled upon something interesting. It’s a way to build anticipation and create a sense of drama. If you find yourself using this phrase frequently, it might suggest that you enjoy the theatrical aspect of gossip.

10. “I’m not one to gossip, but…”

Valerii Honcharuk

This disclaimer is a classic way to introduce a gossipy comment while denying any personal responsibility. It’s a way to indulge in gossip while maintaining a facade of moral superiority. If you find yourself regularly using this phrase, it might indicate a subconscious awareness of your gossipy tendencies.

11. “I know this is hearsay, but…”

Juri Pozzi

This phrase acknowledges the potentially unreliable nature of the information while still sharing it. It’s a way to spread rumours without fully committing to their accuracy. If you find yourself frequently using this phrase, it might reveal a tendency to prioritise the thrill of gossip over the truth.

12. “You didn’t hear this from me…”

© Eugenio Marongiu

This phrase is like a wink and a nudge, implying that the information is confidential and shouldn’t be repeated. It’s a way to create a sense of complicity between the speaker and listener. If you find yourself regularly using this phrase, it might indicate a desire to be seen as a trusted confidant.

13. “I couldn’t help but notice…”


This phrase is often used to preface a comment about someone’s appearance, behaviour, or personal life. It’s a way to express an observation while pretending it was unintentional. If you find yourself regularly using this phrase, it might reveal a tendency to make unsolicited remarks about people.

14. “I’m just curious…”

Envato Elements

This seemingly innocent phrase is often used to pry into someone’s personal affairs. It’s a way to ask nosy questions while maintaining a facade of polite interest. If you find yourself regularly using this phrase, it might indicate a tendency to overstep boundaries in pursuit of gossip.

15. “Is it just me, or…”

Envato Elements

This phrase is a way to introduce a potentially controversial opinion while gauging the listener’s reaction. It’s a way to test the waters before fully committing to a judgmental comment. If you find yourself regularly using this phrase, it might reveal a tendency to engage in gossip while seeking validation from other people.

16. “I’m not trying to start any drama, but…”

Adrian Exposito Ruiz

This disclaimer is often used before dropping a bombshell or sharing a controversial opinion. It’s a way to instigate conflict while pretending to be innocent. If you find yourself regularly using this phrase, it might indicate a tendency to enjoy the drama and chaos that gossip can create.