We all tell little white lies from time to time, but there are some silly fibs that we’re all guilty of, yet would never admit to.

These are the kind of lies we tell ourselves and other people, often with a wink and a nudge, knowing full well that they’re not entirely true. The good thing is, they’re mostly harmless.
1. “I’m on my way.”

We’ve all been there. You’re running late, but you don’t want to admit it. So, you text your friend “I’m on my way!” even though you’re still in your pyjamas, brushing your teeth. It’s a classic lie we tell to avoid the wrath of an impatient friend, hoping they won’t notice the extra 15 minutes you’ll actually take to arrive.
2. “I read the terms and conditions.”

Let’s be honest, who actually reads those endless pages of legal jargon? We mindlessly click “agree” without giving it a second thought. It’s a lie we tell to avoid the tedium of reading fine print, trusting that nothing too outrageous is hidden in those paragraphs.
3. “I totally forgot about your birthday.”

Oops! Sometimes, birthdays slip our minds. But instead of admitting our forgetfulness, we concoct a story about being swamped with work, losing our phone, or some other elaborate excuse. It’s a lie we tell to avoid hurting our friend’s feelings, even though a simple “I’m so sorry, I completely forgot” would probably suffice.
4. “I’m fine.”

This is the universal lie for when we’re feeling anything but fine. Whether we’re sad, angry, or stressed, we often default to “I’m fine” to avoid burdening people with our problems. It’s a way to maintain a facade of composure, even when our emotions are bubbling just beneath the surface.
5. “I’m not really a sweets person.”

Oh, come on! We all have a secret stash of chocolate or a weakness for a certain dessert. But sometimes, we pretend to be indifferent to sweets to avoid appearing indulgent or to spare ourselves the temptation. It’s a lie we tell ourselves as much as anyone else, but deep down, we know the truth.
6. “I’m not competitive at all.”

We all have a competitive streak, even if we don’t like to admit it. Whether it’s a board game with friends, a sports match, or even just trying to outdo ourselves, we all crave that feeling of victory. But sometimes, we downplay our competitive nature to avoid appearing overly aggressive or to maintain a facade of modesty.
7. “I’m not afraid of anything.”

Everyone has fears, whether it’s spiders, heights, or public speaking. But sometimes, we pretend to be fearless to impress people or to avoid appearing weak. It’s a lie we tell to project an image of bravery, even though deep down, we might be trembling in our boots.
8. “I don’t stalk people on social media.”

Come on, we’ve all done it! We’ve all scrolled through someone’s Instagram feed or checked their Facebook profile to see what they’re up to. But when confronted, we deny it vehemently, claiming we were just “casually browsing” or “happened to stumble upon” their page. It’s a lie we tell to avoid the stigma of being a social media stalker, even though we’re all guilty of it from time to time.
9. “I’m not that hungry.”

We’ve all uttered this lie when offered a second helping, even though our stomachs are rumbling with anticipation. It’s a way to appear polite or health-conscious, even when we’re secretly craving another slice of pizza or a second scoop of ice cream. But let’s be real, when the food is good, resistance is futile.
10. “I’m not jealous.”

Whether it’s a friend’s new job, a sibling’s holiday, or a colleague’s promotion, we often pretend not to be jealous when, deep down, we’re green with envy. It’s a way to maintain a facade of contentment and avoid appearing petty or insecure. But let’s face it, a little healthy envy can be a motivating force.
11. “I’m a great cook.”

Sure, we might be able to whip up a decent meal now and then, but let’s not kid ourselves – we’re not all culinary geniuses. Sometimes, we exaggerate our cooking skills to impress people or to avoid admitting that we rely on takeaway more often than we’d like. But hey, there’s no shame in admitting that you’re not a master chef.
12. “I’m not addicted to my phone.”

In this digital age, most of us are glued to our phones. We mindlessly scroll through social media, check our emails obsessively, and panic when we misplace our devices. But when questioned about our phone habits, we often downplay our dependence, claiming we can easily go without it. It’s a lie we tell to avoid admitting that our phones have become an extension of ourselves.
13. “I’m totally over my ex.”

Breakups can be tough, and it takes time to heal. But sometimes, we pretend to be completely over our ex, even when we’re still secretly checking their social media or reminiscing about the good times. It’s a way to protect ourselves from vulnerability and avoid admitting that we still have feelings for them.
14. “I’m a morning person.”

This is a lie that many of us tell ourselves, hoping that if we say it enough, it might become true. But the reality is, most of us are not natural early risers. We hit the snooze button repeatedly, stumble through our morning routines, and long for a few extra hours of sleep. But hey, there’s no shame in being a night owl.
15. “I’m always organised.”

We all strive to be organised, but let’s be honest – most of us have messy desks, overflowing closets, and chaotic schedules. But sometimes, we pretend to have it all together to project an image of competence and control. It’s a lie we tell to avoid admitting that we’re just as human and fallible as everyone else.