This Is How Strong Women Deal With Narcissists

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Dealing with a narcissist can feel like navigating a minefield of manipulation and mind games.

But their tactics do not easily sway strong women. They have a resilience and inner strength that allows them to stand their ground and protect their emotional well-being. If you’re looking for some inspiration on how to handle the narcissists in your life, here are some things strong women do to keep their sanity and avoid falling for narcissists’ tricks.

1. They establish and enforce clear boundaries.

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Strong women understand the importance of setting clear boundaries with narcissists. They define what they will and won’t tolerate, both in terms of behaviour and communication. They aren’t afraid to say “no” to unreasonable requests or to walk away from situations that feel toxic or draining. They know that maintaining their boundaries is crucial for protecting their self-esteem and emotional well-being.

2. They don’t engage in their mind games.

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Narcissists thrive on drama and conflict. They love to manipulate, gaslight, and provoke reactions from those around them. Strong women refuse to play into their hands. They don’t get sucked into their mind games, refuse to take their bait, and maintain their composure even when provoked. They know that engaging in their drama only fuels the narcissist’s ego and depletes their own energy.

3. They focus on their own needs and well-being.

Liubomyr Vorona

Narcissists are notorious for being self-centred and demanding. They often prioritise their own needs and desires above everyone else’s. Strong women, on the other hand, understand the importance of self-care and prioritise their own well-being. They make time for activities that nourish their mind, body, and soul, and they don’t allow the narcissist’s demands to dictate their lives.

4. They don’t take their criticism personally.

Yuri Arcurs

Narcissists are masters of criticism and put-downs. They’ll often try to undermine your confidence and make you doubt yourself. Strong women don’t internalise their negative words or allow them to define their self-worth. They recognise that the narcissist’s criticism is more of a reflection of their own insecurities than a genuine assessment of your character.

5. They surround themselves with positive and supportive people.

Envato Elements

Strong women know the importance of a strong support system. They surround themselves with friends, family, and loved ones who uplift them, encourage them, and remind them of their worth. They seek out positive relationships that nourish their souls and avoid toxic people who drain their energy. Having a strong network of support helps them stay grounded and resilient in the face of narcissistic manipulation.

6. They focus on the facts, not the drama.

Photographer: Dragos Condrea

Narcissists are notorious for twisting the truth and creating drama to serve their own agendas. Strong women don’t get caught up in the emotional whirlwind. They focus on the facts, stick to the truth, and refuse to be manipulated by the narcissist’s distortions. They maintain a calm and rational approach, even when the narcissist is trying to provoke a reaction.

7. They don’t try to change or fix them.

Envato Elements

One of the most frustrating things about dealing with a narcissist is that they rarely change. Strong women understand this and don’t waste their time trying to fix or change them. They accept the narcissist for who they are, flaws and all. They might try to set boundaries and communicate their needs, but they don’t expect the narcissist to magically transform into a different person.

8. They walk away when necessary.

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Sometimes, the healthiest thing a strong woman can do is walk away from a narcissistic relationship. They know that staying in a toxic situation will only drain their energy and damage their self-esteem. They have the courage to cut ties, even if it’s painful, and move on to healthier and happier relationships. They prioritise their own well-being and refuse to be held hostage by the narcissist’s manipulative tactics.

9. They maintain their composure and emotional distance.

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Narcissists love to provoke emotional reactions, feeding off the energy and attention it brings them. Strong women refuse to give them the satisfaction. They maintain their composure, refuse to get sucked into their drama, and remain emotionally detached. They understand that reacting emotionally only gives the narcissist more power and control.

10. They prioritise self-care and healing.

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Dealing with a narcissist can be incredibly draining and emotionally taxing. Strong women understand the importance of self-care and make it a priority. They engage in activities that nourish their mind, body, and spirit. They might practice yoga, meditation, spend time in nature, or simply indulge in activities that bring them joy. By prioritising their own well-being, they build resilience and protect themselves from the narcissist’s toxic energy.

11. They don’t seek revenge or retaliation.

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While it might be tempting to get even with a narcissist, strong women know that revenge is a dish best not served. They understand that stooping to the narcissist’s level only perpetuates the cycle of negativity and drama. Instead, they focus on their own healing and growth, leaving the narcissist to deal with their own consequences.

12. They learn from the experience and move on.

Ekaterina Pereslavtseva

While dealing with a narcissist can be painful, strong women view it as a learning experience. They reflect on the situation, identify the red flags they missed, and learn valuable lessons about boundaries, self-worth, and healthy relationships. They don’t let the experience define them, but rather use it as a catalyst for growth and self-discovery. They emerge from the experience stronger, wiser, and more resilient.

13. They set a positive example for people.

Envato Elements

Strong women who have dealt with narcissists often become beacons of hope and inspiration for other people. By sharing their stories and experiences, they empower people to recognise and escape toxic relationships. They demonstrate that it’s possible to overcome adversity, reclaim your power, and build a life filled with love, joy, and authenticity.

14. They refuse to be defined by the experience.

Seva Levytskyi

Being involved with a narcissist can be a traumatic experience, but strong women refuse to let it define them. They don’t allow the narcissist’s behaviour to diminish their self-worth or tarnish their sense of identity. They reclaim their power, embrace their strengths, and move forward with confidence and grace.

15. They forgive themselves for any mistakes they made.

Unai Huizi

It’s common for people who have been involved with narcissists to blame themselves for the toxic dynamics of the relationship. Strong women learn to forgive themselves for any mistakes they made, recognising that they were likely manipulated and deceived. They understand that healing and growth involve self-compassion and acceptance, not self-blame.