14 Under-the-Radar Signs You’re Being Gaslit Without Knowing It


While the term gaslighting may only have started to gain traction in the past few years, the concept has been the hallmark of manipulative and toxic people for years. If someone tries to make you doubt yourself and your experiences, they’re gaslighting you. The trouble is that it’s not always easy to spot, which is why you need to keep your eyes peeled for these signs it’s happening to you.

1. They blatantly lie to your face.

couple standing against a wallSource: Unsplash

The gaslighter tells you things that you know for a fact aren’t true. This is not a mistake or misunderstanding; they deliberately lie to create a new reality for you, one where they can manipulate your thoughts and actions, Psychology Today explains. This behaviour is a major red flag and a classic gaslighting technique. The minute you see it happening, get out as soon as possible.

2. They dismiss your evidence.

unhappy coupleSource: Unsplash

Even when you confront them with concrete evidence of their lies, the gaslighter will outright deny their words or actions. This constant denial is designed to make you question the validity of your proof, and over time, your perception of events and how they played out. It’s their way of maintaining control over your reality.

3. They use your weaknesses against you.

unhappy couple fightSource: Unsplash

The gaslighter has a pretty solid understanding of your insecurities and will use them as weapons against you. By exploiting your weaknesses, they can make you feel inferior and more susceptible to their manipulation. This is a calculated move to keep you in a state of self-doubt.

4. Their actions don’t match their words. 

unhappy coupleSource: Unsplash

The gaslighter’s words often sound convincing, but their actions tell a different story. This discrepancy is intended to confuse you, making it harder for you to figure out the truth. It’s a deliberate tactic to keep you confused and uncertain about what to believe, meaning they’re more likely to get away with their bad behaviour for longer.

5. They always make passive-aggressive comments. 

coupleSource: Unsplash

The gaslighter will often make seemingly innocent comments that leave you feeling uncomfortable or insecure. It’s not accidental, sadly — these remarks are designed to undermine your self-esteem and make you more reliant on the gaslighter for validation. Perhaps unsurprisingly, this subtle form of manipulation can be very damaging over time.

6. They alternate between lies and praise. 

unhappy coupleSource: Unsplash

To keep you off balance, the gaslighter will alternate between telling lies about you and complimenting you. This unpredictable behaviour can make you feel grateful for their “good moments,” which then makes you feel more attached to them. This cycle of abuse and affection is a common tactic used by gaslighters, and it’s one of the most disorienting.

7. They accuse you of the things they’re guilty of.

sad couple in bedSource: Unsplash

In a classic case of projection, the gaslighter will accuse you of the very things they’ve been doing, CNBC warns. If they’ve cheated on you, suddenly you’re the one being unfaithful; if they still have feelings for their ex, you’re suddenly not over yours. They might even accuse you of gaslighting them! This not only diverts attention from their actions but also ties you up in defending yourself. It’s a manipulative tactic designed to keep you on the defensive.

8. They constantly remind you of your faults.

couple citySource: Unsplash

The gaslighter often brings up your past mistakes or weaknesses to keep you feeling defensive and to pull your attention away from their manipulative behaviour. This constant focus on your shortcomings is intended to distract from their own actions.

9. They make you question your worth.

couple on a benchSource: Unsplash

Through constant criticism and dismissal, the gaslighter will make you question your worth and abilities. This slow but steady process of destroying your self-esteem makes you more dependent on them, which in turn strengthens their control over you. This systematic undermining of your self-worth is a powerful tool in the gaslighter’s arsenal.

10. They twist your words.

unhappy womanSource: Unsplash

The gaslighter will take what you’ve said and twist it to fit their narrative. They do this to discredit you, confuse you, and make you doubt your memory or judgment. This distortion of your words is a manipulative strategy to make you question your sanity. Sadly, it tends to work on a lot of people.

11. They constantly criticize you.

unhappy coupleSource: Unsplash

The gaslighter will frequently tear you down, either subtly or overtly. This constant criticism is designed to destroy your self-confidence and make you feel powerless. They hope that by being relentlessly negative, it will eventually break down your resilience and make you more susceptible to their control.

12. They dismiss your feelings.

unhappy coupleSource: Unsplash

The gaslighter may accuse you of being “too sensitive,” “hysterical,” or “overly emotional” when you express your feelings or reactions. This dismissive attitude invalidates your emotions and can make you hesitant to express your feelings in the future. It’s a cruel form of control, meant to silence your voice and invalidate your experiences.

13. They challenge your perceptions.

unhappy woman sad drinkingSource: Unsplash

The gaslighter persistently challenges your perception of situations, making you feel like you can’t trust your own judgment. They might say things like, “You’re imagining things,” or “That’s not how it happened.” This consistent questioning of your reality is intended to make you doubt your own experiences and memories, leaving you reliant on the gaslighter’s version of events. Over time, this can lead to a sense of helplessness and dependency on the gaslighter to define your reality.

14. They isolate you from friends and family.

unhappy sad coupleSource: Unsplash

The gaslighter often tries to isolate you from the people around you, either physically or emotionally. They may sow seeds of doubt about the intentions of your loved ones or create scenarios that lead to conflict. By driving a wedge between you and your support network, the gaslighter ensures that you’re more dependent on them and less likely to seek outside help. This isolation can make it significantly harder for you to recognize the gaslighting and seek the support you need to break free.