18 Subtle Clues That Could Expose An Unfaithful Partner

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We’d all like to think our relationships are rock solid and our partner would never cheat on us.

While that’s hopefully the case, there really are no guarantees when it comes to fidelity. But how do you know if your partner is being less than faithful? Look for these signs.

1. Their phone habits become secretive.

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If your partner suddenly starts guarding their phone like a state secret, it could be a red flag. They might turn their screen away when you’re around, change their passwords frequently, or receive a flurry of texts they’re not eager to share. While everyone deserves privacy, a sudden increase in secrecy can be a cause for concern.

2. They have unexplained absences or late nights.


Work commitments can sometimes lead to late nights, but if these become more frequent or your partner offers vague excuses, it’s worth paying attention. Similarly, unexplained absences, especially if they coincide with suspicious behaviour like hiding their phone, could indicate they’re spending time with someone else.

3. Their appearance changes drastically.


Have they suddenly started hitting the gym, getting haircuts more often, or paying extra attention to their outfits? While self-improvement is admirable, a drastic change in appearance, especially if it coincides with other suspicious signs, could be an attempt to impress someone new.

4. They become emotionally distant.

Liubomyr Vorona

Emotional intimacy is a cornerstone of any healthy relationship. If your partner starts pulling away, showing less interest in your life, or seems emotionally unavailable, it could be a sign that their affections are invested elsewhere. They might become less responsive, avoid physical contact, or seem preoccupied with their thoughts.

5. They’re overly critical or defensive.


A partner who’s cheating might project their guilt onto you, becoming overly critical of your behaviour or appearance. They might also become defensive when questioned about their whereabouts or activities, often resorting to anger or accusations to deflect attention from their own actions.

6. Their social media activity raises eyebrows.

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While social media can be a fun way to connect, it can also provide clues about a cheating partner. Have they started interacting with new people, especially those of the opposite sex? Do they post photos or statuses that seem designed to attract attention? Are they suddenly more secretive about their online activity?

7. Your intuition is telling you something’s off.

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Never underestimate the power of your gut feeling. If something feels amiss in your relationship, even if you can’t pinpoint exactly what it is, it’s worth paying attention. Trust your instincts and don’t dismiss those nagging doubts as mere paranoia. Often, our intuition can pick up on subtle cues that our conscious mind might miss.

8. They start using new phrases or slang.

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Have you noticed your partner using new phrases or slang that they didn’t use before? It’s possible they picked them up from someone new they’ve been spending time with. While this alone might not be a definitive sign, it could be a piece of the puzzle when combined with other red flags.

9. Their spending habits change.

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Unexplained charges on credit card statements, missing cash, or new gifts that you didn’t buy can be signs that your partner is spending money on someone else. They might also become more secretive about their finances, refusing to share information or making excuses for why they can’t account for certain expenses.

10. They avoid physical intimacy.

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A decrease in physical affection can be a sign that your partner’s desires are being met elsewhere. They might make excuses for why they’re not interested in sex, become less affectionate in general, or seem distant during intimate moments. This can be a painful and confusing experience, but it’s important to address it openly and honestly.

11. They suddenly become more interested in their appearance.

Konstantin Postumitenko

While everyone goes through phases of wanting to look their best, a sudden and dramatic increase in attention to appearance could be a red flag. This could include anything from a new haircut and wardrobe to a newfound obsession with working out. If these changes coincide with other suspicious behaviours, it’s worth considering if they’re trying to impress someone new.

12. They have new interests or hobbies.

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Has your partner suddenly developed a passion for a new activity or hobby that they never showed interest in before? They might be exploring these new interests with someone else. While it’s healthy for individuals to have their own passions, a sudden change in interests, especially if it coincides with other warning signs, could be a cause for concern.

13. They act differently around certain people.

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Pay attention to how your partner behaves around specific individuals, particularly those of the opposite sex. Do they become overly flirtatious, secretive, or nervous? These subtle changes in behaviour could indicate that there’s something more going on than meets the eye.

14. They become more protective of their personal space.


If your partner starts guarding their personal space more fiercely, it could be a sign that they’re hiding something. This could manifest as password-protecting their devices, locking their phone, or becoming defensive when you try to access their personal belongings. While everyone deserves privacy, a sudden increase in secrecy can be a cause for alarm.

15. They start talking about someone new frequently.


If your partner frequently mentions a new friend or colleague, especially with excessive enthusiasm or admiration, it could be a sign that they’re developing feelings for this person. Pay attention to how they talk about this individual and whether their interactions seem appropriate or cross the line into emotional infidelity.

16. They have a history of infidelity.

Lian Fei

Past behaviour can often be a predictor of future actions. If your partner has a history of cheating, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks and to approach the relationship with caution. While it’s possible for people to change, it’s also important to protect yourself and to establish clear boundaries.

17. They make excuses for their behaviour.

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A partner who’s cheating will often come up with elaborate excuses to justify their actions. They might blame work, stress, or even you for their behaviour. If you find yourself constantly questioning their explanations or feeling like they’re not being truthful, trust your instincts and don’t be afraid to question them.

18. They accuse you of being paranoid or jealous.

Photographer: Dragos Condrea

This is a classic tactic used by cheaters to deflect attention from their own guilt. By accusing you of being paranoid or jealous, they hope to make you doubt your own perceptions and to make you feel like you’re the one with the problem. However, if your concerns are based on concrete evidence or a gut feeling that something isn’t right, don’t let them gaslight you into dismissing your feelings.